Your Monstera prefers soil that is consistently moist. Be careful not to over-fertilize as this may be harmful and can cause sudden death. Close. Always start with a good potting mix. Hot or cold drafts will cause a lot of stress for your plant, and one response is for it to drop leaves. However, no matter how or where I put the plant it dies. Let’s investigate and get to the bottom of this! You may also wipe it off with a clean damp cloth. They can work very subtly. Repotting, over-fertilization or temperature stress can also cause drooping. If you find your Money Tree dropping leaves, you are not alone, as this is one of the main challenges with their care. These things can instantly detach the leaves petiole. It's a tiny plant that I have had for only 5 days, and this morning we saw all the stems and leaves had fallen, like drooping on the floor. This phenomenon occurs when droplets of xylem sap are released from the tips or edges of a plant's leaves. That’s why you’ve got to make sure it’s well taken care of so that it stays long with you. It can be alarming to notice sudden dramatic leaf drooping on your Monstera. You can also treat your plant with a range of anti-fungal preparations, which may reduce the risk of reinfection. The limited presence of CO2 will cause a decline in photosynthetic activity. It’s in a bright location, only gets watered when it’s dry and has shot out a crazy amount of babies! It will just accumulate more water than what your plants need. The money tree is forgiving of beginner's mistakes like forgetting to water or apply fertilizer; it requires little care at all. That way, you are able to maintain only the vibrant and healthy leaves in your foliage. Best offers for your Garden - ----- Why Is My Money Tree Losing Leaves?. Now that you know the causes of dropping leaves, now let’s talk about how you can prevent this from happening to your Chinese money plant. If you accidentally let your Monstera’s soil dry out completely, you may see leaves go limp, droop, and possibly start to brown. As I’ve said, you’ve already watered the plants to no avail so the issue isn’t just dry soil. Frosted leaves die and drop after. Part of this is a stress response, but part is how the plant adjusts to the new environment by making changes to the amount and distribution of its foliage. If water takes a long time to drain, repot in a well-draining potting mix. Pot’s size should not be too large for the plants. I started Garden For Indoor to make your indoor gardening journey easy and enjoyable. Inevitably, most people will be unable to replicate these perfect growing conditions, so a little leaf loss can be expected. Money trees hate their roots sitting in water. If it gets too cold, you can put in shades around your plants or increase light presence. 8 months ago. Best offers for your Garden - ----- Why Is My Money Tree Losing Leaves?. Eventually, the entire plant will experience wilting and shedding off of leaves. Hi, I am happy to have found this site specifically for this kind of pilea. Money Trees (Pachira aquatica) are prone to sap-sucking houseplant pests such as scale, mealybugs, thrips, spider mites and aphids. Keep in mind that when the soil goes from bone-dry to saturated, it can cause stress for your Money Tree and cause leaves to drop. On the contrary, drooping leaves are usually a sign of overwatering, and giving the plant even more water will only make it worse. Cure & Prevention: Allow Pilea to dry out.Then, slowly increase the amount of water as you see the plant recovering. If you want your plant to live longer, you have to constantly feed its soil. Your Monstera prefers soil that is consistently moist. I water it once a week, HELP?!?! Money trees are all the rage right now. Common problems with money trees begin with improper care and disappear when … Drooping leaves don't always indicate a problem with a plant. Chinese money plant dropping its leaves due to poor soil drainage, overwatering or underwatering. Also, drainage holes should have a size that’s proportional to the size of your pots, not too large or too small. Overwatering marijuana plants. This will save the young plants from infestation. (And How To Fix It). After completing my bachelor of science in agriculture, I'm serving as a civil service officer at the Department of Agricultural Extension, Bangladesh. Move your plant to a location well away from any potential drafts and try to provide fairly consistent temperatures.