I take it during the week, and I have no problems with headaches or loss of appetite, and it helps wake me up and keep me up. I have a hard time concentrated and staying on task. When we were in the psychiatrist’s office, I found myself checking off all of the inattention items on the list when my son was given the verbal diagnostic for ADHD. Select one or more newsletters to continue. It takes me 3x longer to get out of the house. So my overall take is good. Eat prior to ingesting because you won't eat later. Glad to hear things are going well. As a woman that IS my miracle lol. My desk and my exam rooms just could not become clean or organized enough, the O.C.D of washing my hands became even more compulsive, and probably the worse is absolutely no appetite. I am on my third day of taking it…The side effects I’m experiencing are almost unbareable. Other than that, I like Vyvanse so far. My focus and concentration has improved greatly and so has my quality of life. What else can I do besides sleeping pills or changing his RX since this one is helping? It totally improves my quality of life keeping me energized, making me think more clearly and putting me in the happiest mood ever. Tried Adderall instant and XR. Your general practitioner may not recognize the side effect. The problem with all A.D.D. By 4:00 I'm zoning … I suffer from depression and ADD and it really seemed to help me with both of those. They said it may take a few days to have it approved and that just seems ridiculous to me. At 30mg and 4 days on Vyvanse, I feel great. Vyvanse is amazing: gives me energy, do not have to nap every day, my thoughts and emotions are very thought out, have already improved in school. I think I’m probably going to have to be bumped up on the dosage. Doctors tried Ritalin and I was maxed out then I was switched to Desoxyn then Adderall as a pre-teen then Strattera and Effexer. The only bad thing I have to pick on is that I have experienced a multitude of side effects such as headaches, rapid heart beats, and dizziness. for years i have been treated for depression but have felt like a complete failure, cause none of the meds really did a whole lot for me!one day i tried my sons 50mg of vyvanse, i was shocked for the 1st time in years i was alive, people didnt scare me anymore, i worked all day without being completley tired and no daydreaming all day, like i have been given back my life! This is normal and I am a very spiritual person and have studied my birth sign and rising sign and horoscope since I was 13. i got curious one day and looked up adhd sites on the net, they had adult adhd symptoms listed i was shocked, honestly, i have 2 kids with adhd that have been on meds for years, but it occurred to me that it is heretary and adults have it too! I was diagnosed with ADHD and placed on Vyvanse and to my surprise my world changed I am able to focus not just at work but in my life as well. I went back on Concerta, but noticed it wasn't working as well. Available for Android and iOS devices. I can’t find my keys or do any paper work. We are waiting to see how this all goes. I also have Anthem BCBS. She suggested around 10am so I could get the effects while at work and would also last into the night for classes. My psychiatrist switched me to Vyvanse 40mg in the morning, and I immediately noticed the benefits, 100% better than Concerta and 400000% better than Strattera. I give it to him Monday thru friday only. Regarding sleep – ask your doctor about these options: I’M A 27 YR. OLD FEMALE WHO STARTED VYVANSE 2 WEEKS AGO AND TO ME ITS A FAKE FOR DRUG MANUFACTURERES TO MAKE MONEY IT’S ALL IN YOU HEAD IT’S A PLACEBO!!!!!!! I can relate to you Bill, I get so much accomplished, I look forward to work the next day, I am extremely motivated and smarter. In the first half hour I could feel the affects, very talkative(was on the phone calling people at 6:30. I started taking 30 mg Vyvanse around a week ago. I also take lexapro, tegretol, abilify for bipolar I, levo and liothyroxine for hypothyroid, methscopolamine for ibs, and seroquel for sleep (the seroquel had been rx’d years before the ‘inattentive adhd’ was identified, and, oddly enough- to me, anyway- i slept better and required less seroquel while taking adderall than without it, or, more recently, since having started the vyvanse. Most of these posts seem positive so I’m hoping that this works for me and gets me out of my funk. I don't know who I am outside of my daily dose because I've been fed since I was 9, I'm 21 now. I tried Concerta, but recently switched to Vyvanse because Concerta gave me horrible mood swings. Prior to that, about 8 years ago i was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis. I am not certain how many mg the pill was but I found it to have no effect on me and in fact, after attempting to study for about 45 minutes or so, I decided to go to bed and give up (that is extremely common for me when attempting to focus). In reality I always knew I was a bit loud with my voice and with my actions. If one does’nt work try Adderall XR. I had severe side effects, nearing a heart attack. I also am having trouble with Blue Cross Blue Shield – my 12 year old son’s Vyvanse, 30 mg./day is covered; I think our co pay is $55 out of the $186/ – when I switched to Vyvnase 30 mg./day (from generic Ritalin, for which I paid a monthly co pay of $15) I was required to pay full price; I did not take it up with BCBS at the time because I did not know if I would be refilling it. Ritalin gave me headaches as well and I can barely sleep. MY DOCTOR IS CRAZY AS ??????????????? No mood