A boy keeps meeting a … The horrifying descriptions of the kraken have made it the subject of numerous works of fiction. Browse full list of Scandinavian fairy tales. Despite their portrayal in movies as being eternally good and just, in Scandinavian folklore they could be either good or wicked. The Kraken was also blamed for many natural occurrences that were later attributed to volcanic activity, such as treacherous currents, the appearance of new atolls and violent bubbling water. There are several tales about how these creatures came into existence. Such stories reflected and helped to sustain those societies’ inherent participation in the more-than-human world. • The Kidnapping of Idun – As a result of further mischief from Loki, the gods almost lose one of their most beloved companions. Imgur. • The Fortification of Asgard – A giant agrees to build a much-needed wall around the gods’ celestial stronghold, but his price is terrible. Their simple lifestyle was one of peace unless they felt threatened in any way, in which case they would respond with savage violence. But while the myths from the Old Norse Eddas and sagas may not be “pure,” they nevertheless contain much that certainly is an authentic product of the Viking Age – and, in any case, they’re all we’ve got today. The body of stories that we today call “Norse mythology” formed one of the centerpieces of the pagan Norse religion. These 10 most famous of the Norse legends evoke images of mighty battles, forces of nature and wicked beings. The most famous tales from Scandinavian folklore are stories of good versus evil and sinister creatures disguised as beautiful mortals. Originating from Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and the Faroe Islands, these epic tales of Norse mythology, originally designed to terrify children, have lasted throughout the ages. All who have seen one report that she has the appearance of a beautiful woman when seen from the front, but from behind she looks like a commonplace hollow tree trunk. In other words, they were more interested in the stories’ existential significance than in fitting them into a doctrinally and chronologically precise framework. A plump pancake manages to escape being eaten by 7 children! Stories generally describe it as a terrifyingly enormous octopus or squid like creature that attacks ships. As one of the most legendary Norse mythology creatures, Kraken has terrified Norwegian sailors for centuries, the Kraken was described as resembling a giant octopus that grows to epic proportions. Norse Fairy Tales Read famous Norse myths and fairy tales – the best Norwegian fairy tales for kids and adults! The Chronicle of the Pancake. • Ragnarok – The gods meet the giants for the final battle that will save or doom the world. Bio; Latest Posts ; Geoff Mead. Legend held that he had flashing eyes, a fierce red beard and was husband to the goddess Sif. © Daniel McCoy 2012-2019. Scandinavian Children’s Stories . The Sly Fox. I’ve also written a popular list of The 10 Best Norse Mythology Books, which you’ll probably find helpful in your pursuit. The devourer of ships, Kraken was the subject of dramatic Norse legends involving disappearing ships, lost sailors and terrifying forces of nature. The … I love travel, good food, new experiences and learning about different cultures. Author: Charles John Tibbitts Published: 1890 Publisher: W. W. Gibbings, London • The Aesir-Vanir War – The two tribes of gods fight the first war that was ever fought. A modern resurgence of popularity, in large part due to recent Hollywood movies, has seen interest in Scandinavian folklore soar. His ability to wield thunder was part of his popularity with the people, as it was believed thunder would frighten away evil trolls. They are epic myths of war, magic, love, betrayal, triumph, and ruin. Loki saves the gods through a scandalously lewd act. This is George Dasent's classic collection of Scandinavian folklore. 10 Creepy Creatures from Scandinavian Folklore. Since the pre-Christian Norse never wrote down their myths – theirs was an almost exclusively oral culture – the primary sources upon which our current knowledge of Norse mythology rests were all written while the Norse were converting to Christianity, or generations thereafter. Loki is often described as being an outcast amongst the gods of Norse mythology, playing the role of trouble maker or partner according to his fluctuating purposes. Scandinavian 165 (Scandinavian Folklore), course by John Lindow, U.C. According to Norse tradition, every family has a nisse living in their barn, which acts as the family’s guardian and fulfils the role played by Santa in western Christmas tradition.