By providing your email address, you agree to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Level: 3 levels Sets: 3 sets in 1st level, 4 sets in 2nd level, and 5 sets in the 3rd level. Sit on the sofa, turn on your television and start swinging your legs gently by putting pressure on the belly. © 2020 The Fit Indian. I call my go-to hotel room workout "Sore Legs, No Equipment." The muscles do not all respond to the training at the same rate. Descend until your rear knee nearly touches the floor, and your front knee is directly above your ankle. As I am a student so I am unable to get much time for doing any exercises . You will have not only perfect abs but also a good posture. Scissors are tough abs exercise to do and favorable for abs. Lower your arms and legs while inhaling. I hope u will upload more motivating videos & photos 4 us anyway thank you 4 ur tips it s really helpfull i would lik 2 share more doubts vth u its little bit secreat bileave in u & waiting 4 ur reply 2 my mail thank u once again. Now bring your head and chest up along with your hands to perform a traditional crunch. Return to a full plank before switching legs, bringing your left knee toward your right elbow. Summer is knocking at the door and it is time to get into your beach bermuda pants and bikinis to flaunt your ripped six packs. Lower your right elbow to the mat followed by your left, coming into an elbow plank. Curl your body towards your right knee and become to staring position. The great thing about doing an abs workout at home is that you don’t need any special equipment. The entire exercise should be done using slow and controlled move. Stop when you feel that you cannot roll forward any further without falling. Push Up; Close Grip Push Up; Shoulder Press Up; Plank with Rotation ; SpiderMan Push Up; Dips; Handstand Wall Shoulder Press; Clapping Push Up; Walking Push Up; Push Up with Rotation; Read also The Best Kettlebell Workout For Faster Fat Loss and Strength and The Full Total Arms Workout Exercices by XHIT Arms. Slowly walk your hands forward without moving your feet, and continue until you reach full plank position. Make sure you are twisting your torso to initiate the motion and that you are not pulling on your neck. Lean with your torso to kick out with your heel. Do the same on the left to return to a full plank. Best abs workout without equipment is not that hard. i am 19 year old and my weight is 43kg and height 5feet, No more hiding your belly from the people. Lift your knees upwards at the top of the movement. Table of Contents. When you are not sure which ab exercises are the best for you. Pause briefly before starting your next rep. After laying down on the ground, put your hands toward the sky. Reduce sugar, salt and carb intake. Hold your hands behind your head and look toward your belly. Please suggest something, i am a 15 Years old boy should i do this kind of exercises to make abs or to do streaching to increase my heaight (5’1″). Bring your left knee to the right elbow and right knee to left elbow. Plant hands directly under shoulders like you are about to do a push-up. Chest Workout At Home Without Equipment 1. All rights reserved, This website uses cookies to improve user experience. There is a wide variety of abs workout that will help you achieve a strong core. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Whether you want a slimmer midsection or a defined six-pack, your focus should be on eating healthy, whole foods and strengthening your core. Our 10-minute abs workout routine to do at home. Go down as far as is comfortable without touching the floor. So, gear up and get into the action with these 10 power-packed six pack exercises and develop chiseled abdominal muscles and an attractive flat abs. Top 10 No-Equipment Exercises For A Stronger Back. MOUNTAIN CLIMBER TWIST: Get into full plank position with your core engaged. Bring your elbows by curl your upper body up to your knees. […], April fools none of them work (jk i got rock hard abs from repeating 10 reps in the morning and evening or a month (they work)), HFR is an extremely motivated movement of people who want to create a healthier and fitter world Lie down on the floor with your knees bent and your feet placed flat on the floor. Cheap Flights to Bali: A Guide to Find Cheap Flights to Bali, Chair Dips: Best Guide & Tips to Workout in 2020. Now raise your legs towards your belly until you make a 90-degree angle. Sit with your knees bend and feet flat on the floor. Hold your legs in this position for a while. But make sure that the movement is slow and controlled. I have about 77 kg even my waistline decressed from 38 to 34′ i cudnt find out any weight loss. Besides this, I want to build a firm tight chest but I am suffering with puffy nipples, larger than normal in size. Lower your body back to its starting position. Put your hands under your head. No need to make a trip to the gym if you don’t feel like it. Moreover, these four minutes’ plank exercise helps you to gain hard core and build your ab muscles. Want more workouts just like these in your pocket? Let me know if you want me to share more no-equipment abs workout routine. Although regular exercise and a planned diet is the best way to achieve ripped six pack abs, but following a few simple six pack tips relating to diet and exercise can help in developing the six pack abs fast. Return to the starting position. Updated March 10, 2020. Anything is worth doing, especially with the Boat Pose Hold for the v-cut shaped body. I am 15 years oldcan i do those exercise is this suitable for my age group? Jack Knife Sit Ups The Jack Knife sit ups is the elementary six pack workout that is included in almost all exercise regimes to develop six pack abs, whether using equipments or not. You need to do this abs workout routine according to levels, as mentioned above. The exercise ball pull in one of the best abdominal exercises for men and women that help in developing perfectly flat abs and also aids in building six packs. Best abs workout without equipment is not that hard. Check out this 5-minute core workout. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our. And never forget to take best workout accessories for Kikin Sports. I m 17 now n my height is 5’6 I want my height maximum upto 5’11 what to do? PLANK UP: Get into full plank position with your core engaged. Follow these no equipment… How to get abs fast? The Janda Sit-Up is one of the lesser known six pack exercises that help in enhancing the stress of the stomach muscles by contracting the hamstrings and disengaging the hip flexors. Start typing to see posts you are looking for. Extend your arms straight out in front of you at shoulder heights with palms facing up. Start on your side with your feet together and one forearm directly below your shoulder. Do 2 to 3 sets. Subscribe to our email newsletter to receive weekly articles and great inspiration. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. This abs workout routine immensely helps full for ab muscles. Bring your hands straight backward, as shown in the image. Lie down on the floor with your legs stretched and your arms extended at your sides so that your body forms a T shape.