A relationship takes a lot of hard work and deter m ination on both sides to make it work well. If you need more physical intimacy and you’re not communicating it, then you are likely not going to get it. Get ready to face life together. Falling in love with your partner made you a couple. As a partner you have to be aware of how your behavior can affect your significant other. I thought your husband said that you were going to discuss it first? Not good? For example, we’ve even recently learned that divvying up household chores in an equal, non-gendered way is one thing that keeps couples happy and more sexually active. Let’s see what else makes the list. Tell them that you love them. Ask yourself this, what is so important that you have to hide it from your lover? Once you own up to this and tell them just one time it will become easier, and you will allow the communication to flow well between the two of you and build a better love life. Are you both making each other a priority? 5 Recommendations for Giving Thanks During a Pandemic, How to Support Veterans With Loving Conversations. Be it car washing together or playing basketball together or cycling together or trying adventure activities together. Or sometimes you are simply insensitive due to fatigue or carelessness. Not registered yet? People get into relationships with varying degrees of love. Do you have a relationship question you’d like my feedback on? Couples who get down and dirty once a week are 44 percent more likely to have positive feelings about themselves, about their partner, and about the relationship in general. Copyright © 2020 Meredith Corporation. Relationships are easy to begin but difficult to maintain. Nearly every couple goes through this stage in a relationship and having an awareness of things and then being dedicated to improving things is what will help it to get better. If not, make them happen. It comes from being able to compromise, communicate and respect one another even in the face of intense conflict. As soon as you start to rely on your partner to provide you with everything you want and need in life, you’re bound to crash and burn. If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the marriage.com course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married. Continuously learn about each other until you can adjust and fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. So, what is the secret to a better love life that lasts? Set your goals. Spend six more hours together a week. Spice things up in the bedroom. Always maintain a good and genuine relationship with your partner’s family. Sign up for an account. To get there as a couple, you should learn to break down those walls, let your guards down, accept the other with no judgments, make yourself the other’s safe space. You need to be able to recognize when your actions are detrimental to those around you. You can love someone, but if they do not respect you, you will not be happy and that is not the kind of relationship we are aiming for. These things will definitely make your love life better in 2018 by strengthening your bond with your beloved. Arguments are an inevitable part of a relationship and being able to walk away from a conflict while maintaining the peace is one of the best skills a couple can possess. Ask your partner something new. For communication to mean something it has to be effective. This will let them know that you have been thinking about them and make them feel good about themselves. What I have found is that a relationship needs a lot of things to make it successful, some major, others minor, and all these depend on an individual. What Counts as Cheating in a Relationship? Learn some hobby together or cuddle up all day or cook together or go hiking! To strengthen a struggling relationship, you must make it a top priority of your time and energy. That is when you may need to reach a common ground. 2. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Lisa has a private practice in Marin County, CA and offers Emotional Health and Relationship Consultations via email, phone or video conference. What are some things you can do in your relationship to move it towards the “wonderful” spectrum? What this means is that while the notion of changing old habits seems daunting, it’s doable. Don’t argue to win, it is not a competition. The person sharing can get any frustrations or thoughts off of his/her chest and the listener gets to know more about the other person. 29. If you need more physical. Those things may not necessarily be important to your partner, and sometimes they might even clash with each other.