doi: 10.1007/s002530100625, Martinez, J. L., Sánchez, M. B., Martínez-Solano, L., Hernandez, A., Garmendia, L., Fajardo, A., et al. (1963). Phys. Environ. Such dilution-to-extinction series performed in replicates—also known as most-probable-number (MPN) method—revealed a frequent presence of the degradative capacities in natural populations: denitrifying communities in sewage sludge and forest soil yielded 106–107 monoterpene-utilizing cells ml−1, representing 0.7–100% of the total cultivable nitrate-reducing microorganisms (Harder et al., 2000). Taxonomically, these genes affiliated with the genera Pseudomonas, Rahnella, Serratia, and Stenotrophomonas. 78, 2128–2136. doi: 10.1029/2005GL022592, Papadopoulos, C. J., Carson, C. F., Chang, B. J., and Riley, T. V. (2008). van der Werf, M. J., Orru, R. V. A., Overkamp, K. M., Swarts, H. J., Osprian, I., Steinreiber, A., et al. Monoterpene emission rates between 0.3 and 7 g carbon*m−2*yr−1 for the United States—mainly α- and β-pinene, limonene and β-myrcene (Geron et al., 2000)—can support the aerobic growth of 0.15–3.5 g bacteria*m−2*yr−1, assuming 50% of carbon incorporated into biomass. J. Anal. Aust. doi: 10.1007/s00253-010-2644-x, Foss, S., and Harder, J. Details can be found in the risk management scope document, including where to send information during the public comment period, ending May 13, 2020. It is also proposed that the other 10 substances are not harmful to human health at current levels of exposure. doi: 10.1007/BF00058829. Cloning of four genes involved in limonene hydroxylation from Enterobacter cowanii 6L. Chemical substances fact sheets and frequently asked questions, Key health and ecological effects (hazard), Proposed screening assessment conclusions, Ecological Risk Classification of Organic Substances Approach, Acyclic, Monocyclic, and Bicyclic Monoterpenes Group, Screening Assessment for the Rapid Screening of Substances with Limited General Population Exposure, Screening Assessment for Substances Identified as Being of Low Concern using the Ecological Risk Classification of Organic Substances and the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC)-based Approach for Certain Substances, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, International Agency for Research on Cancer, United States National Toxicology Program, two year rolling risk management activities and consultations schedule, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, The Government of Canada conducted a science-based evaluation, called a, More information on assessing risk can be found in the, The ecological hazard and exposure potentials of these substances were classified using the. 8, 353–367. (2002). Acyl-coenzyme-a carboxylases. 65, 2092–2102. J. Microbiol. doi: 10.1007/s00374-010-0442-3, Ishida, T. (2005). We review here the enzymes and their genes together with microorganisms known for a monoterpene metabolism, with a strong focus on microorganisms that are taxonomically validly described and currently available from culture collections. 43, 4022–4028. 79, 3468–3475. J. Biol. doi: 10.1021/cr800190y, Bicas, J. L., Fontanille, P., Pastore, G. M., and Larroche, C. (2008). Mono-, sesqui-, di- and Sesterpenes include the isoprene units associated in a head to tail fashion. You can change or update your cookiesettings at any time. Monocyclic. Environ. Fall, R. R., and Hector, M. L. (1977). Acidic products from ring cleavages have been identified in situ (Rasmussen et al., 2005). doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1989.tb05964.x. Untersuchungen über den bakteriellen Abbau von Isoprenoiden. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-22144-6_122, Trudgill, P. W. (1990). Metabolism of carveol and dihydrocarveol in Rhodococcus erythropolis DCL14. Articles. Microbiol. The most common ring size in monoterpenes is a six-membered ring.
They have as well antioxidant properties, -Terpenes and hydroxytyrosol being among the most efficient. Over the last 50 years, many monoterpene transformations have been reported for microbial cultures, but the biochemical pathways were rarely disclosed. J. Microbiol. Food Sci. Chem. Monoterpenes are not only emitted as cooling substances (Sharkey et al., 2008), but can also be stored intracellularly serving mainly as deterrent or infochemical (Dudareva et al., 2013).