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�Y���A��'l>6���J�vK� �F�,(�(�~|s�������E� The fat in potato chips, triglyceride, is formed from a condensation, reaction, which is the combination of 3 fatty acids and glycerol, which gives off a. water. ��6���#�a�id�TTs�ЙH
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percent is compared to that given on the package. ����r|�*����d��
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�{�ng���(�CI)^��u�F!V���8A.���Ҝ In part two of the experiment, TLC chromatography was used to separate 3 known homogenous mixtures and 1, unknown homogenous mixtures. dM�n)�ޠ���gHƐI7�\��:�y�. The extracted fat content was collected into a pre-weighed collection bottle vial. TLC can be used to identify the unknown, substance by comparing the polarities of the separations in the unknown substance. �*�DG�I=/B��|��F�9�Ċ�^� s��/�#g6+���'k�{�:�,*�8%c(���.�`@ Extraction of Fat from Animal Feed Products using a Waters MV-10 ASFE System 2. The crude fat laboratory methods are “defining” or “empirical” methods. ��m^���[U�Ҏ�i�WP�#T�7G�������0����DuqpZ�Qߢ�s�*�z�h T cr�ĘZ7�;/��L�(_�ܴ�6�:!���Afe�!m :�ƃB��%��n=y��8�]��h���
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Technical Support. and is not specific for the extraction of lipid material. The crude fat fraction is defined by the solvent and the extraction conditions (time, temperature, particle size, ratio of solvent to test portion, etc.) For each ASE experiment, approximately 3 g of finely ground animal feed were loaded into a 10-mL extraction cell. DNA is the material that forms chromosomes and is … After the solvent in the extract was removed, In order to separate the fat component of potato chips, hexane must be used, as hexane is similar to triglyceride, since they are both nonpolar. 7�WvM͢���S��*0� The goal of this experiment was to demonstrate, concepts of organic chemistry by separating homogenous mixtures with thin, layer chromatography and by separating the fat component from potato chips by. to the polarities of the known, pure substance. Price: $20,500.00: Quantity . All the fat can be removed from milk by extraction with petroleum ether or a similar organic solvent. In part one of the experiment, the goal is to extract fat from baked and regular, potato chips. It is possible that the extraction time was not long enough to gain a complete fat extraction from the low fat sample. \��H:�qi�f��s�u�����A!=�j��a���ΔNf���d�Hb�����2� K%~��~�D2|��z~�ɔ�j��w�-���I�����e�%S����g�ٷ�f��DGc������6.