swings, no appetite changes, can concentrate, less anxiety because it evens me out. I feel normal on Vyvanse, like I am not on medication. Sometimes the dosage isnt strong enough or it may be to high of a dosage. Except for the wearing off in the afternoon, I see that the drug is supposed to last longer…. He is so polite, much calmer (but not zombied), still has his personality and is active. Technically, a doctor could prescribe it for any situation in which he/she thought that it would be the best treatment, however the doctor would have to be sure that it was medically relevant, and wouldn’t be malpractice. This impatience, anger, and irritability I’m experiencing is destroying my relationships with people. I want to cry. Trazodone is a prescription drug for treating depression. I'm not hyper.. There are no negative side effects except insomnia.”, For ADHD: “I'm 11 and I take it. I’ve been taking concerta since i was 12 i am 20 now,and taking two 36mg=60.i feel like it is starting to wear off and i was thinking about swiching to vivance and wanted to know if i am making a good choice.i feel like i am getting more side tract and cannot finish my homework and im making bad grades in school on my test. I take it at about 6 am, go back to sleep for 2 hrs and then function throughout the day. I noticed that I actually felt like doing work (never thought that would happen) and instead of finishing my episode of Teen mom 2 I was eager to do my homework instead! Today was my first day taking Vyvanse and I feel like a totally different person! I had not felt that good in over 8 years. More than likely, if you have a child with ADHD then one of the parents will have it also. I couldn't remember movies or conversations to save my life. At the time this article is written, Vyvanse has been approved by the FDA for use in ADHD in children aged 6-12 years old. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information -, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Adult ADHD - 12 Ways to Improve Your Symptoms, Look up ICD10 codes for ADHD on icd-codes.com, Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine Chewable Tablets). Everyone on ADD medication is going to react different. Maybe I should try adderall again and play with the dosages? Furthermore, I can’t sleep, the vyvanse will last all day and half the night. Before starting stimulants I was much less critical, now because the energy & focus I have causes me to be so much higher-achieving, I feel like people who don’t do as much as me are lazy & useless and I’m unable to relate to them anymore. All have a lot to do with how you feel and how your day goes. Throughout this whole trial, I have noticed a huge difference. You will definitely see results. It is in a different medicine category, so that may be an option for a new approach. For ADHD: “I'm 29. also, it occurs to me that these inattentive adhd symptoms may be caused my all the other meds, particularly the psychotropic ones? Im 31 years old and about 4 months ago i was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Not really any loss of appetite (though I do seem to think about food less often), and certainly no problems sleeping (the most productive thing I did on my first day taking it was take a nap!) I still lose energy middle of the afternoon. at 2pm. However, when I took it to my pharmacy, I was informed that my insurance requires contact from the prescribing doctor for “pre-approval or authorization that I need this medication.” Which seems silly, isn’t the script itself approval and/or authorization that I need this medication? I have still found myself getting distracted by my own thoughts when I need to be focusing, but now my thoughts have been coming and going really fast. My daughter has been taking Vyvanse for 3 months and has developed pinpoint red spots on her lower extremties. It works well, I was on Ritalin for 25 years. The side effects are nothing compared to the hell I went through before getting on medication. Other than that, I like Vyvanse so far. I don’t know what to do about it. Zoning Out You may get distracted and, before you know it, you’re not listening. Before, I still had that same problem but at a much slower pace. I would just sit around and mope and start to get depressed. Thanks to my amazing doctor, he discovered my problem was actually not anxiety (like I've been told my entire life), but actually ADD. The first day I was very happy with how productive I was. It was the same as the Strattera, moody, nightmares, and the added increased heart rate. I am now 25 and in graduate school. He or she may agree. The only side effect I have experienced is dry mouth and I did not drink enough water anyway so I have had a very positive experience.”. I have been on Vyvanse for a year and before that Medidate, Stratera, Concerta, Daytrana, Ritalin, Adderall. The crash after taking it for so long feels like dementia. I have taken Ritalon and it made me very angry at night and a zombie by day. I will give it a go for a while and see if things change. … I need help, where do I look? I can’t concentrate, I see everthing at once, i can’t differentiate stimuli, every sound or movement has equal importance in my brain and it’s chaos in there. I was diagnosed with ADHD and placed on Vyvanse and to my surprise my world changed I am able to focus not just at work but in my life as well. It has a longer dosing window than Adderall XR (12 vs 8 hours for me) and a slightly improved side-effect profile. Thank you in advance for any feedback. Ritalin gave me headaches as well and I can barely sleep.