Celine laughs, then leans over to kiss him.). (They laugh.). I have a great suggestion, you move to your mother and take all your cookbooks with you.). You, are an adventurer, a seeker. Jesse: Uh, ye- (Indecisive.) Céline: And nobody's come up with anything. Oh, let not time deceive you Wirklich so gehuepft, dass du sie dauernd anstarren musst? That's holiday/vacation time. Woman: Typisch! (He shakes his head.) even its story but its more than than viewer believe in those chracter, Scene I – “What Are You Saying?” (The Train), Scene II – “You’re American? Celine is sitting across the aisle from them, on the right of the screen, reading a book. You know, the government, their conservative catholic backgrounds, I mean. Maybe that's why this feels so otherworldly. Do you know anyone who's in a happy relationship? He's got a great voice. Listen. Céline: I think some were from accidents, on boats and things like that, but most of them were suicides that jumped in the river. you have a...(With more emphasis.) (Points to table.) The best movie quotes, movie lines and film phrases by Movie Quotes .com . Here are some wake up early quotes that help motivate you when getting up at the break of dawn (or earlier): 1) “Lose an hour in the morning, and you will be all day hunting for it.” ~Richard Whately. If it just turns into more busy work. How about one year? You know it‘s very subtle, but you know, it‘s a new form of fascism. It was my first and last session. (I cannot expose this apartment to that Chaos). Jesse: Are you crazy? ), (Céline pays her, and gypsy begins to walk away. You know, rich kids' parents gave them too much, poor kids' not enough. We see Celine sitting alone, looking out the window.). Before Sunrise Quotes Jesse: Everything that's interesting costs a little bit of money. Jesse: Umm. You can enter and walk through the Prater free of charge, but you must pay 1- 10 Euros for rides or attractions. I always feel like the general of an army when I start dating a guy, you know, plotting my strategy and maneuverings, knowing his weak points, what would hurt him, seduce him. Céline: I'm not so scared of flying. Poet: (Takes poem.) I mean, getting these tapes from town to town, city to city, so that they could play continuously, ‘cause it would have to play all the time, or else it just wouldn't work. Jesse: Alright, I got an idea. If you want, maybe there's a seedy section of Vienna, we can go buy a hit of crack, you know. Oh no, we missed it. tags: abhishek-kumar , stardust , stardust-family , stardustak , stars , we-are-stardust. For anyone who has watched the romantic movie “Before Sunrise,” you’ll totes understand what I mean when I say how utterly sensational and beautiful that movie is. Must have been forty-five minutes. I can't stop thinking that way. Baby, let's forget about this pride. (Céline shakes her head.) You know what I mean? Céline seems amused, but unimpressed. It fascinates me how a single place can join so much pain and happiness for so many generations. (They both stare for a while, and then half-sigh, half-laugh.). 24. Jesse: December, yeah, right. ), Man: I really think this is a civilization in decline. Web: http://cityguide.max.msn.de/cityguide/wien/tipps.html?id=871230. (Name on gravestone is Elisabeth.) Jesse: I dunno, the key, the key (squints his eyes as if perplexed)...thing that kind of haunts me is the distribution, you know. 2) “One key to success is to have lunch at the time of day most people have breakfast.“ ~Robert Brault The Sun is such a lonely star. Céline: No, I don't want you to break our vow, just so you can get LAID. Are we not invited? (Looks around for the waitress. Uh, six months from now, or last night? Celine loses her ball as the scene begins. The way...the way every time that we would have people over...I'd be insecure, and I'd get a little too drunk. But she just confessed to me that she spent her whole life dreaming about another man she was always in love with. (“Go back to your mother,” I can’t take it anymore. The montage of Paris cleverly mirrors the ending sequence seen in “Before Sunrise” of the scenes they used in Vienna, Austria. But loving someone, and being loved means so much to me. But I think they lie to each other. Quotes tagged as "we-are-stardust" Showing 1-1 of 1. I mean, that tonight's our only night. Before Sunrise (1995) - Yarn is the best way to find video clips by quote. The answer must be in the attempt.” Not really, you know. ), Man with jacket: See here. You got a boyfriend waiting on you back in Paris, or anything like that? Not service-oriented. One question, though, back there. Web: http://www.arena.co.at. Jesse: Alright. You know, I've never, um, gone to the movies, when I wasn't there in the audience. Celine follows him, pausing for a moment to look to her right, before stepping down to the platform. Everything we know, is stardust. (We see a middle-aged couple sitting in the front of the coach car, on the left of the screen. I didn't want to see anybody I knew, I just wanted to be a ghost. After long conversations forge a surprising connection between them, Jesse convinces Celine to get off the train with him in Vienna. (Leans all the way toward her, and kisses her on the lips. I really hate it. That’s the thing about relationships – people are I think I'm afraid of death 24 hours a day. Jesse: (Speaks in a German accent, or what Americans would consider “Freudian.”) Describe for me. A friend of mine told me about her. Céline: It‘s just...it‘s depressing, no? (Jesse sighs of frustration and collapses to the ground again. whole life is revolving around some guy. We come here, we go somewhere else. Before Sunset Quotes Celine: Even being alone--it's better than being with a lover and feeling lonely. Certain insects do that, you know, like spiders, and stuff. Céline: Oh, man, I wouldn't worry about that. 2 likes. And I think that's so true, I mean, all-- everything is so finite. She sat right across the aisle from me. “Andante” From Sonata For Viola Da Gamba In G Major by Bach plays in the background as the closing montage begins to roll. (Freudian accent again.) No, not yet. Can I tell you a secret? His ranking is seventy, which is told to him in German. Richard Link Jesse: Okay. (You'd...would you prefer them to meet those people down in the metro stations first? Now, there's between five and six billion people on the planet, right? Jesse: Everybody's parents fucked them up. Before Sunrise Quotes Stardust - 92 Quotes. ), (Scene clip: a woman sitting alone, reading a book, with a finished coffee by her side. Céline: (With her hands mimicking a telephone, lifting it off the base, and putting it to her ear.) (Céline smiles.) You know, you’d like to think you’re both in all this pain but they’re just like “Hey, I’m glad you’re gone”. She looks at Jesse one more time after picking up her book.). The camera begins to pan out, as his voice fades out.) I want to keep talking to you, you know. Yeah? Jesse: Alright, uh, I had this idea, okay? A young man and woman meet on a train in Europe, and wind up spending one evening together in Vienna. Céline: Wait a minute, I'm not sure I...I don't.... Jesse: Hang on, I know, I know, its a totally scattered thought, which is kind of why it makes sense. Celine: What about our rational, adult decision? Céline: Okay. And then, after an hour or so of just uh, staring at each other, they're married. Jesse: (Looking at her. “The years shall run like rabbits.“. Let's do it. Oh, I see. Actually, I think I'd probably have gotten off the train in Salzburg with someone else. He leans over and they kiss. While each and every sunrise literally marks the beginning of a new day, it also reminds us that we, too, can start fresh with a good attitude, positivity, and gratitude. Great. Before Sunrise quotes: the most famous and inspiring quotes from Before Sunrise. We, maybe we should try something different. Location notes: the Teuchtler Alt & Neu record store is located at 10 Windmühlgasse in the 6th district, near Mariahilfer Straße. Are You Sure?” (The Lounge Car), Scene III – “Think Of This As Time Travel” (Arriving in Vienna), Scene V – “It’s Q & A Time” (The Streetcar), Scene VI – “There’s a Wind That Blows In From the North” (Record Store), Scene VIII – “Are You Saying You Want To Kiss Me?” (The Prater), Scene IX – “You Are Stardust” (Kleines Café), Scene XI – “Do You Believe in God?” (The Church), Scene XII – “Daydream Delusion, Limousine Eyelash” (The Poet), Scene XIII – “Pedro, Antonio, Gonzalo, Maria, Suzie…” (Playing Pinball), Scene XIV – “The Answer Must Be In The Attempt” (The Alley), Scene XV – “She Was Literally a Botticelli Angel” (Café Sperl), Scene XVI – “This Feels So Otherworldly” (The Opera House), Scene XVII – “Maybe We Should Try Something Different” (The Boat), Scene XVIII – “For the Greatest Night in Your Life” (The Wine Bar), Scene XIX – “I Have to Say Something Stupid” (The Park), Scene XX – “I’m Gonna Take Your Picture” (The Harpsichordist), Scene XXI – “The Years Shall Run Like Rabbits” (The Statue), Scene XXII – “Goodbye – Goodbye – Au Revoir – Later”, Scene XXIII – Ending Montage and Closing Credits. (Reads it.). “There’s always a sunrise and always a sunset and it’s up to you to … I know, it’s almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? Jesse: We should get a locker for all this stuff. Céline: Well...he convinced me. Take the money with you). Man with jacket: And as you see, there is the address. Listen. (Céline gives him a sadistic look, as if to say, “Not necessarily.”). Tell me. Céline: Vanie, ma vacation est incroyable! The scene cuts to them walking hand-in-hand, a few moments later.). Jesse: Oh, yeah. Céline: (Picks up 'phone', mimics American accent.) Céline: You sound like you've just been hurt, or something. Jesse: Come here. (They laugh.) Location notes: the boat scene takes place aboard the DDSG Johann Strauss, which is docked on the Donaukanal near Schwedenplatz.