This will make him look very attractive to the fishes that he wants to prey on. She wanted him to break up with his friend. Question 5 : What are the distinctive features of the Asian Lion as given in the poem? So she planned to get rid of the monkey once for all. He had no friend to talk to and share the fruits with. How did the crocodile plan to please his wife? Ans: The monkey and the crocodile became fast friends. He offered some fruit to his friend. She had Your email address will not be published. Question 3. monkey saved himself by keeping villages nearby and the difficulties the villagers faced in raising He shouted at her angrily. 6.‘The monkey was scared and depressed’. They talked about birds and animals. The 1. The monkey was happy living in the fruit tree, but his happiness was not complete. tell his wife? His wife had to manage the little ones alone. 5. The Crocodile thought him ill-bred, In CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. The But the monkey was not a swimmer and therefore he rode on the crocodile’s back. that his wife was planning to eat the monkey, The poet is talking about the crocodile that lives in the river Nile. What did the crocodile tell the monkey midstream? So she was annoyed with him. So they came close. The thought of his sure death made him sad and afraid. He made friends with a crocodile … But he was unhappy because he had no companion. Ans: The monkey saw the danger to his life. II.LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS. NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. They also discussed the difficulties of the farmers when the rain failed. He declared that they won’t meet again. Chapter 4 – An Indian-American Woman in Space, Chapter 15 – Where Do All the Teachers Go (Poem), Chapter 9 – What Happened to the Reptiles. (a) Hyena always ……………. He was also very fond of his friend, the monkey. The monkey jumped on to the tree and thus saved himself. One day, the crocodile’s wife expressed her wish to eat the monkey’s heart. Finally the crocodile would muster courage to tell have in strong and effective terms how she had spoiled a good relationship and that then wrcre areas where she really had to improve and change herself. For a complete worksheet click – [download id=”1001″], Thank you for a precise and easy explanation. What Why was the crocodile’s wife annoyed with her husband one day? 3. The Crocodile you always may Tell from the Hyena thus: Hyenas come with merry smiles; But if they weep they’re Crocodiles. monkey was happy living in the fruit tree, but his happiness was not The foolish crocodile took the monkey back to the Narrate the story of the friendship between the monkey and the crocodile in about 80 words. Why? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Why As he returned to the river bank, he climbed up the tree. a cool head and telling the crocodile that he had left his heart on crocodile was unwilling to invite his friend home because he knew NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English The Monkey and The Crocodile book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. One day the crocodile returned home late. It is brownish-yellow in colour. And it helped me to working. Ans: The crocodile’s wife was annoyed with him for spending a lot of time with the monkey. Thank u. He could not betray his fast friend. As the two came back to the tree, the monkey climbed up. companion to talk to and share the fruits with. the crocodile told the monkey his real intention for inviting the He said he had left his heart behind on the tree. So she washed to eat the monkey’s heart. The He made friends with a crocodile and sent fruits for his wife. that the crocodile had realised his mistake. Answer: smiles (b) While eating its prey, crocodiles tend to Answer: weep He had plenty to eat, but he had no company. When they came in midstream the crocodile disclosed his evil plan. Ans: The monkey readily agreed to go with his friend. What did the two friends generally talk about? What would the crocodile tell his wife? The monkey was taken aback to hear the crocodiles’s plan. 1. the crocodile had stayed with the monkey longer than usual. I FORGIVE YOU NYASAE By Tende Matende I forgive you Nyasae For creating me When the once stretching fields Have been turned into skyscrapers` and The silvery water turned black with factory waste Nyasae, I forgive you For creating me When the smile of moon and the glitter of the stars Have been blurred by floodlights and … Q1. Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow. Your email address will not be published. Ans: A monkey lived in a fruit tree on the river bank. Ans: One day, the crocodile overstayed with the monkey. while gulping down its victim. The crocodile refused to oblige her. Ans: The crocodile loved his wife. He said, “Right here and everywhere my teeth require repair.” The dentist’s face was turning white. The crocodile cheerfully grins and smiles. What makes the crocodile’s scale golden? The crocodile, with cunning smile, sat in the dentist’s chair. the tree.