Joel Forman, MD, is a board-certified pediatrician and associate professor of pediatrics, environmental medicine, and public health at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She's mimicking some sounds, movements and expressions and starting to babble. Let them practice kicks and arm-stretching as it is necessary for them during their muscle development period. How can I get my 3-month-old to sleep?It’s harder than you might think to get a tired baby to actually go to sleep! One thing your 3-month-old baby is definitely ready to do is show you his budding personality. Still there are some nights when none of that seems to work. A ... says Dr. Altmann. What’s important is that baby seems content, your boobs seem to have been emptied (they’re soft) and baby’s gaining weight healthily. You might hear from a friend or family member that starting your baby on solid foods now will help him sleep through the night. Try to smile every time; it will be helpful for your kids’ brain development. Instead of crying, your baby is starting to communicate in other ways, such as cooing and making vowel sounds (''oh'' and ''ah,'' for example). Many parents ask Can I give my 3-month-old water? Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved. Even if you had a not-terrible first trimester, your body went through the ringer with hormones (and your brain is probably still catching up to your new reality, too). It’s common for a baby to experience a 3-month-old growth spurt. Your baby will be taking on a new appearance and gaining a lot of exciting skills this month, like finding their hands, smiling more, and perhaps the more important development of all—possibly sleeping through the night. And if your breastfeeding journey must come to an end as a result of challenges, medical conditions, or personal reasons, rest assured that formula feeding is a perfectly healthy and valid option for your baby as well. During tummy time, roll a ball within 2 feet from him and make them reach the ball by their own. 3-Month-Old MilestonesWhat Should a 3-Month-Old Be Doing? If you aren't sure what to say, you can start by narrating what you are doing at any given moment, like when you are changing your baby's diaper, getting them dressed, or giving a bath. Growth spurts can last a few days but true sleep regression (which typically happens closer to 4 months) can last two to six weeks. Are There Natural Remedies for Postpartum Depression? First do no harm: why have parents and pediatricians missed the boat on children and media? SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Evidence Base for 2016 Updated Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment. 2 August 2006, pp. Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. If it exceeds, consult a pediatrician. Faces are absolutely fascinating to 3-month-old babies. You may find their joints are getting stronger and they’re able to kick stronger and in a more coordinated manner. Baby’s getting plenty of hydration from breast milk or formula and needs the nourishment it provides. digestive, muscle, and skeletal systems are developing, individual fingers and toes on their hands and feet are starting to form, bone marrow is producing white blood cells, genitals are developing (meaning that pretty soon you’ll be able to, Focus on healthy eating. Baby Developmental Milestones: By 3 Months May raise head and chest while on tummy For your baby, holding up his head and chest while leaning on his elbows will be a major triumph. Bottle feeding: How much formula for a 3-month-old baby? She's likely gained another 1.5 to 2 pounds and grown 1 to 1.5 inches this month. AAP Policy Statement. Three months isn’t exactly the most exciting pregnancy milestone — getting through the day might still feel like a slog — but you’re probably just about to turn the corner on the whole “this is rough” phase if you haven’t already. Eventually, he will get the idea that nighttime is for sleeping only. Think about how you’ll tell people about your pregnancy if you haven’t announced yet, especially your employer and co-workers. He might even sit up if you arrange supports in each of the sides of his body. By 3 months, baby is probably smiling plenty, and she's likely started to imitate what she hears and sees (so watch what you do, mama!). There are the must-haves for your baby registry that you know you’ll need right away. This is the stage that child psychiatrist Margaret Mahler referred to as ''hatching,'' when babies come out of their ''shells'' and begin to react and relate to the world around them. 2018;54(11):1174-1175. doi:10.1111/jpc.14257, Dosman CF, Andrews D, Goulden KJ. Here are a few simple things you can do to help your baby’s development at this age: Play together: sing songs, read books, play with toys, do tummy time and make funny sounds together – your baby will love it!