Equations displayed for easy reference. pₒ = pₒ ± ½.v².ρₒ {use '+' if the direction of movement is towards the fan and '-' if it is moving away from the fan}, Velocity Pressure; is the pressure generated by the gas moving through the fan, Discharge Pressure; is the sum of the velocity pressure and the difference between the outlet pressure and the inlet pressure (Fig 2), Static Pressure; is the maximum of the inlet and outlet pressures, Pressure Head; is the head generated by the discharge pressure at the outlet side of the fan, The shape of your blades and the direction they travel will define the performance characteristics of your fan. Such impellers provide greater flow rates but reduced pressure potential, Centrifugal fans are normally fitted with impeller aspect ratios greater than 0.5, Axial fans are normally fitted with impeller aspect ratios less than 0.5 (where flow is of greater importance than pressure). F = Temperature, degrees F; Fans will not generate a result for forward facing configurations with insufficient blades. Fluids Design and Engineering Data, Velocity of Escaping Compressed Air Equation and Calculator. Efficiency varies slightly with impeller diameters (Øᵢ and Øₒ) and operating speed (N) but not with fan length (ℓ). Air velocity (distance traveled per unit of time) is usually expressed in Linear Feet per Minute (LFM). Shock (Lˢ): The air entering a centrifugal impeller changes direction from v₁ᵢ to vᵢ producing a shock load on the blade. g is the acceleration due to gravity. The minor differences are due to the lack of information available, such as blade angles and atmospheric properties, in the data-sheet concerned. Topics: Like all theories it requires you to follow a few basic rules. apart, and cover the gap with the paper. Whilst a fan's efficiency is not the only consideration for a designer, performance being his/her primary concern, it should not be ignored. Includes 53 different calculations. pₒ = 103858N/m²). 3 Blades: Excellent for impellers with small aspect ratio (e.g. All Rights Reserved. One normal axial fan operating at maximum efficiency can achieve a velocity pressure (pᵥ) of up to 0.5psi (≈3,500N/m²). For a gas such as air at known temperature and pressure, the density can be calculated using the ideal gas law. I.e. Maritime Optimum efficiencies (head and isentropic) generally occur when inlet and outlet blade tips are set at angles around 45°. ; You should use 89.5° or 90.5° for such an angle. CalQlata recommends that final design calculations should be made on the basis of specifications and procedures recommended by your selected supplier. impeller width: w = 0.0616 {m} Therefore, the cross-sectional area of the inlet diffuser should be no less than that of the impeller blade inlet. About Us, Custom Product Solution it is entirely up to you as to how many blades you use in your impeller. 6 Blades: Losses from increased skin friction and mass begin to exceed airflow gains Copyright © 2020 Setra Systems. Air Velocity Results . Calculate Air Velocity. Averaging pitot tubes have been developed that sense the velocity head at several points along the cross-section of the air pipe or duct and deliver a differential pressure that more accurately reflects the average velocity profile. The density can be found from standard tables if the temperature and the pressure are known. Volume flow … Air velocity is a function of air density and differential pressure, but determining air flow requires that the geometry of the piping be taken into account.