To make them... Soy Milk. soy/almond milk. 5/10 Beer- if you're drunk enough to put beer in cereal, you're drunk enough to enjoy it. You want to buy enough so you're never in a bind when the late-night cereal munchies hit, but you also don't want to have so much it spoils in your fridge. If you haven't tried strawberries and Cheerios, you've missed out. they're all healthy weight, eat with proper spoons/forks. Visit any pediatric dentist and you'll see the posters showing the damage that can be done. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'mamapedia_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',640,'0','0']));Never! Ice cream in cereals good too. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. I wouldn’t use anything other than milk, or milk substitutes like almond milk or coconut milk. Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern. 13 years old and agree to the You shouldn't put anything but formula/breastmilk in a bottle unless your pediatrician recommends adding single-grain cereal to help allieviate reflux. If I didn’t have milk, I’d eat it dry. One weekend, we had her cousin staying with us, who was also an early riser. I was watching a show last night about single parents and their struggles and was in shock when one mother poured a jar of baby sweet potatoes in her baby's bottle. We had trouble talking to the server. terms and conditions. I ate All-bran with soy milk. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. there are many products that make things hands-free when it comes to parenting. ive seen bottle shaped baby food feeders, the hole is just bigger to allow passage. I have done this when he would not eat. Please try again. … My son did have medical issues including reflux. 5/10. There are a lot of things you can use like: soy/almond milk. It was good. Did you like it :)? I also think that everyone of us does something that all the other mothers would be against doing if we just shared everything on how we raised our children from newborn and up. He asked "Do your parents really let you eat that for breakfast?" By putting it in the bottle you add needless calories, displace the nutrients of the formula or breast milk and delay your child's development to learn to eat different textures, which is really the only purpose of introducing the solids to children under a year. To join, you must be at least What is your most favourite drink to drink? Introducing solids to babies under 1 year if mostly for development/complimentary to their formula or breast milk. I would even do veggie soup and blend it in one of those bullet blenders. Better yet, forget the cereal and just have the whiskey. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. There is nothing wrong with that, at home I used it until they could be spoon feed, no over weight baby's or tooth decay. Cereal with yogurt is good, though I don’t think that will save you money. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. I know people who put in water or orange juice. FRuit rolled in cereal is really good. There are a lot of things i dont enjoy about being a mother.....(tantrums, gooey poop, fevers, puke, doctor visits, potty training, screaming at night) but feeding my babies is NOT one of them. Please don't do that! I have done this when he would not eat. 2/10, Vodka mixed with milk- it's alright, if you like vodka. Name an odd meal that you've had for breakfast? i think just alot of parents freak out nowadays.. lol. I just tried water in my Froot Loops and It worked out fine. Odd, you say? Apparently she took him downstairs and scooped out a huge bowl of ice cream. From breast, to spoon, to straw, to bibs and sippy cups, i LOVE feeding my babies. I don't and would never!!!! Yogurt keeps cereal crispy longer, and almond milk feels lighter than dairy milk, so either is a step up. Whiskey. One need not pour milk in, then pour ALL the cereal in - rather, one can pour a small amount of milk in, pour the cereal in and then pour the rest of the milk in. also by 8mnth they were eating mushy 'table' food if you will. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. To answer the OP question, though, almond milk is very good on cereal. But i have seen mothers who prop bottles up on pillows so infants can suckle away i suppose it could be the same for this mushed food form too, and i guess they just dont love it like i do. Thank God he finally stopped throwing up at a year. Technically you can put any liquid you want in a bowl of cereal. After giving your baby a bottle you should be using a soft wet washrag to remove the formula or whatever you are feeding them from their mouth and gums. Oops. Does discontentment fuel your motivation for change? When Can You Start Putting Cereal in the Baby's Bottle? Gotta respect a man who enjoys his Beerios. 13 Answers. I’ve tried water on my cereal (I’m my college days). The biggest danger would appear to be leaving a baby un-supervised with a bottle, but you don't say that happened. Who hates a "soggy" bowl of cereal in milk? Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. By putting baby food in a bottle, you make the baby have to suck much harder to get the food thereby increasing the chance for choking/aspirating. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. can drink out of cups. I would mix more fruits then anything so they wouldnt bind w/ just cereal alone & it kept things 'moving' all 3 of my kids are fine.. they were spoon feeding by 5-6 mnths. Chocolate soy milk silk brand. I chop bananas and strawberries for my cereal. You better put some water on that damn shit! This is what I call a smoothie and I have put pureed foods in with my sons bottles using a large flow Nuk nipple. I’ve even heard of using beer but I haven’t tried it. What other liquids can you put in your cereal, (Coffee, tea, chicken broth ect..) Also you can eat cereal without any liquids like a snack. real mash potatoes, soft meat(like mtballs) boiled carrots.. Try adding some sugar and milk—this will get rid of the bitter taste of the tea and make your cereal even more appetizing.