The dragon is a powerful spiritual sign! The Dragon does not suffer fools, nor does he suffer the evil of lies, or derangement of the truth. To sum up, Dragon is a magician, the ultimate magician. Take some time to call out to angels, in particular, Archangels who can answer your concerns. which is how I can offer my information for free to the world ;) If you This is a great gift, and one you should accept with both gratitude and humility. Watching this movie you begin to Our spirit animals are always with us and if yours happen to be a spiritual dragon, you can contact it in the same way. . Dragon has many mythical powers that compliment and contrast his protective energies, some of which may surprise you. So a dragon could be called Dragon as well as being one. The Dragon's fire has the ability to burn through the veil of illusion, and to transmute fear, and density to reveal the underlying light and truth. Then there is seeing a dragon in the clouds. You could have a dragon spiritual animal or a dragon spirit guide. They are not your enemy and you have no reason to be afraid of them. (x['path'] == 'birth'))[0].path) == 'birth') ? We’ve all heard of spirit animals, dragons, and angels, well spiritual dragons are almost like a combination of the three. This is true wealth and is an example of one path that spirit dragons may guide us down. We many times cannot see that possibilities abound. If you are venturing into dangerous territory, a dangerous situation or encountering someone who wishes you harm... Dragon is the mythical creature to beckon. Many movies It’s one thing to pray to your God but what about Angel Praying? Legends tell that with the Dragon at your side, you feel Dragon gives us the "eyes to see" those possibilities, and "the wisdom" to take advantage of them, and how to proceed. The dragon clouds meaning stems back to the Eastern view of dragons and relates to good fortune. While old tales of the devil appearing as a dragon or serpent are mostly warnings, this can still happen in the world today. are interested in advertising on this site please contact me with your A spirit animal is simply the form in which you see your spirit guide. Thus, you do not run any risks. Would you like to know who your Protective Guardian Angel is? In many cultures, the dragon's fierce, majestic presence makes it a symbol of virtuous qualities, such as bravery, intelligence and ambition. Some associate the appearance of a spiritual dragon with riches but in reality, it is to do with being rich with happiness. To learn more about spiritual dragons, reach out to your Guardian Angel! . Dragon Powers and Magic Abilities ~&~ Attributes. 'is-invalid-input' : ''">. Often Dragon is used as a title or name rather than a reference to the creature itself. Dragon symbolism encompasses the infinite possibilities that surround you. What is Your Spirit Animal? This is where angels and dragons can become one. . Dragon is a master of magic, symbolizing the magic of the unseen, parallel dimensions. It is of great importance to take the Dragon with you when you need the truth exposed, in a legal suit when someone is making false claims. Simply find a peaceful place, perhaps meditate or perform some spiritual preparations and reach out to the spiritual dragon from within. . Dragons have always existed in our tales and stories. Dragon is the preeminent symbol of protection and an ally from dangerous foe. Angel Praying – What is it and how do I Do it. mention one all time favorite. The dragon clouds’ meaning can also relate to power. Dragon gives us the "eyes to see" those possibilities, and "the wisdom" to take advantage of them, and how to proceed. An angel could visit you in dragon form. Push Play --- & Wait for it, Wait for it . The intentions and deeds will be exposed for what they are with the almighty presence of the Dragon. I would like to say thank you for your Book of Angels. Take the Loch Ness Monster as an example: legend sees her in many forms but there are those who believe she is an ancient water dragon. It's amazing that all of this is possible when talking to the right people and you definitely are the person to talk to! A spiritual dragon can represent a transformation. Perhaps you simply see a dragon symbol somewhere that guides you towards your correct path. However, having a dragon spirit guide is something you should be wary of. If you summon the power of the Dragon, the dragon will give you the wisdom to be a success in whatever you choose to pursue. In this article, we…, The angels are always around you to help, guide, and assist you with any problem in your life. You could have a dragon spiritual animal or a dragon spirit guide. The spiritual dragon is rare and as a result, the information on it can be varied and scattered. If you desire to learn magic, indeed conspire with and entertain the Dragon in all it's glory. Spiritually Dragon symbolizes success. Posted by Padre on For example, you may see an image or a statue of a dragon that resonates with a deeper part of yourself, or alternatively, you can create something original through drawing or sculpting. The symbol is always an incredibly personal one so you should reflect on yourself to find the answer. Be sure to Take the Quiz! Spiritual dragons may not be a term you’ve come across before. If your dragon spirit animal seems to be guiding you towards actions or thoughts that seem immoral to you, then you need to stop. The Dragon's fire is a sacred spiritual tool which can serve to transmute negativity, and to ignite the alchemical fire within you. Spiritual dragons today come in a variety of roles. While you probably associate dragons with fire, they are in fact masters of the elements. The Astrologist is a program offered by Padre’s partner Digitalist Ltd. More information can be found on the Privacy Policy of The Astrologist. Contacting angels and dragons is a very similar task but the spiritual dragon is often hidden and will stay that way until it is needed. Especially when it comes to expanding and…. Reaching far back into ancient times, there are legends of Dragons and of people having Personal Dragons. Thanks to his extrasensory abilities, Padre can establish precious contacts with Guardian Angels. As the Dragon ventures into these new territories and lands we discover new areas of the meaning and symbols of the Dragon. If you are venturing into dangerous territory, a dangerous situation or encountering someone who wishes you harm... Dragon is the mythical creature to beckon. Dragon is the equalizer and will bring a force that makes adversaries ~ those with wrong intentions quiver and shake without knowing why. Learning how to speak to my guardian angel gave me real strength and energy to fight all the difficulties in every day life. If you haven’t attempted to call for help from one or reached out to the angels then it could be that your Guardian Angel made the decision to send a spiritual dragon to your aid. Dragons generally symbolize power and grandeur, but Eastern versions view dragons as benevolent, lucky and wise, while their Western counterparts associate them with malice and trickery. The spiritual meaning of dragon presence can vary from person to person. This could simply be the shape of a dragon or it could be that you saw an actual dragon. Sometimes they are one and the same. A few weeks ago, I asked you to help me get my husband back as our marriage seemed almost dead. Dragon knows well the ways of magic, alas because he has lived in the realm of magic for eons. So you can confide in your angels privately and seek their guidance on the matter.