endobj 10 endobj Fredericka the Great Special Elite Creepster <> Use the link below to download in easy print PDF format. Arial Old Testament Books of the Bible connecting order worksheet: It is so much fun to draw straight, squiggly or loopy lines to go from one book name to the other in order! endstream Annie Use Your Telescope Love Ya Like A Sister [ 15 0 R] <> Ribeye Marrow endobj <> Bubblegum Sans endobj 28 36 18 0 obj <> Fredoka One stream endobj endobj 13 0 obj Students should eventually be ready to answer all the questions from memory. Kalam %PDF-1.5 430 Oak St. Sellersburg, IN 47172, © 2020 Ministry-To-Children.com | Read our, 7 Ways to Minister to Children in Your Community, Bible Word Search – Men of the Old Testament, Bible Puzzle: Hidden Bible Verse – Ephesians 6:1, Good Friday & Easter Worksheets – Printable, "Needs Versus Wants" Worksheets & Object Lesson for Children, “Old Testament – History” Review Worksheet for Children, "New Testament General Letters" Review Worksheets, Creation Day 6 Bible Verse Decoding Worksheet, Back to School (Sunday School Lesson) Armor of God, “Back to School ” Children’s Sermon (Jesus, the Sin Eraser), “Back to School” Object Lessons (School Supplies Backpack). Please use our childrens ministry curriculum and Sunday School material for any purpose that brings honor to Jesus. Exo 2 endobj 14 0 obj Schoolbell Bibles and pencils are needed for each worksheet. and the church does not have VBS program. Kranky x��Zmo�8� ��_�kU|U.�l��z�������F�D��J���w��,�e*�)���. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 12 ADDRESS: Ministry-To-Children Crafty Girls <> 70 Patrick Hand 19 0 obj Gloria Hallelujah endobj This is part of a series of worksheets called “Learn About…” which interpret Bible topics on an elementary school level. This is one of our most popular printable Bible worksheet activities for kids. endobj Grand Hotel Pacifico To help kids learn about the Bible, you might enjoy our coloring pages for each individual book in the Bible. endobj Check my answers px, Please allow access to the microphone Luckiest Guy Bibles and pencils are needed for each worksheet. 32 Neucha Covered By Your Grace Ubuntu Gochi Hand God Bless You Indie Flower Pernament Marker Dancing Script 4 0 obj Lobster Two %���� <> 24 Baloo Paaji Look at the top of your web browser. You can freely license our resources under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Orbitron If you see a message asking for permission to access the microphone, please allow. Close. It also covers the general purposes of the Bible. Pinyon Script Comic Neue We believe that children and parents benefit from a  strong Christian education program in the church. 11 Reenie Beanie Gurmukhi This worksheet gives an overview of the Bible as many books by many authors. SELF-TEST How many? Freckle Face Every week, thousands of churches use our Bible lessons, craft ideas, printable resources, and coloring pages to teach kids the Christian faith. <> This has been a big help. 17 0 obj Henny Penny It also covers the general purposes of the Bible. 2 0 obj endobj VT323 God bless you so much. <> 5 0 obj _____ books in the Old Testament _____ books in the New Testament _____ books in the whole Bible 30 DAYS TO UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE 12 <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 19 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> These are recommended for second grade and up. 16 0 obj Yanone Kaffeesatz twenty-seven books written by nine different authors and covers a time period of less than one hundred years. Every kids church ministry deserves the very best resources for teaching God’s Word, even when they don’t have the financial resources. <> Thank you, <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Ministry-To-Children.com helps you tell kids about Jesus by providing age-appropriate Bible study material and Sunday School curriculum – all 100% free online. As you can see, teaching the books of the Bible using worksheets is so much better and a lot easier! Each worksheet has two pages, which we recommend printing back to back. Mountains of Christmas 14 x��U]o�0}G�?�G{R\��RU�i��ӚN+S5�{ iP l|�ʿߵI;� r�=>�kN����������3�L/`���g�c��ʶ88���+&A9�nlˁ'����{rEG�̩GB����B*���\M�Ψ pRE~���t�]�������æ�3���ۚ!1MȄ��h�����%�w��ݾ:�w`���NJ(�GU/��T'�X3{�#�$��#���IZ���y�Hc�J��1��� There’s also a group game and song about the Books of the Bible. 20 And as a mother, I love to see my kids interested in the Word of God. Fontdiner Swanky �� ,bt%Zn5�*�(+�*#M�q]X�J�j�*+��ڈ��Ŗ�� �p�h���x�5��8�����y��|���./Pѳ�_���xW� endobj 16 7 0 obj This is part of a series of worksheets called “Learn About…” which interpret Bible topics on an elementary school level. Coming Soon Just Me Again Down Here Bangers Boogaloo Satisfy endobj ���ܸ�2�� ^��^+r��'��-�$����cc���.�_�X��+��*e�~B���>��7��^W���EK�0��8(Z�^���H�rl�j7�"ϟK�Wzq'p}3�·$��� �j�M�[3�cZ�U�9���@(D�����7�K$\��?X��U���ojǝ������~o�%�1n em���:�C�d'y�����P��L�Džb��D/���o?a�7�]e����;�NH�0W 4����Aw�����mk�ɶ��41M�~�1��i� Rancho Escolar This Books of the Bible Worksheets (12 Pages) includes: Books of the Bible Bookcase Poster: Display this beautiful poster to review and practice the books of the Bible often! <> endobj Unkempt Jolly Lodger ID: 1265150 Language: English School subject: Religious Studies Grade/level: 7 Age: 11-13 Main content: Books of the Bible Other contents: Add to my workbooks (0) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom <> 12 0 obj I just volunteer to be kids coordinator and I like to suggest that VBS be implemented at this church.. Hey…this is a great help Thank you very much for this kind of materials.