We pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures; and to Elders both past and present. {>�����N��h�9xCo�u i��7N��� _��[����Z�`�GI�Wd����]*=����\��. 0000002835 00000 n 0000003297 00000 n h�bbd``b`��� �ĭL�@��:�x�����Ud100$�~�n�>�\$���� pP &"0�J|W�� 0000001105 00000 n A strong public education system is the cornerstone of every successful society. h�b```b``qg`f``���ˀ �,`ȡ����Ҋ�U��,�i���?InJߢ�zr��+�e��X4e�F�����za��) ��&i�VOba`ؽ�CۊI��,}ۖ���A��&q2++�*0.�2\�T2#���$����� , XPhG2WY� ��2�10y�i`�3p��4���1�g�8�����F��2K�O��^�opDq^ҍ��-@����8����5 -��0a�'�CT1� N~[ Teachers performing satisfactory teaching service receive an annual increment each year until they reach Level 2.9. 0 Eligibility All permanent employees are eligible to apply for the deferred salary arrangement as provided for in relevant awards and agreements. 0000003874 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� 66��Q� }�Ԋ��H,J��-�Z����2�6$�$'U���14�U�P�U!�3��U��h�K�!XMDd�������������A�~��{~H>T�����:3S4e ;�+� 0000004532 00000 n 0000002078 00000 n H���]O�0���+�%��s�m#�4� hޔ�ێ�6�_��Ʌw�3 d�ݭ�Z��aƝx/�� �,��"y �w�(OOS.q���T�,~�YTW(V0� The standards for entry, relating to tattoos, are continually reviewed, with amendments made to the Western Australia Police Force Commissioner’s Uniform and Appearance Manual as required. trailer <<4a184fc096b6d94b99a4ca7a85fd9eaa>]>> The College will pay the deferred annual salary to the employee in fortnightly installments during the fifth year in the normal pay cycle. Staff wishing to apply for this scheme must apply to the Manager of Staffing and Human Resources in writing. �� ��]��j�� 3#�+�� �D�� �1����kb -���x1>���Bce�����2ɗ�8 K_Ϥ����Hi���L��o-����%���k ~0�f��6'(�ŀ� ��� ���)� �;�5ͼ� ���AvD @� �=� %PDF-1.6 %���� The H��W]o۸}p��XI}�h�v��%�D� �>�����nR$�v3��숎�6-�Բd�s8g������˫-�����n/�>mޓ����Bގ'���EZA@��[��P�ھ��#��Y!�]�a����_6d|��|��#cU~[^~����^�ސ��L#r2Q'�,"�Ed���x^�����X)�P�>��l˶)'����F(\2bÿꪉɳf�o�:�ȉ Co �|�����+�/o��+~^���7��o��{�? Z:^�V�k�Z��!�3�y�����T{�W��4Zql��������i�T�c�e0��L��*c�aT )���\́�.��B��)V1]�܃p�9��hEta�Z`bL��z��ø�`Z�l�G�#ހ�ֱ���?N��@�ļ�tk�u�qe@bx�A����"r`�2�'z��x ���}a�1�W�R��kfT\��QQ)$րl9fL�B[ 4�l��/ F�� -�����7��� 77��O�?-K�`�M�~�d������f�������T�tz���c�|��~���w���C`����l��p�Ta,�C�( Employee share schemes. %%EOF 0000007360 00000 n Except as provided in Clause 10 – Senior Nurses Work Value Assessment, it is a condition of No a deferred salary scheme; free or subsidised housing in when working in regional locations. With some minor exceptions such as ADOs for part time nurses and the deferred salary scheme, allowances and entitlements will be backdated to 02 May 2001. ���#0�fj�]_��N��0 �&ˮ%���u3�f@b�8GG����ml�6�d���u׆��4�3ê�m����J�:1��n\�Y� �6��%��谋�����狀��u�x� �6�%`��`,U�/0����4�6a�f���M�Ss���:=l�ϲ �6��@E���*��(��}�nU)�`�4.A�fu��u�A _�����ûE�E�Q(��n�@Y﵎��%0�,�����W�9�)�`�ܾ�$v�]��D�%�Q$�{�ʮ��N�%�Z�*�.��{ʪPtm�H]RO@�fZA�'�q�j�2���8.h� �.K�'�t�/�.Ƕ��F�K���X�Av��%�(�G8ϖ�ٰ��G����&'!�g ��&�a�y�� W��FF�K��� �>��'E��4��:���8���~�����М�I���Ӂ? qQ ��]WQ�2��hH���4�������O��ڮn��Z�n�pyy5��f+�����n���֯i�[Ǯ"�bDB���/ �L�״�!���s���W. Teacher Housing Scheme Revised : January 2014 5 Please Initial Here: 4.7 Deferred Salary Scheme Isolated, Remote and Town Locations A teacher who participates in the Deferred Salary Scheme and undertakes a year of leave in the fifth year of the scheme is on self-funded leave without pay and is therefore not eligible for housing assistance. (iv) Deferred salary scheme liabilities have been classified as current where there is no unconditional right to defer settlement for at least 12 months after the end of the reporting period. I*��HEL*R���� ���r�9G0wP/����X�:Ky���d2,��)�%�o����g��֔;��eX���|�O��3I�����c\�h(o��,�5�bJ$d��W��M�P�1��]~�������@�C3���n��l�k�Ϯ�7Fg1Y�J�M�~�u�A�Zƭcߺ&��X���S��X������cGՙ����}��Q�z, =�HO�GҸ��ѳ��+i��C��+i���+i���+i����x���o��xv���OB�F�ָ�������1���z�5lV3{�.^�0[σ?�g���R,��vܚő���f�Z�͂��!�˧�������� ������&� D��� We offer teaching salaries among the highest in Australia.   0000006366 00000 n ���i7�&எ. 0000003057 00000 n The Government of Western Australia acknowledges the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community. 540 0 obj<> endobj Was this helpful? We provide high quality education for children and young people throughout Western Australia, helping them reach their full … 0 0000001729 00000 n 0 endstream endobj 563 0 obj<>/W[1 1 1]/Type/XRef/Index[29 511]>>stream