Industry motives were, according to their public statements, to support civil rights causes; according to an independent review of internal tobacco industry documents, they were "to increase African American tobacco use, to use African Americans as a frontline force to defend industry policy positions, and to defuse tobacco control efforts". Menthol is a chemical compound found naturally in peppermint and other similar plants. [38], The proposed menthol ban also saw opposition from organized labor. Auf meine Wunschliste. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 1. [21] Where these demographics overlap, menthol use is especially high: most female LGBT smokers use menthols, as do 80 percent of African American youth smokers and 70 percent of LGBT youth smokers. Menthol can also be produced in a lab. Seven out of 10 African American youth ages 12-17 who smoke use menthol cigarettes. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. Menthol ist ein natürlich vorkommendes ätherisches Öl und ist in Pflanzenarten der Gattung Minze enthalten. [8][9][10] In fact, menthol tobacco marketing is specifically targeted to African Americans; it is a subject of research and it has been a subject of litigation on discrimination grounds. The Congress of Racial Equality, the National Black Chamber of Commerce, the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, and the National Black Police Association have urged the FDA to reject a ban on mentholated cigarettes due to concerns that banning mentholated cigarettes could spur an illicit market for the outlawed products in minority communities. [2] Less heavily mentholated than Kools, Salems were positioned as an all-purpose cigarette, and captured 0.8% market share within their first year. Different groups of people—like some racial/ethnic minorities, LGBT people, people with mental health conditions, etc.—are more likely to smoke menthol cigarettes than the rest of the population. The capsules can contain any flavorings but are primarily menthol. Marketing messages imply that menthol cigarettes are a “healthier” alternative. Die Europäische Union hatte bereits 2014 über Neuregelungen der europaweiten Tabakproduktlinie abgestimmt. [15] The risk of lung cancer is no different for menthol cigarettes compared to regular cigarettes. Menthol cigarettes were first developed by Lloyd "Spud" Hughes of Mingo Junction, Ohio, in 1924,[1] though the idea did not become popular until the Axton-Fisher Tobacco Company acquired the patent in 1927, marketing them nationwide as "Spud Menthol Cooled Cigarettes". The African-American population prefers smoking menthol cigarettes which are particularly well-liked in the warmer US environments. Philip Morris Brasil (PMB) had challenged the ban through its membership of The National Industry Confederation, arguing that the ban was unconstitutional. Menthol is a mint-flavored compound derived from peppermint oil. Elixyr+, Rizla und viele mehr. You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. [22], A Federal Trade Commission report released September 21, 2012, said menthol cigarettes had gone from 27 percent in 2008 to 22 percent in 2010. This is particularly true for African Americans. But several provinces had already banned it before at the provincial level, for example Quebec, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Ontario and New Brunswick. .[24]. Das größte Problem an dem Menthol ist, dass es eine kühlende und schmerzlindernde, leicht betäubende Wirkung hat. Quitlines and Other Cessation Support Resources, About Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigarettes), Quick Facts on the Risks of E-cigarettes for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults, Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with E-cigarette Use, or Vaping, Tobacco Ingredient and Nicotine Reporting, Government Departments, Agencies, and Resources, American Indians/Alaska Natives and Tobacco Use, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, or Pacific Islanders and Tobacco Use, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons and Tobacco Use, Cigarette Smoking and Tobacco Use Among People of Low Socioeconomic Status, Tobacco Use and Quitting Among Individuals With Behavioral Health Conditions, What We Know: Tobacco Use and Quitting Among Individuals With Behavioral Health Conditions, Promising Policies And Practices To Address Tobacco Use By Persons With Mental And Substance Use Disorders, New York Implements Tobacco-Free Campus Policies, Grant Funding in Oklahoma Changes Systems for Accessing and Addressing Tobacco Use, Provider Training Results in Hawaii Behavioral Health Facilities Providing Counseling to Help Clients Quit, Texas Provides NRT as Part of a Range of Tobacco Cessation Measures in Mental Health Treatment Settings, New York and Oklahoma Make it Easier for Persons with Behavior Health Conditions to Access Non-Nicotine Cessation Medications, Alaska Native Adult Tobacco Survey Guidance Manual, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR), Surgeon General's Reports on Smoking and Tobacco Use, 2016 SGR—E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults, Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. [44], Menthol cigarettes have been shown to inhibit nicotine metabolisation, leading to increased systemic nicotine exposure and increased nicotine addiction. Mai) sind ausnahmslos alle Zigaretten mit charakteristischen Aromen verboten. The proportion of smokers who use menthols rose from 31% in 2004 to 33.7% in 2010, according to a 2010 study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. [16][37], Groups representing law enforcement officers also oppose the ban. Es verstärkt die Nikotinsucht. Seeks Restrictions on Teens' Access to Flavored E-Cigarettes and a Ban on Menthol Cigarettes", "Much heated puffing among minority groups over menthol cigarette ban", "FDA weighs ban on Newports, other menthol cigarettes", "Banning menthol cigarettes will create contraband market", "Why These Black Doctors Are Pushing President Obama to Ban Menthol Cigarettes, Tobacco Products", "National Troopers Coalition Applauds FDA Consideration of New Black Market Tobacco Study", "NC Union Says FDA Menthol Ban Would Hurt Workers", "Tobacco industry brushes off call for FDA restrictions on menthol cigarettes", "Systematic review of the epidemiological evidence comparing lung cancer risk in smokers of menthol and regular cigarettes", "Enhancing effect