A challenge for students is that different employers look for different sets of employability skills. In a world that is increasingly connected, you’re also more likely to be working with people from other cultures and in teams, including virtual teams based around the world. Why is employability important - to schools and the University? “I work so hard, but I’m still not able to rise in my career! To know more about how you can enhance your employability quotient and to understand how we can mentor you in your professional journey visit www.positivevibes.co.in. Despite these challenges there are ways for students to enjoy their time at university while developing skills in the process. But, regardless of levels within a business environment, in order to survive successfully one needs to enhance one’s employability. This approach resulted with me achieving 82% on my most recent examination on Linear Algebra.”. Producing graduates equipped for their future is a key part of higher education. While having a good degree in a relevant subject is certainly important, it’s something that many graduates will be able to offer. If you can gain experience using Outlook, Excel and other Microsoft Office programmes, you’ll be much better prepared for the world of business. Employability draws on attributes that are developed and used in multiple settings and vary from individual to individual. Employability is rarely clearly defined and a search of the relevant literature divulges a fairly wide variety of descriptions. Browse study, training and scholarship information, Information for educators, career advisors and whānau, Employability skills are the heart of the future, Employability skills can help you win the job, Creativity and cross-cultural skills especially important, Great pay for jobs in the construction industry, Get your best start back at work after unemployment, Diversity in the workplace - it's good for business, Get ready to work in a digitally transformed world, Aim for skilled, creative work with a human touch – let AI do the rest, Find a new way of working: entrepreneurship and portfolio careers, Finding new work after 20 years in tourism, Volunteer for Inspiring the Future regional events, Why it's important for women to study engineering, Move from redundancy to being your own boss, A step-by-step guide to finding a job in NZ, Secondary school study and training options, Sign up to our e-newsletter for job hunting tips delivered straight to your inbox. Take this example: “My degree requires me to solve advanced mathematical equations on a regular basis. participate in community activities such as environmental causes or fundraising. What happened during the Bristol Bus Boycott? They are sometimes called “soft skills” or “transferable skills” because they are separate from your technical knowledge and work experience and can be applied to almost any job, in any industry. Why Are Employability Skills Important. Your knowledge, skills, desirable personal attributes and achievements are your valuable assets to create your value in the job market. What are the best universities for career prospects? Qualities that will make you a good employee, Defining the terms Experience, Expertise and Exposure, The Importance Of Ethics In Your Professional Life. There are 4 areas where students can use, Student and Graduate PublishingThe Screen WorksRoom 10322 Highbury GroveLondonN5 2EF, Tel: +44 (0)20 7609 4254Email: contact@studentandgraduate.comWeb: www.studentandgraduate.com. SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is acknowledged by the UK authorities as a 26 March 2019 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It must be noted that one cannot just rely on one’s degree alone considering that it would open the doors for employment. degree of boredom at work, lack of focus, degree of fluctuating drive / motivation to perform difficult tasks, etc. What are employability skills and why do they matter? This requires excellent planning & organising skills that you need to build in due course of time. Advisory Council on Economic Growth, 'Learning Nation: Equipping Canada’s Workforce with Skills for the Future', 1 December 2017, (www.budget.gc.ca). They will allow you to be flexible enough to change as technology advances, and help you adapt to new ways of working with people. Employability skills are the heart of the future. Negative job seeking behaviours e.g. Employability protective behaviours e.g. Currently, the seven essential employability skills are: However, Jan Owen, chief executive officer at the Foundation for Young Australians, believes the following skills are also going to become more sought after: These employability skills are gaining importance because as artificial intelligence (AI) performs more jobs, it’ll be the interpersonal skills that can only be performed by humans that will become more sought after. You also need to develop a high degree of Emotional Quotient to be able to build that “personal brand”. Why Employability Skills Are Important? Personal one on one interviews is another way of measuring this. What are employability skills, and why are they needed? Our ability to work together depends on it, and your career might require you to communicate well with both colleagues and customers. You are adding to your repertoire of employability skills whenever you: Our future of work article series explores the latest career research to show how technology will transform your career. How To Prepare For Class 10 Cbse Board Exam? Self-control behaviours e.g. Latest information: Apply with confidence | Study with confidence | Live with confidence. We are here from 8:30am to 9pm Monday to Friday, with the exception of Wednesday when we are here from 9.30am to 9pm. Of course, the degree or a required educational qualification is necessary to unlock the doors of employment or it may be said that the degree can make you an eligible candidate for applying a job. Being organised can make your life much easier! bilingual skills and cross-cultural awareness. Finally, to summarize, having a deep understanding of your EMP-Q will pave the path for you to work proactively on your weaknesses and strengthen your behaviors and in the process improve your own personal brand either within the organization or while searching for a new job. @media(min-width:480px) {.flip_top {width:336px;height:280px;}} According to STEMNET (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Network), "employability" is defined as "transferable skills needed by an individual to make them 'employable." Read this article to know how to prepare for class 10 CBSE board exam.. Employers will be looking for your technical capability, but your employability skills may be what get you the job. The devil – or in this case ‘the angel’ – is in the detail.How can you find time to develop skills from a range of activities when you have to balance your studying time, contact time and social life? At this stage, it is worth mentioning that your extra skills, mix of skills or soft skills that you have in addition to your educational qualification are now to be looked for by most employers. Technology can automate routine, rule-based kinds of tasks, but isn’t expected to perform human functions such as: Creativity, solving problems collaboratively, and negotiation are all employability skills that will be crucial in future. Our phone lines will be closed from midday 23 December 2020, and we will reopen on Wednesday 6 January 2021 at 8.30am. Critical thinking. Shivani Malhotra is the Founder & CEO of Positive Vibes Consulting and Head of HR at Vega Schools, Gurgaon. Being able to demonstrate good employability skills could be what makes a hiring manager choose you! Knowledge of services and products. You may find yourself working on multiple projects at once, meaning you will need to manage your time and priorities. There are very few professions left that don’t require any computer use, so it’s easy to see why employers value computer literacy. Katy Jordan. Its here that I want to introduce something that is called employability quotient  or EMP-Q. Your next question most likely is how do we therefore measure it? Just remember that being a good leader is not the same as being bossy, or trying to always be the centre of attention! “Recognised body” which has been I impart part time training and development programs. In spite of having good qualifications, interview becomes a difficult stage to clear. Search degree options with our fantastic partner universities below, and start your path to a bright future! This site uses cookies and by using the site you are consenting to this. Your affable personality and ability to work in teams would determine your effectiveness as a “team player” – another skill that goes a long way in positioning yourself as the “go to” person. Employers value critical thinking as a soft skill because they will often require their employees to come up with creative solutions to difficult problems. I am a Professional with a high creative capability based on Business, Management, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Finance and Management Consulting Field. Clearly then, the best way to prepare for your future career is with a university degree. Organisation is a soft skill that is essential in almost every job, and even during your time at university. In order that these objectives may be attained to the desired level, there is always a need for such people who are qualified and have desirable personal qualities. 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