Several political scientists advocate the view that a flexible constitution is one in which the constitutional law can be amended in the same way as an ordinary law. The Constitution must empower the judiciary with the power to interpret, protect and defend the Constitution and the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people against the possible legislative and executive excesses. It is so because it allows different organs of government to be placed at the same level to exercise different powers. 6. These steps ignored the interests of a minority community. This results in balance of power among different organs of government. The following are the ways in which Belgium has accommodated the existing regional differences and cultural diversities. Buddhism is the official religion of Sri Lanka. The Constitution must clearly reflect the sovereignty of the people. The language of the constitution should be simple, clear and unambiguous. Constitution is the supreme law of each State. Sharing of powers makes a country more powerful and united’. The powers of the king were reduced to a great extent. When the Belgian leaders recognized the existence of regional differences and cultural diversities, they amended their constitution four times in order to accommodate these differences. It should clearly define the organisation, powers, functions inter-relations of the government of the state and its three organs. Till 2006 (October) the Constitution has been amended 93 times. You can also find Social Science Class 10 Important Questions With Answers Pdf from the year 2010 to 2020 CBSE board exams. Answer: The decision whether a state should have a flexible or a rigid constitution, should be taken on the basis of the needs and wishes of society. It lays down rules regarding the organisation, powers and functions of government. (3) A written constitution is usually less flexible than an unwritten constitution. Answer:  It is regarded as the basic will of the sovereign people. Recognition of Tamil language and that Tamil should be given equal status with that of the Sinhala language and should be added as an official language. The language of the constitution should be simple, clear and unambiguous. Some of its parts are available in written forms but these do not stand codified in the form of a legal document or a code or a book. During past few years, a number of surveys on students were made to better understand their problems regarding their studies and their basic requirement. (i) First, the chief demerit of a rigid constitution is that it fails to keep pace with fast changing social environment. 3. It is made, enacted and adopted by an assembly or council called a Constituent Assembly or Constitutional Council. 9. The Constitutions of India the USA, Japan, China and most of other states are enacted constitutions. Explain any five key features of Federalism. An Enacted Constitution is a man-made constitution. Power sharing helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social. Content Guidelines legislature, executive and judiciary through the horizontal distribution of power. (i) Two or more levels of government : Federalism is a system of government in which the governmental power is divided between a central authority and its various constituent units. Question 4. (iv) Fourthly, its inability to easily change can lead to revolts against the government. In the year 1956, an act was passed, which established Sinhala as the official language to be used in Sri Lanka disregarding the minority group of Tamils. It is formulated and adopted by a constituent assembly or a council or a legislature. Each state has a Constitution which lays down the organisation, powers and functions of the Government of the State. In horizontal division, different organs exercise their power based on the concept of separation of powers such as legislature makes laws, executive enforces these laws and judiciary interprets these laws. 4. There are two sets of government, one at the centre, the other at state level and the distribution of powers between them is quite detailed in our Constitution. It is the result of slow and gradual process of evolution. Bring out any two sharp contrasts between Belgium and Sri Lankan democracies. The organisation, powers and functions of its three organs of the and their inter­relationship. 5. Prudential reason: Question 14. 10. Belgium produced an ideal example of democratic system. Repeated denial of the demands further developed distrust and ignited the situation that resulted in a civil war causing terrible setback to Sri Lankan social, cultural and economic life. Both the countries have adopted very different approaches when it comes to power sharing. STUDYGUIDE360 is a student centric educational web portal which provides quality test papers and study materials for the students preparing for CBSE or targeting various entrance exams. These questions will act as extra questions. Question 11. The Government followed preferential policies that favoured Sinhala applicants for university positions and government jobs. (ii) Secondly, it is very helpful in meeting emergencies because it can be easily amended. Power sharing ensures maximum participation. There are many reason as to why power sharing is important in a democracy. A written constitution has written parts in majority. Constitution must be systematically written. 3. Question 9. It gives a detailed account of the organisation of the government. In simple words, we can say a Constitution is the constitutional law of the state. Its method of amendment is difficult. All these features are present in India. To maintain political stability and unity, equal representation was provided to both the groups. (2) A written constitution is a made and enacted by a constituent assembly of the people. Before publishing your Article on this site, please read the following pages: 1. 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Constitutional amendments are passed in the same manner by which an ordinary law is passed. No organ can exercise unlimited power as each organ checks the other. (i) First, a flexible constitution is often, a source of instability. It is binding upon both the centre and the state governments. It is a good way to ensure the stability of political order as social conflict often leads to violence and political instability. Let us now discuss the features of Indian constitution. Question 10. It adopted the policy of accommodation of social and ethnics divisions. In a federation, a flexible constitution can lead to undesirable changes in the constitution by the federal government or by the governments of federating units. Describe any three ‘majoritarian measures’ taken by the Sri Lankan Government to establish Sinhala supremacy. The Rigid Constitution is one which cannot be easily amended. As a result, a civil war was proclaimed and thousands of people were killed when their legitimate demands were denied by the Sri Lankan government. All the articles you read in this site are contributed by users like you, with a single vision to liberate knowledge. An unwritten constitution is the result of a gradual process of constitutional evolution. (v) Fifthly, a rigid constitution can be a source of conservativeness. After independence in 1948, Sri Lanka witnessed the supremacy of Sinhala community. Describe the demands of Sri Lankan Tamils. Both the countries have adopted very different approaches when it comes to power sharing. It should be neither unduly rigid nor unduly flexible. Apart from that, community government of both the ethnic groups also existed at the local level. Sri Lankan Tamils and they started to feel left-out from the society. On the other hand, Sri Lanka also adopted democratic system but followed majoritarian policies. KEY FEATURES OF FEDERALISM:{write any 5} 1}There are two or more levels (or tiers) of government. Do you agree with the statement? Explain the major key features of federalism. Question.8 It lays down the election system and political rights of people. It contains description and guarantee of the fundamental rights of the people. 3. A new constitution advocated that the state shall protect and foster Buddhism. Why? It also defines the basic features of the State and the relation between the citizens and the State. TOS The following are the majoritarian measures adopted by the Sri Lankan government to establish Sinhala supremacy. Sri Lanka and Belgium are both democratic countries yet have a very diverse social set-up. 5. The following are the ways in which Belgium has accommodated the existing regional differences and cultural diversities. It is a good way to ensure the stability of political order as social conflict often leads to violence and political stability. Under the Belgium model of democracy, power was shared among two ethnic groups. 4. Sri Lankan Tamils launched struggles for the fulfillment of their rights. The following were the demands of Sri Lankan Tamils. (iv) Fourthly it prevents autocratic exercise of the powers by the government. 8. It is found in several historical charters, laws and conventions. In Sri Lanka, majoritarianism led to civil war for twenty long years. These are the basic features which must be present in every good Constitution. For passing or amending an ordinary law, the legislature usually passes the law by a simple majority of its members. Answer: An unwritten constitution depends mostly on unwritten rules or conventions which do not require any formal amendment. It lays down the fundamental political code, structure, procedures, powers, and duties of government institutions. What is the official religion of Sri Lanka? Q.1. (v) Finally a rigid constitution is ideal for a federation.