They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. You’re probably right. Stars plummeted.” (112). Janza, sensing that he’s been cheated, starts to unload on Jerry, who refuses to go down. Jerry walks away without responding because “he hates confrontation.” (20). Bucking one tradition for the sake of upholding another is controversial but understood, but going against both the chocolate sale and the imposing, powerful Vigils is unheard of. Archie draws a white marble. He has just received an assignment from the Vigils. He recommends the Vigils begin with Jerry Renault. Struggling with distance learning? Archie knows that Leon has put the school in some financial difficulty and the chocolate sale will get him out of trouble. Cochran wonders “Was Leon right, after all? By the end of chapter five, even the least discerning of readers will attest that something’s not quite right at Trinity High School. Archie finds him and talks to Emile, who messes with just about anyone at the school, except Archie. They discuss the cause, Jerry, and Brother Leon thinks of how to get even with the person who has caused it “like a mad scientist plotting revenge in an underground laboratory” (147). Chapter 5: Roland Goubert receives his assignment from the Vigils. A student by the name of Darcey calls out Jerry for not doing his part. Archie gives Jacques an anonymous tips and the teacher uses the word six times in a fifteen minute period in order to tire the kids out. Chapter 24: Brother Leon calls Archie, blames him for the slow down in sales, and threatens him. Robert Cormier's The Chocolate War Chapter Summary. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. You are probably thinking this isn’t going to end well for Jerry. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Jerry doesn’t know. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our. Archie is not sure why Brother Leon has called him to talk about the chocolates. Chapter 35: Archie calls Jerry and tells him about a raffle and a chance for him to end the misery by fighting Emile at the football field in the boxing ring. Archie ends the meeting abruptly. When Leon calls his name during the chocolate roll call… Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Jerry probably hates all chocolate by this point in the novel. Page 1 includes an introduction to the novel's main characters as found in chapters 1-5; a look at how messed up Trinity High School is in chapters 6-10; and a look at the origins of the war in chapters 11-17. He does and then gets obliterated by Emile. Chapter 1: Chapter 1 introduces the novel’s protagonist, Jerry Renault, getting the snot beat out of him at his first football practice. Jerry finally understands the poster that’s been in his locker all year. Chapter 2: Chapter 2 produces one of the novel’s antagonists, Archie, and his sidekick Obie. I'm not going to sell the chocolates" (17.20). That’s followed by a Janza left uppercut. Leon is obviously utterly surprised by this recent turn of events. Jerry’s first punch barely hits Janza. All Rights Reserved. It is apprent that Leon finds great delight in humiliating students. It takes them three hours. It’s apparent that things at Trinity High have deteriorated morally and physically: “The bleachers also needed attention–they sagged, peeling paint like leprosy on the benches. The next ticket is a Janza shot to the groin, an illegal punch that Jerry attempts to block. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”, LitCharts uses cookies to personalize our services.