The sun sets between 9:07 PM and 8:16 PM in August in Basel. The month with the highest average low temperature is July (14.5°C). Sunrise: 6:32 AM Sunset: 8:40 PM, The day lasts: 14 Sunset: 8:16 PM, Distance to sea/ocean for Basel is about: 366 km. The mountain passes are open, and you can experience the scenic beauty and varying colours of the country. Sunrise: 6:47 AM Note that these seasonal averages are in contrast with those observed in Lucerne in the month of august with a maximum record of 95°F in 2013 and a minimum record of 38°F in 2016. Little or no discomfort, when you visit Basel certainly You can expect to have about 2 days with temperatures up to 86°F, or 6 of the month. UV in August is Read an overview of the climate. The month with the highest number of rainy days is May (12.4 days). Sunrise: 6:43 AM Sunset: 9:05 PM, The day lasts: 15 The beach season on Lake Geneva lasts from the middle of summer to the end of August. At the same time, cooler and warmer types of weather can be found in Switzerland. Sunrise: 6:14 AM Sunset: 8:18 PM, The day lasts: 13 You plan to go to Lucerne in Switzerland in august : check how are the weather and seasonal norms below. Sunrise: 6:17 AM August, the last month of the summer, is also a moderately hot month, with temperature in the range of an average low of 14.2°C (57.6°F) and an average high of 24.7°C (76.5°F). The warmest month (with the highest average high temperature) is July (25.3°C). In August you can count on Sunny hours: 6 At that time of year you can expect 89 mm of atmospheric precipitation during the whole month in Basel. Weather in Grindelwald in August 2020. a pleasant. With a good climate, august is a good time to go in Lucerne. Sunny hours: 5 August, the last month of the summer, is also a moderately hot month, with temperature in the range of an average low of 14.2°C (57.6°F) and an average high of 24.7°C (76.5°F). In August barometric pressure is The month with the lowest average high temperature is January (4.5°C). The month with the highest number of snowfall days is January (3 days). 2020 © : Terms of Service | The weather in Lucerne can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. Sunset: 8:52 PM, The day lasts: 14 During this season, the weather is mild and it is easy to go sightseeing. Sunny hours: 10 Months with the lowest snowfall are May, June, July, August and September (0mm). Sunny hours: 6 Sunny hours: 8 Majorca – The diamond of the balearic islands, Book the best hotels in Basel - in partnership with, Compare hotel rates in Basel and save up to 80%, Water Temperature in localities in Basel », Weather phenomena recorded in previous years in Basel: ». Beaufort: Sunset: 9:02 PM, The day lasts: 15 At a regional level this is a known phenomenon too. Sunrise: 6:08 AM The climate in august in Lucerne is wet (with 5.9in of precipitation over 16 days). The climate in august in Lucerne is wet (with 5.9in of precipitation over 16 days). It should be noted an improvement from the previous month since in july it receives an average of 7.2in of precipitation over 18 days. Sunset: 8:35 PM, The day lasts: 14 [268], Weather Atlas | © 2002-2020 | Yu Media Group d.o.o. Stay in shade near midday when the sun is the strongest. a lot higher humidity. wet and rainy. Sunset: 8:48 PM, The day lasts: 14 Sunrise: 6:21 AM provides a tool to help you decide on your next holiday destination. , which means that you may feel a: Sunset: 8:50 PM, The day lasts: 14 1 - Light air. The month with the lowest number of rainy days is February (8.4 days). Sunrise: 6:35 AM Sunny hours: 5 Sunny hours: 6 In August, the average low-temperature is -2.2°C (28°F). The month with most sunshine is July (Average sunshine: 7.2h). The wettest month (with the highest rainfall) is May (99mm). pretty good visibility about 10 km. Sunrise: 6:20 AM Sunrise: 6:46 AM HumIndex value for Basel is 28 Sunny hours: 8 Sunset: 8:27 PM, The day lasts: 14 Sunrise: 6:12 AM Sunrise: 6:10 AM The coldest month (with the lowest average low temperature) is January (-1.1°C). Travel guide and advices. Sunrise: 6:24 AM Sunset: 8:55 PM, The day lasts: 15 The best humidity when people feel the best at a relative humidity of 45 percent. you want to enjoy lovely views and landscapes. You may feel a languor. Sunny hours: 6 The most picturesque and panoramic views greet you during this time of the year. Sunrise is at 06:23 and sets at 20:38. Sunset: 8:58 PM, The day lasts: 15 These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Lucerne in august. Sunny hours: 7 Sunny hours: 7 Sunset: 8:47 PM, The day lasts: 14 Months with the lowest UV index are January, November and December (UV index 1). Sunset: 8:53 PM, The day lasts: 15 The driest month (with the lowest rainfall) is February (45mm). The month with the longest days is June (Average daylight: 15.9h). Sunset: 9:01 PM, The day lasts: 15 Sunset: 9:07 PM, The day lasts: 15 A cloudy, drizzly morning does not necessarily have to be a sign for a full day of bad weather. These are positively unfavorable conditions for a tour. Sunrise: 6:07 AM Real feel temperature is around 26℃ in August. Sunrise: 6:39 AM Day length in Lucerne in august is 14:15. Sunset: 8:59 PM, The day lasts: 15