How many credit cards do you currently use or plan to use? The vision of the future isn’t lost on you. If you are taking this quiz, chances are you still have time to rethink your priorities. REVELIST - More Exxon Mobil Rewards+™ points on qualified purchases Give your job search a boost with a free resume review Guaranteed rate of … You listen well and know how to live life. Do you have your life together? CAFEMOM - Please enable Javascript in your browser and try receive communications related to AARP volunteering. Let us know in the comments below! In the next 24 hours, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription to receive emails While at this age range you would end up as a late finisher, you would still make it. Please SHARE if you can’t wait to kick back and retire! I’m the kind of person who doesn’t plan too far in advance. 8-Month No-Penalty CD from Marcus by Goldman Sachs®. She loves sweet tea, binge-watching, We at LittleThings care about accuracy. Please contact us at You worked hard and yet somehow still manage to find time for yourself. What were your results? The average age of retirement in the west is about 62. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders. Retiring at this age enables you to go out and live life the way you want. And although I know they’re right, I’ve always preferred living by the seat of my pants. For those born before 1937, the full retirement age is 65. Do you enjoy your job? Take control of your brain health with Staying Sharp. Thinking Of Retirement? Find out now, and get some free advice (in case your mom isn't available) about how to turn things around if you need to. Chances are you will likely use what is left on medical expenses and looking after those you love. Did they match up with your ideal retirement plan? Want to use LittleThings' editorial content? If the idea of living in the moment is more important than living your elder years work free, don’t change anything. I know there are a lot of great personality quizzes out there — like the one that defines your style or the one that detects your aura — but this one was just too much fun. What Will Be Your Best Feature As You Age. Really, I’m lucky if I know what I’ll be doing this weekend, much less years from now. You may obtain a retirement, but by the time you do you won’t be able to actually enjoy it. BABY NAME WIZARD. Really, I’m lucky if I know what I’ll be doing this weekend, much less years from now. Learn more about our, iy_2020; im_11; id_12; ih_06; imh_16; i_epoch:1605190596106, py_2020; pm_11; pd_02; ph_14; pmh_13; p_epoch:1604355222697, link-block-publisher; link-block-publisher_link-block-publisher; bodystr, pn_tstr:Mon Nov 02 14:13:42 PST 2020; pn_epoch:1604355222697, AARP Once you confirm that subscription, you will regularly If you are taking this test, chances are it isn’t too late to reevaluate your choices in life. The key questions you should ask in planning your retirement. AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that empowers people to choose how they live as they age. Please help us improve LittleThings by taking our short survey. | More Exxon Mobil Rewards+™ points on qualified purchases, Give your job search a boost with a free resume review, Guaranteed rate of return on an exclusive 8-month term. You know that the sacrifices you make now will bring you greater reward in the future and are probably ahead of the pack. Retire Age Test When will you be able to retire? I've been known to go wild every now and then, It's not procrastination if I dont want to do anything, I do my very best to see everything through, I'm much better with short term commitments, I tend to roll up my sleeves and jump right it in. When deciding if you should retire, determine the type of lifestyle that you want to live and if you can afford it. Let's explore the psychology behind your choice to retire (or not), and the impact it can have on your health and well-being. Based on the results of this quiz, you should retire to France! AARP members receive exclusive member benefits & affect social change. You must be logged in to leave a comment. to search for ways to make a difference in your community at I’m the kind of person who doesn’t plan too far in advance. Does this quiz inspire you to do more to prepare financially for retirement? In addition, account for the timing of your retirement and how it will affect your Social Security benefits. [Panicked Internet searching for how to retire … While at this age range you would end up as a late finisher, you would still make it. If you do, you might be looking at an early retirement. If you are taking this quiz, chances are you still have time to rethink your priorities. PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | FAMILY & PARENTING, LITTLETHINGS - I'm a little depressed, to be honest - I feel like I'm never going to "get ahead" in time. 401K Savings Calculator - Are you saving enough for retirement? The provider’s terms, conditions and policies apply. How much time do you spend procrastinating? In the meantime, please feel free However, when I found this quiz, I got to thinking about retirement: My results looked so good, I knew that’s exactly how I want to spend my golden years. You are young enough to have plenty of opportunity to go out and seize the day. Does it provide … again. Thank you for subscribing to our Push Notifications, Instantly get the most heartwarming & meaningful stories. MAMÁSLATINAS - Can you kick back at 50, or must you slave away until you drop? related to AARP volunteering. You make the right choices and know how to play the game. You are leaving and going to the website of our trusted provider. In this quiz from the new book, 'Happy Retirement: the Psychology of Reinvention,' you can see if you're truly ready to retire. At this point you can forget about enjoying you’re retirement. Comments: 0. Manage your email preferences and tell us which topics interest you so that we can prioritize the information you receive. This Quiz Tells You Exactly HOW You Should Be Retiring! So here are the questions that you should ask in order to determine if you are ready psychologically to retire: 1. If you're playing your cards right, you'll have no issues, but this quiz might help you figure out what needs to change so you can retire earlier! Javascript must be enabled to use this site. Because of this, every time I turn around, people are telling me to plan for my future — my mom, coworkers, even my own best friend. Cassandra is the Senior Editor of Original Content. You know when to have your moments and when to bank for the future. Find out more. You work hard and it reflects your achievements. Those that do retire around this age bracket have few opportunities to enjoy the fruits of their labor to their fullest. Those that do retire around this age bracket have few opportunities to enjoy the fruits of their labor to their fullest. As a hopeless romantic with a deep love of culture, we think retiring in the French countryside would be the perfect fit for you. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Retirement is about the alignment of money and values. The only problem now is how to enjoy that early retirement. Please leave your comment below. Please return to to learn more about other benefits. Answer these 20 questions to see how old you will be before you can retire.