Have the teams stand in a line, with the first person in each line facing the Point Cards. The children will race to separate true and false statements regarding the Promised Helper. Teams try to capture the most points by quickly drawing and guessing familiar words from the Bible story about Paul and the shipwreck, found in Acts 27. Children run to demonstrate their knowledge of wisdom as described in James 3:17. A new spin on an old game. A free Bible memory game that helps put the Word of God into our hearts. This was awesome. The children will match Biblical names that refer to the same person or object. We believe that children and parents benefit from a  strong Christian education program in the church. It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. You could also have three people from the team each get one try to keep the game moving faster. Take a consensus for the answer and see what happens! Let the kids know that they need to be listening for a particular phrase. Two teams are challenged to come up with different ways they can live to serve Jesus. Use “team” games where anyone on the team can answer a question. Like the old "What's my line" game. Anyone in the class can blurt out the answer after the teacher says go. The children will practice obedience while having fun with balloons! A game of cooperation to show how staying connected can be a lot of fun, and how being connected to the Lord is essential for producing good fruit. We did a “Guess that Sound” with 4th-6th graders and they loved it. If the team answers the question correctly, the first person in the line can throw the bean bags three times, attempting to hit a point card. The children will listen to hints and guess the places. A Smart Teachers’ Must Haves: Masking Tape, Twine, Balloons, and Bean Bags are great to always have on hand. Carefully stretch the balloon over the mouth of the cup, with the knot facing up and away from the cup. When a team answers a question correctly, one person gets to come up and punch a cup to see how many points their team gets. The children will race to find the names of the minor prophets. Fun for kids of all ages, where recognizing the three persons of the trinity keeps you in the game. Then, cover the mouth of each cup with the tissue paper. Kids often learn best when engaged in creative play, and with these easy activity ideas, you may have the most fun of all. To Play: Divide your students into two or more teams. Children use actions and descriptions to get their teammates to guess what they are doing. Set Up: Arrange two rows of chairs, each chair facing forward (like a train), one chair for each student. A fun fast paced game, that builds memorization skills. The children will race to rescue the twelve tribes of Israel from Egypt. The only obstacle? A fun fast paced game, that builds memorization skills and team work. A matching game that teaches children to glorify God. Jesus chose His disciples and made them fishers of men. Great ideas. A different spin on an old children’s game with a Christian life application. If your students are older, move the hula hoops farther apart and farther from the start line.) If a team gets the correct answer to a question, the person in the front of the line gets three pompoms and three chances to shoot their pompom through the hula hoop. Write numbers on them with a sharpie marker, for “team 1”, “team 2”, etc. I have some questions: Do you have kids that HATE to be put on the spot and refuse to answer questions? Ages: Preschool and up. If the student answers incorrectly, the person holding the stop watch will count down 3 seconds. To Play: Divide the class into two or more teams. Children make a mad dash to match Miracles with Bible verses. When someone answers a question correctly, they may come to the front and “punch” the paper tissue on one cup and get the prize on the inside. Please use our childrens ministry curriculum and Sunday School material for any purpose that brings honor to Jesus. Once you make the cup board, you can use it multiple times. The children will race to find letters and spell “grace.”. Children get creative to learn about the mission and purpose God had for John the Baptist. Children learn firsthand how difficult it was for some people to believe the message John the Baptist preached. Copyright 2018 by Path Through the Narrow Gate. The children will guess the pictures to discover how to show thankfulness. Materials Needed: Styrofoam or Plastic Cups, table, List of Questions. An interesting variation of the classic children's game "Red Light, Green Light". A free Sunday school game that can be used for many different lessons. Register ), Materials: A Chair for each student, List of Questions. Set Up: Have the table and Styrofoam cups ready to go. When someone answers a question correctly, they will stand at the start line and throw the bean bag into a hula hoop. When someone answers a question correctly, they get to throw a bean bag onto the Tic Tac Toe “board”. A fast-paced game that introduces children to the first miracle performed by Jesus. Alternately, you could give the first three students in line a chance to throw one time each, then head to the back of the line. Alternate between the teams, asking questions. Children guess the talent of a special guest. If the class does not get through all of the questions in the designated time, play the game again using the same questions. Team B will get points based on how many people crossed the finish line before Team A correctly answered the question. Set Up: Tie a piece of twine to one chair leg or back. Continue play until the questions are finished, then tally the scores to find out which team wins. In this free Sunday school game, children will search for words to learn that perseverance comes with hope. I printed mine on multiple colors of paper and covered them with clear contact paper to make them last longer. Connect 4. Alternate asking each team a question. Bring The Cross To Paul A scramble to trade hearts with the other kids so everyone has the right colors. Place one Point Value Circle inside of each hula hoop or ring. The children will learn about Jesus’ eternal presence with God. Set up: There are all kinds of variations of this “Punch the Cup” game on Pinterest – and it’s super easy to make! In this free Sunday school game, children have fun trying to duplicate a pattern of blocks hearing only verbal commands. This method allows Joey to still participate and feel like a part of the team, even if he doesn’t know the answers to the questions. In this game, excuses for being lazy can have consequences. In this game, children learn how easy it is to put themselves first and learn the importance of humility. Their team will get any points that are knocked down. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Or, have a rule that each student can only answer once, to encourage more participation. Children scramble to find the lost items. This game shows the importance of prayer and fasting to prepare for the battle of winning souls for Christ. The children will enjoy playing a relay game that helps them understand God’s mercy. But, Sally has already answered and gotten a chance to throw the ball. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thanks SO very much! In this game, you try to give your burden to somebody else. I even thought of a few more. Each team will use the cups to build their own cup “tower”. Just saying, otherwise these are great ideas… According to Jesus there is a narrow road that leads to life, but only few enter through its gate. We believe that God is the loving Father of all kids. The next question is given to Team B and Team A will try to get people through the course before Team B correctly answers the question.