$126.85. The First Sliver is now the best commander for Food Chain combo. DMCA requests | EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander Just put the first sliver in the 99. https://www.PlayingWithPowerMTG.com/ Get Access to our Discord, extra videos and more from Patreon! He can get out of hand super fast and if you aren't prepared with a spell that makes all your creatures indestructible or a way to make it so they can't be targeted your gonna be the subject of a lot of targeted hate or mass destruction. People seeing any Sliver as your commander is going to bring it to you. sliver overlord - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call. Sliver overlord is better to use if you want to win. As someone who originally built his sliver deck to be helmed by [[sliver legion]] and decided that [[the first sliver]] was a superior option. With having evasion, it's usually going to kill at least one player. MTG Muddstah – The First Sliver vs Alela vs Arcades vs Arahbo EDH / CMDR game play for Magic: The Gathering July 27, 2020 by Community Spotlight Like what you see? [[clout of the dominus]] 1CMC haste/shroud +2/+2 for your commander that is easy to cascade into. So basically what happened depended on what non-slivers I drew (also, because I was still pretty new to the game, I didn't have the tools to break games). I'm considering [[The First Sliver]], though slivers are brand new territory for me. This week, they tackle the LEAST unique commanders, who seem to play all the same cards as everyone else. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. $104.00. It isn't even that Slivers are super powerful they just have a lot of synergy and once they get going it can be hard to stop them effectively. MTG Commander EDH Deck Sliver Hivelord or The First Sliver 100 Cards Custom Deck. Customised version of commander quarter's first sliver deck this makes any pile of 6 slivers swing forever. Link to our upgraded decklist: http://bit.ly/TheFirstSliverTuneUp Consider Supporting us via Patreon! Because we needed another 5 color Food Chain deck. Same thing as Eldrazi people understandably want to take you out before you get started. Updated Jul 28, 2020 by unfairjarl using our MTG Deck Builder. Most games go like this.... cast random sliver, cast random sliver, cast random sliver, cast sliver overlord, tutor for sliver hivelord, tutor for first sliver, win. Community Spotlight, En este Capítulo, Makuin nos tiene una breve introducción a los mazos Commander de Slivers. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Out of nowhere I can amass an entire army in one turn with only a few spells and knock out two players and leave the 3rd scooping out of fear. Slivers in general through summon the fire. Tune in […], #anafenza the foremost, #aurelia the warleader, #ayara first of locthwain, #ayli eternal pilgrim, #azor the lawbringer, #bruna the fading light, #damia sage of stone, #drana kalastria bloodchief, #EDHRECast, #elsha of the infinite, #erebos god of the dead, #izoni thousand-eyed, #kaervek the merciless, #korvold fae-cursed king, #lazav dimir mastermind, #mirko vosk mind drinker, #mirri weatherlight duelist, #Multani Yavimaya's Avatar, #neheb dreadhorde champion, #nicol bolas the ravager, #niv-mizzet Parun, #prime speaker zegana, #queen marchesa, #razaketh the foulblooded, #sharuum the hegemon, #sheoldred whispering one, #surrak dragonclaw, #teysa envoy of ghosts, #thada adel acquisitor, #the first sliver, #tuvasa the sunlit, #ulamog the ceaseless hunger, #ulasht the hate seed, #yeva natures herald, #zacama primal calamity Read More », March 26, 2020 by New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Complete Comment Tutorial! Community Spotlight, Decklists Omnath: https://bit.ly/S05E10-Omnath Najeela: https://bit.ly/S05E10-Najeela First Sliver: https://bit.ly/S05E10-First-Sliver Thrasios / Vial Smasher: https://bit.ly/S05E10-Thrasios-Vial-Smasher Most Valuable Card: https://bit.ly/S05E10-MVC The Live Stream of this game: https://youtu.be/jMNbmOPb6go Get Merchandise Here! Sliver spells you cast have cascade. sliver legion - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)the first sliver - (G) (SF) (txt) (ER)[[cardname]] or [[cardname|SET]] to call, Press J to jump to the feed. Si te gusta el contenido de Commander en Español […], #landfall tv, #the first sliver Read More », March 1, 2020 by More like commander horizons. EDHREC relies on ads to pay server costs and fund new features. Especially compared to Sliver Overlord which can search for the first Sliver and then keep searching for specific slivers. Hes basically a permanent tutor. I'm (still) looking for my next commander. I was just thinking about how slivers needed a fifth WUBRG commander option. This site is unaffiliated. - fairly strong but by no means competitive). First Sliver is probably better as part of the 99 rather than the general. Subscribe to our channel: https://youtube.com/c/CMDRNinetyNine Share the video: Decklists: P.J.’s (Commander Replay) Aurelia, the Warleader TBD Chase’s (Mana Curves) Atla Palani TBD Bret’s (Kitchentable Commander) Omnath Locus of Rage TBD Austin’s (CMDR Ninety Nine) […], #atla palani nest tender, #aurelia the warleader, #cmdr ninety nine, #commander gameplay, #edh gameplay, #omnath locus of rage, #the first sliver Read More ». https://www.patreon.com/PlayingWithPowerMTG Follow Us on Social Media Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlayingPowerMTG Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlayingWithPowerMTG/ Tonight’s game is another game from […], #cedh, #commander gameplay, #najeela the blade blossom, #omnath locus