Outer branches and leaves look ok. Have you seen any pests or is any mold present? Clark Rachfal, director of advocacy and governmental affairs for the American Council for the Blind, said one of the biggest risks for the blind community during the outbreak is COVID-19 itself. Sow sunflower seeds into individual pots of peat-free, multi-purpose compost in April. It is at this time when you feel tempted to resort to “comfort food” such as noodles or pizza. Weeds should be completely excluded. Most have little idea of what’s going on in the outside world due to government restrictions on electricity, travel, and more. Not surprisingly, his homeland is Mexico. Did you know? They eat the plant’s root, therefore the plant wilts and dies. Sow one seed per 7.5cm pot. Sunflower field with possible disease At least 30 diseases, caused by various fungi, bacteria and viruses, have been identified on wild or cultivated sunflower, but only a few are of economic significance as far as causing yield losses. In the small gaps between the achenes a white mold grows. The leaves of the affected plants wilt and the plants fall on the ground. Take about 2 grams of this mixture and mix with one cup water and use to spray the sunflower plants to control bugs such as aphids, mealybugs, scales and mites. The adults lay the eggs during the first vegetation days. They are very soft and completely non-poisonous, they are needed more for movement. Then, hang them upside down in a location where they are free from pests (i.e. But for the blind community, in particular, these restrictions create additional obstacles that may contribute to their already vulnerable state, experts said. They're also very easy to grow, so give them a try and enjoy a little extra dose of nature in your life. However, crop losses and management challenges with insect pests are most severe in the native range of sunflowers. Outside inflorescences are sterile flowers. This section identifies many of the diseases affecting sunflower crops and provides information about the disease, its impact, and control measures. «Without Uber or Lyft, we’re in a bind, especially in suburban and rural communities where everything is far away,» she told ABC News. When attacking mature plants, the fungus grows on the lower parts of the stems, as a white mycelium felt. Sunflower seeds can be sown straight into the soil where they are going to flower. At an age where you are constantly juggling between various things, almonds can make as a healthy snacking option. You might want to choose a tall variety of sunflower such as ‘American Giant’, which can reach up to 4m tall, or a sunflower that is a little smaller such as ‘Teddy Bear’ (60–90 cm) or ‘Big Smile’ (30 cm). 785-532-6154 785-532-6232 fax entomology@ksu.edu The majority of them, about 4 million, are under 65, according to the data. The colonies settle on the leaves or inside the small blooms. A meadow moth on a sunflower is critically dangerous in a period of increasing its population, which occurs cyclically — once in 10-12 years. The caterpillar of the cotton hill reaches 35-40 mm in length.