cxv and cxvi are united to form one. October 1, 1912. Original von IlButchomeine heisst meistens : drecksschlampe!!! Much earlier than this we find an evening Office corresponding to both that of Vespers and that of Compline. In the sixth century the Office of Vespers in the Latin Church was almost the same as it has been throughout the Middle Ages and up to the present day. Cabrol, F. (1912). The Gallican Liturgy, the Mozarabic Liturgy, and, to a certain extent, the Milanese, have preserved the Lucernarium (cf. chrét. Vesper means evening in Classical Latin. ritibus, IV, 32 sqq. de la messe, I, 66 sqq. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Elizabeth T. Knuth. Notwithstanding the changes brought about in the course of time, Vespers still remains the great and important Office of the evening. Ecclesiastical approbation. In the Rule of St. Columbanus, dated about 590, Vespers still has twelve psalms, amongst which are Pss. Registrieren Sie sich kostenlos und nehmen Sie an unserer Community teil! Vesper - Name Meaning, Origin & Popularity. jA hat sie eleonore steht sogar fast aufm kennzeichen ele. Importance. ; DE VERT, Explic. du bréviaire, I, 208-31, etc. The hora incensi recalls the custom of burning incense at this hour, while at the same time the candles were lighted. Latest changes Zum Liebestest. et de liturgie", s.v. There are, however, a few exceptions, as in some liturgies the "Magnificat" is sung at Lauds (cf. On Sundays it is the Office most likely to bring the faithful together in church for the second time and thus becomingly completes the Divine Service for that day. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Dedicated to the monks of St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota. This is a point to be noted, as it was an innovation. The "Antiphonary of Bangor", a document of Irish origin, gives for Vespers Psalm 112 and also the "Gloria in excelsis". This place of honour accorded so persistently to the canticle of Mary from such remote antiquity is but one of the many, and of the least striking, proofs of the devotion which has always been paid to the Blessed Virgin in the Church. My email address is webmaster at Bäumer-Biron, l. c., II, 54 sqq. We can now see the great importance which the Church appears to have attached always to the Office of Vespers. It may also refer to: Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term,, Disambiguation pages with surname-holder lists, Disambiguation pages with short descriptions, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Vesper, an abandoned village southwest of, Vesper, an organization in the manga and anime series, Vesper, a banshee with unusually magical singing abilities from animated television series, Vesper Family, a family in the book series, Vesper mission, a planned Venus chemistry and dynamics orbiter of the NASA, Vesper, the Roman equivalent of the Greek demigod (later deified), This page was last edited on 24 August 2020, at 12:10. The Catholic Encyclopedia. cxix sqq. d'arch. ; BÄUMER-BIRON, Hist. In Prudentius (fourth century) we find a hymn entitled "Ad incensum lucernæ" which, according to some critics, would appear to have been composed for the hour of the Lucernarium (Arevalo, "Prudenti carmina", I, 124, ed. d'arch. Joah..also meiner hat mal jemand nen Namen gegeben.Den fand ich recht lustig und ab da hieß sie dann wohl "Uschi", Ich gebe nur bestimmten Bauteilen einen Namen.Das Schliessfach meiner XL2 ist "Miststück"Das Lager an der Kurbelwelle heisst so ähnlich, Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Da_Rolla (29. St. However, the Lucernarium may have had, at that time, some analogy with the ceremony of Holy Saturday, and the hymn could thus be adapted to one or the other. The Vesper psalms, as well as the hymns and antiphons, are well calculated to edify the faithful. But, how did Bond come to drink Vespers? also Cabrol, "Les églises de Jérusalem, la discipline et la liturgie au IVe siècle", 47). Matins and Lauds, on account of the hour at which they are celebrated, have always been more or less inaccessible to the faithful; likewise the little hours, except, perhaps, Terce, which serves as an introduction to the Mass. On all feasts, of whatever rite, the second part of Vespers, that is, the capitulum, hymn, antiphon of the "Magnificat", is taken from the Sanctorale. Each psalm was followed by a short prayer (P.L., XLIX, 83-4, 88-9). August 2007), fridolin is cool..... so hieß früher sone holzpuppe mit sonem clip dran für den kinderwagen, damit der schreihals ruhe gibt hat bei meiner schwester leider nicht mehr gewirkt^^. d'arch. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. The "Apostolic Constitutions" (VIII, xxi, 34, 35) describe it in almost the same terms as the "Peregrinatio". The Decree "Divino afflatu" (1 Nov., 1911) involves some important changes in the old Roman Office. Haneberg, "Die relig. et inf. der Bibel", Munich, 1869, p. 362). cix to cxlvii (with the exception of the groups cxvii to cxxvii and cxxxiii to cxlii); Pss. On all feasts, of whatever rite, the second part of Vespers, that is, the capitulum, hymn, antiphon of the "Magnificat", is taken from the Sanctorale. Lastly, the ancient custom of having a lection or reading from the Old, or from the New, Testament, or from the homilies of the Fathers, might well in certain cases and to a certain extent be re-adopted, or serve as the subject-matter for the sermon which is sometimes delivered at this service. i to cviii are consecrated to Matins and Lauds, whilst the three last psalms, cxlviii to cl, belong invariably to Lauds. Vesperae). The "Peregrinatio", which gives the liturgical order as practised at Jerusalem and the date of which is probably the fourth century, calls it Lichnicon. Before the fourth century we find allusions to the evening prayer in the earlier Fathers, Clement I of Rome (Clemens Romanus), St. Ignatius, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Origen, the Canons of St. Hippolytus, St. Cyprian (for texts see Bäumer-Biron, l. c., I, 20 sqq., 73-4, 76, 78). It is quite conformable to tradition, moreover, to invest this Office with a particular solemnity. As already pointed out, it recalls the sacrificium vespertinum of the Old Law. Bäumer-Biron, l. c., II, 54 sqq. October 1, 1912. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. . et de liturgie", s.v. The reason of this is that St. Benedict introduced in the cursus, another hour--that of Compline--which was prescribed to be celebrated in the evening, and which might be considered as a kind of doubling of the Office of Lucernarium. APA citation. Diese Seite verwendet Cookies. It may thus be seen that the Lucernarium was, together with Vigils, the most important part of the Offices of the day, being composed of almost the same elements as the latter, at least in certain regions. Smith, "Dict. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. On Sundays it is the Office most likely to bring the faithful together in church for the second time and thus becomingly completes the Divine Service for that day. cix to cxlvii, with the exception of Psalm 118, which on account of its unusual length does not square with the others, and is consequently ordinarily divided up into parts and recited at the little hours. Juli 2007). Spelling of Vesper V-E-S-P-E-R, is a 6-letter male given name. Vespers, on the contrary, occupies a privileged place towards the end of the day. Pss. In the "Old Gallican Sacramentary" (Thomasi, "Opera", VI, 395) we find for Holy Saturday an oratio ad duodecima, designed to celebrate the light as well as the Resurrection, which would seem thus to favour our hypothesis. These psalms are to be recited with their antiphons, not only at the Office de tempore (Sundays and feriæ) but also on feasts of a lesser rite than doubles of the second class, that is to say, on simples, semidoubles (double minors), and double majors. The origin of the name Vesper is Latin. Its existence in the fourth century is also confirmed by St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, St. The use of incense, candles, and other lights would seem to suggest the Jewish rites which accompanied the evening sacrifice (Exodus 29:39; Numbers 28:4; Psalm 140:2; Daniel 9:21; 1 Chronicles 23:30; cf. The author tells us that this Office took place at the tenth hour (four o'clock in the evening); it is really the Office des lumières, i.e. Haneberg, "Die relig. d'arch. . Christ. First edition cover. The name, however, by which it was most widely known during that period was Lucernalis or Lucernaria hora (l. c., 126). Vesperae). Weitere Themen. mh meine hat noch kein namen aber bald wird sie getauft (amelie alisa keine ahnung), aber von meinem dad die Vespa heißt Fridolin, Einmal editiert, zuletzt von JoH (19. Basil also speaks of a hymn being sung at the moment when the torches were lighted, doubtless the famous hymn--"Lumen hilare" (cf. He says the Office was recited towards five or six o'clock and that all the lights were lighted. The Decree "Divino afflatu" (1 Nov., 1911) involves some important changes in the old Roman Office. This disposition is almost the same as that of the "Ordo Romanus", except that the number of psalms recited is five instead of four. Vol. The "Antiphonary of Bangor", a document of Irish origin, gives for Vespers Psalm 112 and also the "Gloria in excelsis". Gougaud, "Les chrétientés celtiques", 309; "Dict. ", s.v. This variation on the Dry Martini was created by the mind of author Ian Fleming, the result of various influences, and made famous by its inclusion in his first James Bond novel, Casino Royale, published in 1953.