of the roil, #playing with power, #the first sliver, #thrasios triton hero, #vial smasher the fierce Read More », July 27, 2020 by Probably not enough to overthrow Silver Overlord as the commander of choice, but definitely slotting right into the 99 for the extra value. I'm excited to bring slivers back out of retirement just to try this. 7/7. Since you describe your deck as all "Slivers, tutors, ramp, and removal", then there is zero downside to running it. ❂ This week we had a friend, Bruno Castro, join in on Sequeira’s place. I'm excited to bring slivers … ¡Las respuestas a estas preguntas y más las podrán encontrar en este video enfocado en EDH! Of course we do! That being said, it has to be one of my absolute favorite tribal decks I've ever built. Sliver Queen is definitely overpriced (now) and the deck will run just fine without it. Hivelord is good against board wipes, while The First Sliver looks to be excellent card advantage. Attention! You're always short one mana no? Ikr, first decent Werewolf commander and a new Sliver commander! Cascade. [[cream of the crop]] helps organize the top of your deck for better cascades. The First Sliver. Updated May 04, 2020 by Saleh using our MTG Deck Builder. Free shipping ***Custom Commander Deck*** Sliver Hivelord EDH Mtg Magic … Playing With Power – CEDH Gameplay ft. Anafenza, Marwyn, The First Sliver, Vito, and Niv-Mizzet | Playing With Power MTG, The Nitpicking Nerds – The First Sliver: Food Chain cEDH | Commander Tune-Ups #50, Playing With Power – Omnath vs Najeela vs First Sliver vs Thrasios/Vial Smasher | Competitive EDH | Playing With Power, MTG Muddstah – The First Sliver vs Alela vs Arcades vs Arahbo EDH / CMDR game play for Magic: The Gathering, SplitSecond – #19 Tasigur, Yuriko, Locust God, The First Sliver – cEDH Gameplay, Superior Numbers – Five Lessons Learned from Brewing with Five Colors, EDHRECast 104: The Least Unique Commander in Every Color Combination, Landfall TV – Introducción al enjambre , Slivers en Commander | Landfall TV #34 I EDH | Magic The Gathering, CMDR Ninety Nine – Paper Commander – Live (At the Time) W5 G2 – EDH Gameplay VOD Aurelia Atla Omnath Rage First Sliver. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. RIP new Niv, his reign was short. Community Spotlight, We are slightly tuning up a competitive First Sliver Food Chain commander deck! Quick question, how would TFS go. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Slivers EDH struggles with two things: 1) board wipes, and 2) card draw/selection. This site © 2020 TappedOut.net, LLC He brought his Tasigur control deck ❂ Brandão brought a different list on Yuriko. $97.99. Free shipping ***Custom Commander Deck*** Sliver Overlord - Secret Lair - EDH Mtg Magic Cards . Since he gives all of your slivers cascade, it is possible to play a single sliver and get 2, 3 or even 4 additional slivers onto the battlefield for free. $98.85. I'm mostly looking for something that'll match the power level of my other decks ([[Brion Stoutarm]] combo, [[Edric, Spymaster of Trest]] elves, [[Kykar]] super friends, [[Teysa, Orzhov Scion]] aristocrats, etc. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Copied to clipboard. No additional win-con cards that do nothing outside the combo are required. Why not subscribe: http://bit.ly/1MhSmfN ►New videos every Monday / Thursday at 11AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) ►Click here for affiliate link for TCGPlayer: https://bit.ly/2CQSJwt ►Here’s my referral link for OMA: http://originalmagicart.store/mtgmuddstah ►Here’s my Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/MTGMuddstah Alela: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/enchanting-provocateur-1/ The First Sliver: Hopefully Trevor will see this and send it! I'm starting to think that the 5 colour commander might not be the problem at this point. Community Spotlight, Tasigur control, Yuriko prison, Locust God combo, ShaperSavant’s First Sliver Food Chain. Infinite with Food Chain? https://www.PlayingWithPowerMTG.com/ Get Access to our Discord, extra videos and more from Patreon! Holy shit i forgot this guy naturally has cascade... it doesnt even have to be a dedicated Sliver deck. This annoying message will go away once you do. However, I'm also looking for something that's fun to pilot and that doesn't draw a lot of hate simply for being strong. In my experience, the first sliver runs out of gas fairly quickly (which might not be a problem if you have an Edric across the table) and prefer [[sliver overlord]] at the helm. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, http://tappedout.net/users/Fruitblend/mtg-decks/, https://media.wizards.com/2019/mh1/en_MMup759GWk.png. Probably not enough to overthrow Silver Overlord as the commander of choice, but definitely slotting right into the 99 for the extra value. Discord Server | Looking for the opinions of [[The First Sliver]] pilots. I think there is some point at which WOTC realized that Commander was one of their biggest and fastest growing formats, and they decided to just push Commander in like every set. Stop building them then. Arcades: https://archidekt.com/decks/503298#Arcades,_The_Strategist […], #alela artful provocateur, #arahbo roar of the world, #arcades the strategist, #commander gameplay, #edh gameplay, #mtg muddstah, #the first sliver Read More ». WUBRG. #ayula queen among bears, #hogaak arisen necropolis, #morophon the boundless, #pashalik mons, #sisay weatherlight captain, #the 600, #the first sliver, #urza lord high artificer, #yawgmoth thran physician Read More », June 12, 2020 by Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.