She arrived the quilboar town of Razorfen Berth, a seedy port. The Deathguards, the elite of all Forsaken forces, are some of the most fearsome and dangerous troops upon Azeroth, and she keeps a group of the best, the Royal Deathguards, as her personal bodyguard, though she is not afraid of being without them, as she is in Pandora. Since her death, Sylvanas has had both of her swords enchanted, so that the blades glow with a red light, to further her somewhat sinister appearance. She killed them all, and slaughtered Detheroc. The invasion of the orcs led to the deaths of everyone in the Windrunner family, with the exception of the three sisters. She trained him personally, taking a lot of pride in her human disciple, though many of her comrades strongly opposed the permission of a non-elf to train with them. She led all high elven forces, though she had a closer connection to the rangers than to the melee troops. Her two blades are curved and both very much deadly – she wields them with precision and proficiency, though it would likely be simple for one with higher skill in such an area to defeat her. She is the middle sister of Alleria and Vereesa Windrunner. Being reminded of everything that she has lost – everything that was torn away from her – cuts her to the core. Alleria never returned, and is presumed MIA. In Northrend, the Forsaken forces under Sylvanas meticulously develop the plague that would destroy the Scourge. In death, Sylvanas’ more... negative traits seemed to gain intensity, and she has cosseted herself in a thick protective shield of cold steel. Sylvanas was brought into Pandora from Icecrown, on March 27th 1BP. Her figure is deliberately perfect, and she retains the stunning elven beauty she had in life, though her cheeks have since hollowed through death. Sylvanas Windrunner is the founder and leader of the Forsaken faction. She distances herself from anything that may remind her of her life, besides her cherished weapons, especially if they concern her beloved sisters, Alleria and Vereesa. Sylvanas helped convince Thrall to accept the blood elves into the Horde. During the Second War, between the newly formed human Alliance of Lordaeron and the orcish Old Horde from the planet of Draenor, the high elves only sent small bands of rangers to support them. Sylvanas Windrunner (the Banshee Queen, the Dark Lady, Queen of the Forsaken; nicknamed "Lady Moon" by Alleria) is the former Ranger-General of Silvermoon. She was forced to watch helplessly, hopelessly, as Arthas engaged, and killed, her king. She became quickly known as the most brutal and cruel monarch in Azeroth, though she does what she has to do to ensure that her people have their own lives, despite being devoid of life itself. With the death of the dreadlords, Garithos and the disbanding of the human remnants, Sylvanas was able to claim Lordaeron and made her home under the former Capital City, which she named "The Undercity". Exhausted, the Ranger-General was unable to match the death knight, and was cut down. As much as she will refuse to admit it, Sylvanas is psychologically linked to Arthas, the man who killed her and brought her back as a banshee. As Xalmor had not died, he still retained the title of Viridian Templar. Though initially wary, Sylvanas began to spend more and more time with him, until she eventually realised that they were, in many ways, similar. When Arthas Menethil and the Scourge came to Quel'Thalas for the Sunwell, Sylvanas was there to defend her homeland. She hid this knowledge, continuing to serve, until the demonic Nathrezim told her that his powers were diminishing. When Sylvanas was mutilated and subsequently murdered by Arthas, he corrupted her soul and ripped it from her corpse, causing her to become an incorporeal whirlwind of screaming anguish, hatred and fury, commonly known as a banshee. She is quite rude, acerbic, candid and never thinks before speaking, something that used to land her in hot water when she was alive more often than not. With that done, they moved on the Capital to remove Varimathras’ other brother Balnazzar. Sylvanas sent out her banshees to possess powerful figures, and they threw down the Nathrezim Varimathras who wished to take over Lordaeron in Arthas’ absence. Sylvanas took her rangers to trap the orcs between them and the Alliance forces under command of Turalyon, the human paladin. Now a bodiless banshee, Sylvanas was paraded as a trophy in front of the high elves of Quel’Thalas, who were horrified to the core to witness what had become of their finest military leader. She wears a crimson hooded cloak, tattered and ripped at the bottom, the hood of which is nearly always up. She was undead, raised by the powers of Men'heva. She was overjoyed when the Prophet told her of his intention to have her become the new Viridian Templar, and eagerly undertook the task of killing Xalmor Windrunner. Sylvanas rallied her rangers, and went to see this report for herself. Most of those whom she has