She was a bit shy about it because Jews do not associate with Samaritans. Now this part is what makes it a bit odd. How many chapters are there in the Bible? Methuselah (“man of the dart”) – son of Enoch, grandfather of Noah 9. Abimelech, King of Gerar . The word “Lord” or its equivalent “Jehovah” occurs 7, 698 times in the Old Testament, or to be more exact, the word “Lord” occurs 1,853 times. What makes her story exciting is how she obeyed in what it seems odd advice to her of Prophet Elisha (also known as Man of God). For example, the King James Bible, New International Version Bible (NIV) and … Guess who was remembered by the Wine Server? The woman was completely honest when ask by Jesus admitting she doesn’t have a husband. Then the widow quickly turns to Prophet Elisha for help. She is an example of a profound faith and perseverance. What is the answer for level 23 on prove your logic? While both of these terms refer to individual persons mentioned or described in the Bible, each word brings out a certain emphasis. Jesus = The central character of the Bible who came save all humanity. Comay, Joan, Who's Who in the Old Testament, Oxford University Press, 1971, ISBN 0-19-521029-8 Lockyer, Herbert, All the men of the Bible, Zondervan Publishing House (Grand Rapids, Michigan), 1958 Lockyer, Herbert, All the women of the Bible, Zondervan Publishing 1988, ISBN 0-310-28151-2 Lockyer, Herbert, All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible, Zondervan Publishing 1988, … This Wine Server had a strange dream that he was eager to interpret its meaning. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? Let’s first trace how did Joseph and the Wine Server met. It’s a bit frustrating to Joseph as the Wine Server forgets his promise. One is bad and demanding while the other is good and repentant. Though she was sent away by the disciples, this Canaanite Woman will do everything for her demon possessed daughter to be healed by Jesus. )The other who is the good thief reproached this fellow thief that he should not treat Jesus that way. 30 Bible Translation Projects in Nigeria Suspended Over Terrorism, Pandemic, Jews Lived In Jerusalem Before Islam Existed, Over Half Of US Christians ‘Wrongly’ Believe Their Good Works Will Get Them Into Heaven, List Of Nigerian Praise And Worship Songs, China Turns Churches Into Factories, 'Cultural Centers' To Ensure Christians Can't Meet, The Man Who Accurately Prophesied Trump Presidency, Impeachment, 2nd Term, North Korea, Iran, China Events With Details, Joe Biden Vows To Reverse Trump's Pro-life Policies By Executive Orders, 6 Nigerians Convicted in UAE For Funding Boko Haram, List Of Books In The Bible From Shortest To Longest, List Of Books In The Bible Written By Apostle Paul, List Of Bible Stories In Chronological Order, Joe Biden Vows To Reverse Trump’s Pro-life Policies By Executive Orders, Muslim Radicals Ambush, Kill Pastor After Radio Broadcast.