Sub: (Maternity Leave Application Letter For Teachers) Respected Madam/Sir, With due respect, I want to state that I Ahana Paul (Your Name) working as an English Teacher ( Your Designation) at your respected school want to request you to grant me some leave as my maternity days are near. Pregnancy is a major moment and event in any woman or man’s life and the time surrounding the birth of a child can be very busy for prospective parents or even new parents. At minimum, if the option is available, teachers are strongly encouraged to retain their income replacement plans. 11.3.B shall apply to the School Jurisdictions in column B in Appendix C with their current number of weeks. My last day of work would be [Friday, January 30th] and I would return to my classroom on [Wednesday, April 2nd]. 11.3.1 B At the commencement of maternity leave, the teacher shall be eligible for one of the following options: 11.3.2 B If the absence begins prior to twelve (12) weeks before the estimated date of delivery and continues without return to work, the teacher shall access sick leave until such point as the teacher is eligible to apply for Extended Disability Benefits. You can return to work at any point in the first year of the maternity or parental leave with 4 weeks written notice, and school boards are obligated to return you to the same position or one that is comparable in terms of skills and compensation and mutually agreed upon. The HSA will remain active for the duration of parental leave but no further credits will be contributed to the HSA during this time. I have enclosed a brochure about the course. Employee needs to submit maternity leave application letter or email to their reporting Manager and HR. Application Letter for Maternity Leave Extension for Teacher. If both parents work for the same employer and want their parental leave at the same time, it may be subject to employer approval. Extend maternity leave letter sample from job in office, school, principal, manager or boss for females after the child delivery or pregnancy period. Begin the letter by stating the purpose of the request which is to obtain a maternity leave along with the date beginning which you intend to take time off from work. 42, Northwest Francophone Education Region No. Under this plan, the salary payment is not predictable since the sick leave experience is different for every teacher. I have filled the required forms, and attached with this letter. Any Specific rule apply for paid Maternity Leave for Teachers. From the Mediator’s Recommendation of the Central Collective Agreement Language (2018-2020): 11.3A Salary and Benefit Premium Payment Health Related, 11.3.A shall apply to the School Jurisdictions in column A of Appendix C. 11.3.1A The School Jurisdiction shall top up Supplementary Employment Benefits (SEB) to 100 percent of the teacher’s weekly salary for the duration of the health related portion of the maternity leave at a minimum of six (6) or CURRENT___ weeks to a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days, or to the extent of sick leave entitlement as per Article 10. In most instances, this means returning to work only after natural breaks in the school year. This can also be dependent on a doctor’s note and the amount of sick leave entitlement you have. You can start and end your leave at any time within these 78 weeks as long as the start of the maternity leave is within the 12 weeks before your child is born and up to the birthdate itself. 150, Medicine Hat Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 4, Living Waters Catholic Regional Division No. Subject line: Keep the subject of your email short and to the point. [Printed Name of Teacher], List of Enclosures: Brochure of Course Maternity Leave Brochure: Everything you need to know about maternity leave, Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le congé de maternité.