meet, however, appear to dislike Sylvanas, and she them. For a time, Arthas tortured and mutilated Sylvanas for his pleasure, and eventually, she was killed by his hand. In a nutshell, Sylvanas Windrunner, the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken, is a cold, hard, indomitable ruler who will stop at nothing to allow her people to expand and progress, and who is driven by the sheer hatred she holds for Arthas Menethil. Since her death, Sylvanas has kept herself locked away behind a steel wall, and she has hardened herself against such weak emotions as sympathy or remorse. She wears a detailed chest plate that exposes her toned midriff, and greaves atop light, green cotton trousers. In desperation, Sylvanas burned the bridge leading to the second elfgate in an attempt to hinder their progress, but Arthas ordered his minions to create a bridge of bodies to make up for the loss of the real one. All of this excitement was not to end, however, as the very next morning after her encounter with Pinhead and Judge Death, she was approached by one Dr. Doom and 'persuaded' to join his cause - his plan to take the throne of Pandora so that he can control resources to build a machine with which to escape the town. She insisted on a clean death, but Arthas, frustrated at having had to fight against her every step of the way through his invasion of Quel’Thalas, told her that after everything she had put him through, the last thing he would give her was the peace of death. When Arthas Menethil and the Scourge came to Quel'Thalas for the Sunwell, Sylvanas attempted to defend her homeland. Since her death, Sylvanas tends to make her bows with the same white feathers that adorn her spaulders, though she will sometimes use black. The Scourge however eventually overwhelmed her forces, an… Shortly after Varimathras’ defeat, Varian entered the Royal Quarter, and attempted to kill both the Warchief and the Banshee Queen. As she still possesses her high elven body, Sylvanas has the heightened senses of all elves, as well as the grace and speed. For a while, Sylvanas became one of Arthas’ primary and best generals, forced into aiding and serving him. He corrupted her body and soul, and brought her back into the world as a screaming vortex of torment, anger and hatred. She is as vain with her cadaver marionette as she was when she was alive. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sylvanas Windrunner was the Viridian Templar in the Age of Men'heva. When in her banshee form, Sylvanas resembles nothing of her physical body. She persisted, showing her determination and strength of will, and eventually her disciple became the first and last human Ranger Lord, proving to be a valuable and powerful ally. Sylvanas was the middle of three daughters, between her elder sister Alleria and her younger sister Vereesa. Shortly afterwards, the forests of Quel’Thalas began to burn, and Sylvanas took her rangers to discover the cause. Sylvanas stayed behind, alone, to hunt down any remainders. In life, Sylvanas was born a high elf who served as the Ranger-General, the leader of the high elves's military forces. With the coming of summer, however, Sylvanas' entire existence is going to be turned upside down. Every elf who fell was brought back as a mindless slave of the Scourge, so the numbers of Arthas’ army kept rising and rising and rising. Since her death, this has led to absolute arrogance in the face of danger, and a precarious tendency to provoke anything that might prove to be a threat. The vulnerability is still there, however, buried deeply. Most of her power is spent on preserving the body – it was rotting when she finally managed to find it, and she almost hit the limit of her capability when restoring it to the appearance of a body only just felled. As the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken, Sylvanas' already incredible leadership skills have only been honed and perfected - she is fully capable of rallying people to her cause, and, while cold and brutal, she is a ruler with the undying loyalty of her people. In life, Sylvanas Windrunner was a noble young elf – selfless, loyal, and fiercely protective of those she cared about. Sylvanas and Nathanos became close, even pursuing a romantic relationship for a time. With the city eventually theirs, Sylvanas proclaimed that they would rule over the remains of the Lordaeron as the Forsaken, carving out their own destiny, as their own race. A few days after arriving, Sylvanas appeared to have a busy period, with many different events - in the space of two days, she had managed to antagonise a mutant into threatening to kill her with her own arrows, ended up attacked by a young man with weapons that managed to paralyse her dead puppet, and met two bizarre figures, one of whom proceeded to reward her insolence by trapping her in chains. Orcish guards were sent to the Undercity to keep an eye on her apothecaries while Sylvanas travelled to Northrend to bring about Arthas’ end.