Use this short worksheet to introduce your children or class to a few of the women in the Old Testament, who they were, and what they did. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. If you wish, you can skip around, using questions at the same level of difficulty. Do you think you know the New Testament from front to back? We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. The Ultimate Bible Quiz Book is a fun and interactive way to learn the most important aspects of the Bible, and the perfect supplement to your Bible study. Take the test, Football quiz questions and answers to test your knowledge, Royal Family quiz questions: 15 questions for your Royal quiz, General knowledge quiz questions with answers: 15 questions, Covidence-UK – The study that could find a cure for coronavirus, Food and drink quiz questions and answers: 15 questions, Great Big Lockdown Survey: Tell us what's life like for you right now. Fun Bible Trivia Questions 1. Played 1,353 times. Mount Rushmore might be a man short had I not been saved from a duel in Illinois 178 years ago. Encourage children to learn some fun facts about men of the Old Testament. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Quizzes, Puzzles and Riddles. I was a "mad" monk who attended and befriended a prominent royal family more than 100 years ago. As your children read the Scripture verses and answer the question, “Who Am I,” discuss with them facts about each woman, such as her purpose and her character. order back issues and use the historic Daily Express I noticed there are a number of 'Who Am I?' I was a French designer who returned from a 16-year retirement to wow the world with a post-war comeback collection. I sailed at God's will in biblical times and welcomed a flying symbol of peace. Who Am I? 4. Use this short worksheet to introduce your children or class to a few of the men in the Old Testament, who they were, and what they did. As your children read the Scripture verses and answer the question, “Who Am I,” discuss with them facts about each man, such as his purpose and his character. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, Are YOU smart enough to outwit our reporters in the News Quiz? The following riddle was written by a woman in California, USA, over 100 years ago in the late 1800's. who am I? What so-called mythological creature is mentioned in the Bible? Harry Potter QUIZ: Think you know Harry Potter? 13. 5. Who am I? Our first few selections of Bible trivia are designed for adults. 3. I was an actor, director and producer famed for creating Gandhi in 1982 and my brother is a prominent naturalist. 6. Harry Potter QUIZ: Think you know Harry Potter? 2. Who is the oldest man mentioned in the Bible? 15. newspaper archive. quizzes on FunTrivia devoted to various subjects, but I couldn't find anything for Bible characters. Who am I? 30 Hard New Testament Bible Quiz Questions and Answers for Adults. How many words are in the shortest verse in the Bible? I was a Roman Emperor who tried to make my horse consul and had the nickname "little boots". 7. Who am I? 10. For example, #1, #4, and #5 are all relatively easy. Difficulty: Average. So I thought I would give it a shot. What is the last word in the Bible? I compared Calpurnia to a summer's day and share an occasion with St George. 11. Challenge #1 - "Who Am I?" As … 9. You do not need to use the trivia in the order given. 12. Who am I? Bible Challenges. Who Am I serves both as a way to boost creativity and a fun game during downtime, both for adults and children. READ MORE: Are YOU smart enough to outwit our reporters in the News Quiz? I am a famed Celtic leader who overthrew the Romans and became one of the first British heroes nearly 1000 years ago. 4. Who are the five angels mentioned by name in the Bible? Who am I? Here goes. So here it is. What book in the Bible doesn’t mention God by name? 2. 6. Express. Who am I? 11 Comments. Freddie Mercury QUIZ: How well do you REALLY know Queen the star? Have fun with our trivia lists! Who Am I? I am one of the most famous stutterers in history, and took up my role in the "family business" when my brother ran off to France. Who am I quiz questions and answers: Boudicea famously led a deadly revolt against the Romans, Who am I quiz questions and answers: Harriet Tubman lead the Underground Railroad, Who am I quiz questions and answers: James Earl Jones is the famous voice behind Darth Vader, True or false quiz questions and answers: 15 questions, Tennis quiz questions and answers: Test your tennis knowledge. Who am I? Many people think they are experts on the subject, but few will be able to get all 30 of these difficult Bible quiz questions correct without having to cheat! I became the first ever drag supermodel and established a show in my name. 8. Do you have what it takes my friend? (The NIV was used for this quiz.) Who am I? Do you know the bible as well as an adult should or are you still in your biblical diapers? However, teens may well have enough Bible knowledge to know many of the answers. The answer is one word, five letters long, and appears only four times in its various forms in the Authorized King James Bible. Who am I? I am famed for my ominous and distinctive baritone which I lent to one of film's greatest villains. The Ultimate Bible Quiz Book Test your knowledge of the Bible with over 150 challenging questions and answers. 3. I am a left-hander known as the "King of Clay". Have fun and don't peek at the answer until you give up! Average score for this quiz is 7 / 10. The Adult Bible Quiz. I led the Underground Railroad during the American Civil war after emerging from the grips of slavery. Who am I? After seeing and taking several bible quizzes on the internet, I thought we needed a more.. adult level quiz. The quiz comes in two forms, either asking participants to guess a figure from a list of questions or from just one, and this quiz will focus on the latter. 7. The quiz comes in two forms, either asking participants to guess a … Who am I? Who am I? 14. Make the most of your money by signing up to our newsletter for. Just how well do you know the Bible? I was a famed 15th century King of England and Lord of Ireland known for having a hunchback. Encourage children to learn some fun facts about women in the Old Testament. Who Am I serves both as a way to boost creativity and a fun game during downtime, both for adults and children. I am one of the most famous Egyptian rulers because of my tomb, but not for much else. Introducing the adult bible quiz. Take the test - QUIZFootball quiz questions and answers to test your knowledge - QUIZRoyal Family quiz questions: 15 questions for your Royal quiz - QUIZ. 1. 5.