Investing in a 4K TV now is a good idea, because they have dropped in price significantly Credit: LG. In monetary terms, K stands for $1,000, meaning 9K stands for $9,000. that’s an explanation. The letter is described to show '1000'. So, Greeks often used the word “Chilioi” in place of a thousand as well as the denominations above it. Luckily, the big heads of science have been on the job. So now they are being used the most on social media. Both uppercase and lowercase K's are generally accepted and recognized. What is the difference between stay safe and keep safe ? If you are amazed to know the origin of this letter, share this article with your friends and loved ones. Georgia doing "hand recount" of 2020 Presidential Election Ballots. It's K, G's mom, Ms. P's class. For example, $12,555 can be expressed as $12.5k. What’s the origin of “grand” meaning $1,000? Isn't "2+2" correct when answering 'What is "2+2"'? How can I better handle 'bad-news' talks about people I don't care about? 1k= one thousand (1,000) 10k = ten thousand (10,000) 100k= 100 thousand (100,000) Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Some try to keep things straight by using k to mean 1,000 while K means 1,024, but I venture to say most of the world is unaware of that distinction. Till now, we all use the same words and letter K as an abbreviation for thousand. '80000' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Its short form was used for the metric system. Definition of What is the meanging of 'k'? But Over 100k per year income is pretty good. Given the dizzying advance of technology, someday soon we’ll need prefixes for even larger quantities. Like, 1 Kilograms = 1 Thousand Grams; 1 Kilometer = 1 Thousand Meter; Therefore, “K” is used for thousand. Find out what is the full meaning of 80K on! What does I'm ready for class to be over mean? What does Erin and I have been on zero dates mean? Welcome to ELL! But you must be thinking that Thousand is called Thousand in English, so why T is not used for this. Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha. Here are the terms as agreed upon in 1990 (see for details): Send questions to Cecil via The derivation is obvious. Later, French took the same Greek Word “Chilioi” and shortened it to “Kilo“. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers. Best approach to safely bump up version of classes. Since the currency is not specified, it could mean anything from "10K dollars" to "10K rupees." Why is it wrong to answer a question with a tautology? The letter k … It also represents a quantity of 1,000 items or units. In this article, we will know about it in detail, so let’s know why 1K means a thousand? The letter M is also used when discussing money. What’s the origin of the skull and crossbones pirate flag? : mean? Sometimes the dollar sign is included, but it is not necessary. What does the letter X (=times) stand for? Check it out below. Actually, in our mind letter “K” stands for a thousand but most of us or we can say that all of us don’t know why does it stand for a thousand. Why do they call a thousand dollars a GRAND? Looking for the definition of 80K? Can ask all types of general questions and can understand longer answers. When talking about millions of dollars, it is acceptable to use two decimal places ($30.58MM). The other two answers from more than a year ago already mentioned this point; can you add more to the answer to make it stand out? What does M and MM stand for? 2.6k views. : ??? 10k Melville's chain of thought in the "great democratic God" passage in "Moby-Dick", Numbers which use three times as many digits in base 2 as in base 10. Both uppercase and lowercase K's are generally accepted and recognized. If yes and you didn’t find the answer, then we have a proper answer for it. What does What does bullshit means? Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language. So 100k=100,000. What are they? As such, people occasionally represent the number in a non-standard notation by replacing the last three zeros of the general numeral with "k": for instance, 30k for 30,000. Why doesn't a mercury thermometer follow the rules of volume dilatation? When discussing numbers that do not easily round to a thousand, use a decimal point with one number after the decimal. In terms of salary, "10K" refers to ten thousand. What Does ‘1K’ or ‘1M’ Mean? What confuses matters is that in the world of computers K sometimes means not 1,000 but 210, or 1,024. like. How to deal with a younger coworker who is too reliant on online sources. What does 10K means for salary? Sometimes the dollar sign is included, but it … mean? k always stands for "000". rev 2020.11.11.37991, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language Learners Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Therefore, “K” is used for thousand. mean? On Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, you must have seen 1K, 2K, 10K or 1M, 10M written. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. (See for more.) To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. How to make this illumination effect with CSS. The owner of it will not be notified. Why is "hand recount" better than "computer rescan"? The letter always follows the number. mean? A similar but not necessarily synonymous term is K, short for kilo, as in kilobyte. In writing, money is denoted by "Kshs" before or the slang notation "/=" after. What is the difference between intelligent and sharp and smart ? How should I visualize the average of two bars in a bar chart? What is the meaning of 'K' in 20K or 30K or 40K when disclosing price? The Language Level symbol shows a user's proficiency in the languages they're interested in. If you also have this thing in your mind and you do not know about them then this post is for you. 'K' is short for 1,000. k=1000 M=1000000|K is just a shorter way for thousand|It stands for thousand. What does “K” or “M” behind numbers mean? It is an abbreviation for Kilogram, which is 1,000 grams. Who "spent four years refusing to accept the validity of the [2016] election"? True. A true 4K screen has 4096 x 2160 pixels. Within a few decades, the term was so popular that it was abbreviated to G or G-note. ), The Secret Science of Solving Crossword Puzzles, Racist Phrases to Remove From Your Mental Lexicon. For examples, Kshs.1.00 is one-bob, whereas 5,000/= is five-Kei. Be part of the HiNative community while on the go! It was nice to see you this morning! What is the word used to express "investigating someone without their knowledge"? The letter "K" stands for Kilo. It comes from 'kilo'. Well, the origin of it was from Greece, there is a word “Chilioi” in Greek which means thousand. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. Every user running the Internet faces this. That is why we write “1K” instead of 1,000 and “1M” instead of 1 Million. It Pretty much all depends on where you are from and other things not necessarily mean money. Save yourself some trouble and stick with grand. Does meat (Black Angus) caramelize just with heat? By the late 1940s, a grand meant a thousand of almost anything, not just money. As with most questions of etymology, we don’t know who first used the phrase. K and M world is used for Likes, Comments, Share, Retweet, Subscribes count on Social Media Facebook, YouTube. 1K means $1,000 while 100K stands for $100,000. “K” and “M” are used to like, comment, share and subscribe on YouTube on social media Facebook, Twitter. Like. Scientists in France named “K” for the unit containing thousand. When talking about money, the letter K after a number denotes thousands. It's short for "thousand", just like how kilometers (km) are a thousand meters (m). The letter always follows the number. does this sound natural? Definition of M. The Roman numeral M is often used to indicate one thousand. "MM" and "M" both stand for "million." 1K means $1,000 while 100K stands for $100,000. ZX Spectrum 48k Power Supply outputting 15V. it means thousand! Do You Know What The ‘i’ Stands For In All Apple Products? it means thousand! What is the difference between man and men ? For example: Can 20k simply be pronounced as 'twenty k'? The term “grand” is American slang from the early 1900s, presumably from the expression “a grand sum of money” to mean $1,000. Some of you may even have heard of terabytes, the next jump up from giga. Full Information I have told you through this post and hope that you would have liked the post, I also hope that you will read all our posts too, so if you like all our posts then you comment on us So that we can make more Improvements in our Writing Skill. newsletter. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. Where did it come from? The special K has been loved by many people in Korea since last year. How to use money in a sentence. We all use the Letter “K” when it comes to writing a number in thousands, like 1000 means 1K, 10000 means 10K and the list goes on. The SI prefix for a thousand is kilo-, officially abbreviated as k—for instance, prefixed to "metre" or its abbreviation m, kilometre or km signifies a thousand metres. @Maulik V How is this 'k' pronounced? Later on, new words like Kilogram, Kiloliter, Kilotonne etc came into existence to measure 1000. 100k= 100 thousand (100,000). because russian people call “thousand” in colloquial speech as “косарь” (kosar) 10k – 10 косарей/ 10k. Why echo request doesn't show in tcpdump? 1024^6 = 2^60 = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976, 1024^7 = 2^70 = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424, 1024^8 = 2^80 = 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176. To further confuse matters, in calculating hard disk capacity, some tech vendors say there are only 1,000 KB in a megabyte, not 1,024. What other cookies/biscuits were traditionally baked in shell shaped forms like this one? Thank you veru informative, personally i didn’t knew it is originated from that word. As such, people occasionally represent the number in a non-standard notation by replacing the last three zeros of the general numeral with "K": for instance, 30K for 30,000. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. People are always looking for shortcuts. What is the difference between 魯蛋 and 滷蛋 ? The advantage of this is that there is no need to see how many “0” are behind the number, the viewer very quickly understands how much it is written. 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