It's got a lot of... sillyness (mostly in substories/sidequests, not the main story) compared to Sleeping Dogs. I couldn't get into the Yakuza games, mainly because I'm not into RPGs, in particular all the text reading. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Nothing has beaten Sleeping Dogs in that regard to-date. Yakuza definitely has my recommendation. PS3 2. and eventually even job-related economic stuff) that make it a bit more of a life-sim rather than a typical open world GTA style game like Sleeping Dogs is. I doubt the hand to hand combat even comes close. should I buy it? If it’s more of the gameplay you want, then you should look towards other similar open world games like GTA. It’s a fun series but not for everybody. There are a lot of side quest but most of them are just you running around, reading through piles of texts ( it was interesting though), side activitiee are there but they get boring very quickyy. I wouldnt compare the two honestly. Idk. I absolutely loved Sleeping Dogs but I like Yakuza more. If that doesnt bother you i´d say give it a go. Try Shenmue also, Yakuza is a modern day beatemup brawler. Everything you do is pretty important to the story. There are way more minigames, and they’re all far more detailed and intricate than the ones in Sleeping Dogs. © Valve Corporation. Sleeping dogs is more remniscent of grand theft auto. Sleeping Dogs is more inspired by the free flow combat of Batman or Shadow of Mordor/War, but, it definitely takes inspiration from Yakuza with its environmental finishers. Just finished sleeping dogs after trying it for my second time and absolutely loved the game. e: a lightning fast downvote from a weaboo Yakuza fanboy. Well, it's from 2016, not 2018, but apart from the asian culture, there isn't really much similarities. It is full of charm, humour, and although the world is small, its crammed with things to do. Sleeping Dogs is a bit more accessible to me though. This right here. Story, minigames and sidequests - Yakuza pwns. Yakuza has better combat and story, city is alive in yakuza while in sleeping dogs city felt almost like lifeless prop. You’ll spend more time doing or investigating crimes. From a gameplay perspective, the closest point of comparison is the combat. I like both games, if you liked sleeping dogs you will also enjoy yakuza. You don’t drive cars, it’s not a cover shooter (not to say that Sleeping Dogs is, but it has those mechanics where Yakuza doesn’t at all), it’s set in a very small open world. Your hub for everything related to PS4 including games, news, reviews, discussion, questions, videos, and screenshots. They even messed up the pool controls and baseball is just tedious and dancing is the worst rhythm game I know. There’s karaoke, and street races, but that’s about it. I feel like Watch Dogs 2 actually has pretty similar game design philosophies too. The world is much smaller, there's no driving and not really any true shooting either. I remember when I first started playing, I kept trying to hit Triangle to do a finishing strike at the end of a combo. Do most people consider the Yakuza series better or worse than Sleeping Dogs, or not very similar? I have no time to play them now due to backlog and will be hopefully waiting for them to reach $10-$15, but itd be nice to know to keep and eye out. Not to mention that SD has a great story, is voiced by A List actors, and has many memorable scenes/lines. Yakuza is small but feels larger than it is due to the sheer amount of stuff there is to do, while Sleeping Dogs is larger but in the end so far feels smaller as it's story is more focused and while you can distract yourself for a bit doing side stuff, you're not getting too far without furthering the story.. since most of the side stuff is just buying things. Bleh. Overall, I never really felt like Sleeping Dogs was that similar to Yakuza other than being a crime drama dealing with organized crime set in an Asian city. I like both tho, but the more i play yakuza the more i see how lacking Sleeping dogs was, even tho it's still a good game on it's own and wish they would make sequel (but improved and added more interaction with the city/npcs). I want action not a bunch of text... Kung Fu chop! The controls feel wonky and you get stuck in buildings since you can't push people aside, only outside of buildings. Yakuza 0 is worth every damn cent/penny. Yakuza is closer to a traditional fighting game/brawler, with light and heavy … After completing the 1st chapter of yakuza, i can say that sleeping dogs was a much better and modern game for me, i think they can be compared and sleeping dogs wins in almost every department. Sleeping Dogs came out in 2012 on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC and was re-released this year on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in an all-inclusive “Definitive Edition.” Fighting is also better in Yakuza. Long, long cutscenes. Imagine sleeping dogs except better in every single way. Yakuza feels clunky and low budget and it is more like an anime in terms of over the top side quests and humour. Yakuza has better combat and story, city is alive in yakuza while in sleeping dogs city felt almost like lifeless prop. However, sometimes I feel like Yakuza has a lot of unnecessary and redundant dialogue … Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. So I wouldn't expect it to be like Sleeping Dogs, but they are definitely worth playing for what they are in their own right. Yakuza is fantastic though. I need more stories and atmospheres like that. Yakuza series are better. I tried getting into Yakuza 3 for a bit but it didn't happen. The characters have more personality to them and the story is usually deeper overall. Yakuza's more comparable to something like Way of the Samurai or Shenmue. In story and world building sure, but sleeping dogs combat is superior. since it is from 2018, should it be better? They're actually very very different in terms of gameplay, but Yakuza blows Sleeping Dogs out of the water in every possible way. Yakuza is more akin to games like Shenmue and a touch of Way of the Samurai. Yakuza is closer to a traditional fighting game/brawler, with light and heavy attacks, as well as grab moves that you string into combos. Yakuza Games are on the Story-heavy side, just right now i had a guessed 20-30 Minutes Sequence of cutscenes only so the story can advance. That's Yakuza. Sleeping Dogs is more inspired by the free flow combat of Batman or Shadow of Mordor/War, but, it definitely takes inspiration from Yakuza with its environmental finishers. It's not for everyone, combat is mostly button smashing. Number of people who like Poets of the Fall: 11. I think with the Yakuza games, you sort of need to have the attachment to the characters already stablished, to get into the new releases with the same passion and enjoy the games fully. Might be because I've been playing them since the PS2 days. Yakuza stories are garbage compared to Sleeping Dogs. You do everything you do in Sleeping dogs, but with more variety. You basically just stand still and shoot a bullet using automatic lock on, you can’t even aim them because the melee combat is the main focus of that combat. The mini games aren’t as plentiful in Sleeping Dogs as in Yakuza. How are the Yakuza games compared to Sleeping Dogs. Sleeping dog is GTA. Yakuza has long, dialogue heavy, subtitled cutscenes, but they always help to build fantastic stories. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), The characters have more personality to them and the story is usually deeper overall. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Yakuza is definitely better. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. No invisible walls, for example. Not to mention stuff that it clowns GTA on besides just hand to hand fighting, like all the car takedown mechanics. The mini games also weren't fun for me. I need to revisit Sleeping Dogs some time... great game. I love Sleeping Dogs, it's my one and only Plat, great game. The story is a million times better. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Yakuza didn't seem as accessible or engaging. Thank you everyone for your comments, think Im gonna try it! I loved Sleeping Dogs (remastered), amazing game, so is this Yakuza game better than Sleeping Dogs? I loved Sleeping Dogs but never played a Yakuza game. Yakuza is more its own thing. But outside of that, the combat is pretty different. Start with 0, it’s one of my favorite games of all time, I would rank it so much higher than Sleeping Dogs. PS4) and as much as I enjoyed the game every time, I feel the story is much better in the Yakuza series. I prefer sleeping dogs. But a huge aspect of it is building up your Heat meter to use environmental finishers similar to the ones in Sleeping Dogs. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY.