When I was a kid, I loved playing basketball in my driveway. Although an unbeliever and an immature. Q. He lets you vent, regardless of the subject. She is sometimes referred to as a “strange woman,” that is a foreigner, one who has no knowledge of the God of Israel (cf. 25:24). A GODLY WIFE IS GODLY. 20 Characteristics of a Godly Man: A Review | Living to L.a.s.t. Here is a factor we cannot afford to overlook. 1. She is not a helper but a hindrance to her mate. A godly man keeps promises, even to his hurt – Psalms 1511. Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised (31:30). When a godly man loves, he will uphold all that is righteous, true, and worthy. If you will recall, it was the Pharisees who asked Jesus if it was lawful for a man to divorce for any cause at all (Matt. So also the ideal wife is characterized as a woman of wisdom. He is above reproach. be either a delight or a disaster. For prospective mates the implications of this message should be obvious. ” (7:18-19). Some time ago I was arrested by the words of the Centurion in the Gospel of Matthew: “For I too am a man under authority, with soldiers under me; and I say to this one, “Go” and he goes, and to another, “Come” and he comes, and to my slave, “Do this” and he does it” (Matt. Godliness begins with a proper relationship to God. Our Lord’s answer to this question was to emphasize the rule, not the exception, and therefore the stress was on the permanence of the marriage union (19:4-9). The potential of a wife for good or evil is summed up in the words of this proverb: An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, But she who shames him is as rottenness in his bones (12:4). I have come to see that this is not at all the case. Since we have already studied the characteristics of the wise, we will only summarize them here. The Way of the Wise: Studies in the Book of Proverbs. A godly man does not slander – Psalms 158. She is “as rottenness in his bones” (12:4). The man you inevitably end up with should make you feel loved, wanted and appreciated. 4. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Christian men are protectors. He is not a drunkard. In these marriages, couples allow God to guide them. In the Book of Genesis there is an interesting contrast between the selection of Rebekah as Isaac’s wife (chap. Many of us learn the hard way that being with someone who doesn’t appreciate you can make you feel more alone than being single does. Unfortunately, that is not the way every home operates. A godly husband is also loyal. It was Leah who was buried in the cave of Machpelah, beside Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah (49:31), while Rachel was buried along the way to Bethlehem (35:19). With that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of 20 biblical characteristics of a godly man to help us see how we measure up. To deliver you from the strange woman, From the adulteress who flatters with her words; That leaves the companion of her youth, And forgets the covenant of her God (2:16-17). 2:25; 5:3,20; 7:5). A godly man is a man of mercy – Micah 6:83. 3. 3. In addition to being loyal, a godly husband is focused on his wife, his family and God. The single life is nowhere presented as an alternative (such as Paul does in 1 Corinthians 7). When it comes to love, the Bible is mostly filled with wisdom for husbands and wives, many of these same principles can be applied for husbands and wives on their marriage journey. Some men think that the ideal “submissive” wife is the woman who is shy and passive. Fair weather friends are numerous, and Proverbs mentions these (cf. 8:9, emphasis mine). The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands (14:1). May I add two more that I believe all those hang to: A godly man must love. He is not greedy or a lover of money. He is able to teach sound doctrine. My son, fear the Lord and the king; Do not associate with those who are given to change; For their calamity will rise suddenly, And who knows the ruin that comes from both of them? I think not. For example, Proverbs has much to say about the characteristics of a good friend, as well as warning us concerning those with whom we should not associate. A godly wife is, first and foremost, a woman who fears God. 5. Ecclesiastes 7:28. When a godly man has faith; he stands firm, does not waiver, holds fast, never looses hope. There are some who are always out to change things--society, government, other people. There is a common thread which runs through each of these four unbearable situations--one gets something which he is unaccustomed to and which he will find difficult to handle once he has it. A wise husband is not a jealous man (27:4). No matter how kind a person is, there is no emptier feeling than giving your heart to someone who you feel takes it for granted. Some may not realize that the traits of a good friend relate to the character of one’s mate, but a little reflection shows why this must be so. A godly husband knows that it will take effort, work and sacrifice. I find it distressing to admit that much of the force of the warnings of Proverbs concerning marriage has been nullified by a fact of 20th century Christian life--divorce has become an acceptable alternative to an unhappy marriage, even among Christians. ( Log Out / If the man you are with puts in the effort to be this person for you, let them know how much you appreciate them. He is not an oppressor but a PROTECTOR of the weak! It’s through our relationship with Jesus and His work in our life. 3. Aggressive men are not necessarily better leaders, and certainly they may not be more godly leaders, nor are passive women necessarily more submissive. When they do this, true loving relationships follow because God is at the center. The Bible tells us, “Do not be captivated by other women” (Proverbs 5:20). She who once felt abused and oppressed will give her mistress a taste of oppression. The Bible tells us, “Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect…” (1 Peter 3:7). 1. David was angered because of the ungracious words of Nabal to his young men. I once had a college professor who told of the most honest funeral sermon he had ever heard. Strong? He defines true masculinity. The approach of this study will be to consider the various lines of evidence which give us a composite picture of the character of the godly mate.