of menthol on nicotine self-administration in rats", "How Menthol Alters Tobacco-Smoking Behavior: A Biological Perspective", "Not so Cool? Winston Green L 10x 20er (ohne Menthol) 63,00 € Bestellen. Tabakprodukten wird Menthol seit den 1920er Jahren zugesetzt. Hülsen mit Menthol-Aroma, die separat verkauft werden, sind weiterhin erlaubt. Wir haben die echten Menthol-Zigaretten-Alternativen, die auch echte Menthol-Raucher überzeugen. There also is heavy marketing by tobacco companies in African American neighborhoods, magazines that are popular with African Americans, and at music and lifestyle events aimed at African Americans.1,5, Menthol cigarette smoking also affects other groups of people. that have a distinct taste), except for cigarettes that taste like menthol or tobacco.2, Menthol in cigarettes creates a cooling sensation in the throat and airways when the user inhales, making cigarette smoke feel less harsh on the user.1,3 Tobacco companies market menthol cigarettes as “smoother” than other cigarettes.3 However, menthol cigarettes are not less harmful than other cigarettes and they are likely a greater risk to public health than non-menthol cigarettes.3, Smoking any kind of cigarette, including menthol cigarettes, is harmful and increases risk for serious illness and death. It also could increase a young person’s risk of becoming dependent on nicotine.1 Compared to adults who smoke non-menthol cigarettes, adults who smoke menthol cigarettes make more attempts to quit smoking and have a harder time quitting.1,4. Regierung prüft Verstöße, EU-Verbot der Mentholzigarette:Alles spricht gegen Menthol,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. [5], Compared to tobacco blends for non-mentholated cigarettes, a menthol cigarette will tend to have more flue-cured than burley tobacco, and less oriental tobacco. We can help reduce menthol cigarette smoking and help people who smoke menthol cigarettes to quit with policies that limit where menthol cigarettes are sold and marketed, and by reaching out to groups that are more likely to smoke menthol cigarettes. [13], Race-specific advertising exacerbated small (a few percent) racial differences in menthol cigarette preferences into large (tens of percent) ones. Tabakerhitzer und Elektrische Zigarette mit Menthol-Liquid sind weiterhin erlaubt. [32], A 2020 US Surgeon General Report, Smoking Cessation, concluded that there is not enough evidence to support banning menthol as a way to reduce smoking. A nationwide study showed that among smokers who started smoking as young adults (over age 18), a majority first started smoking using menthol cigarettes. Even though fewer people are smoking any kind of cigarette now than in the past, the percentage of people who smoke menthol cigarettes is going down more slowly than the percentage of people who smoke non-menthol cigarettes.1,4, Young people and African Americans are more likely to smoke menthol cigarettes than other groups.1,3, These groups likely have higher percentages of menthol cigarette smoking in part because the tobacco industry has aggressively marketed menthol products to young people and African Americans, especially in urban communities.3 From their research, tobacco manufacturers knew that young people preferred smaller amounts of menthol in their menthol cigarettes, while older people who smoke preferred more menthol. In der EU ist die Verwendung von Menthol als Tabakzusatzstoff ab dem 20. To receive email updates about Smoking & Tobacco Use, enter your email address: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to Philip Morris International's 2018 annual report, “The tobacco union requested a stay of the enforcement of the ingredient ban while the appeal is pending”. The civil rights movement led to the rise of African-American publications, such as Ebony. "[3], R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company launched the first menthol filter-tip cigarettes in 1956 under the Salem brand. [34][35][36], The doctors' group African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council supports the ban. [8] [14] It has been proposed that menthol cigarettes, which are more addictive but not healthier,[15] should be banned, partially on grounds that race-specific marketing for a more addictive product is a social injustice. Es vermindert beim Inhalieren des Rauches das Reiz- und Schmerzempfinden im Atemtrakt. D’Silva J, Cohn AM, Johnson AL, Villanti AC. That percentage is higher than the percentage of adults 18 and older who smoke menthol cigarettes. [31], A progress report on panel findings was expected from the FDA in July 2011. [16], Despite it being illegal at the time, tobacco marketers gave out free menthol cigarette samples to children in black neighborhoods in the U.S.[17][18] Similar practices continue in Subsaharan Africa, where a 2016 study found over 12% of South African students had been given free cigarettes by tobacco company representatives. It has been banned in several countries, including Brazil, Canada, Ethiopia, Turkey, Moldova, the European Union, the United Kingdom and the US state of Massachusetts. Menthol ist ein natürlich vorkommendes ätherisches Öl und ist in Pflanzenarten der Gattung Minze enthalten. They are most popular in the Philippines, where they account for over 60% of total cigarette sales. Menthol-Verbot war gestern! Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee. Menthol's discovered actions on the nicotinic receptor and its implications for nicotine addiction", "Mentholated Cigarette Smoking Inhibits Nicotine Metabolism", Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Menthol vs. Nonmenthol Cigarettes: Effects on Smoking Behavior, Menthol Cigarette Smoking in African Americans and whites, Preliminary Scientific Evaluation of the Possible Public Health Effects of Menthol versus Nonmenthol Cigarettes, History of commercial tobacco in the United States, Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, Countries by cigarette consumption per capita, Composition of electronic cigarette aerosol, Composition of heated tobacco product emissions, Effects of electronic cigarettes on human brain development, Positions of medical organizations on electronic cigarettes, Hospitalized cases in the vaping lung illness outbreak, List of electronic cigarette and e-cigarette liquid brands,, Nicotine products with harm-reduction claims, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 October 2020, at 22:25.