Equipped with a visor made of polycarbonate or triplex glass, the X-plore 5500 mask provides its wearer a large field of vision without distortion. These filters feature universal 40 mm connector threads in compliance with the EN 148-1 European standard. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. Moreover, this harness allows better weight balance and enhances comfort of use without pressure. Styrene will polymerise spontaneously to polystyrene, without the need of external initiators. CAS No. The belt ensures optimal comfort of use and perfect weight balance. Breathing high levels of styrene may cause changes in color vision, tiredness, feeling drunk, slowed reaction time, concentration problems, or balance problems. These filters are especially designed to purify air from any contaminant that could be harmful for the user. Search the HHE database for more information on methyl ethyl ketone. Moreover, thanks to its unique standard size, this full facepiece respirator is easy to transport and to store. Available in three different sizes – S (small), M (medium) and L (large) – the X-plore 3300 half mask respirator has been designed to provide maximum comfort to its user. © 2016 Céondo GmbH | As it is also robust and rugged, this multi gas detector is extremely efficient in hostile environments and in the harshest conditions. Request a quote, ask questions about an installation or a product...Please fill out the form below and we'll get back to you shortly. The body of the dual filter gas mask is made of ultra-resistant EPDM elastomer that fits any morphology and face shape. Allows advertisers to control the frequency and duration of ads shown to visitors. At 100 °C it will polymerise at a rate of ~2% per hour, and more rapidly than this at higher temperatures. Gas detectors maintenance and calibration, VOC detection – Volatile organic compounds, Respiratory protective equipment maintenance, Respiratory protection equipment selection, GazFinder : gases database and search engine, Interior air quality standards & regulations, HVAC refrigerant gas leak in inhabited space, Pesticide respirators for crop protection phytosanitary treatment. Available in standard version as well as ATEX certified fireproof version, the X-plore 8000 respirator features protected air inlets which ensure that no dust, water or even sparks come into contact with filters. They concern geolocation, multi-device activity, preferences and the protection of users' login data. For combustible gas (catalytic or infrared), amines, Cl2, ClO2, CO, CO2 (electrochemical or infrared), H2, H2S, HCN, NH3, NO, NO2, O2, O3, PH3, SO2 and volatile organic compounds (10.6 eV PID lamp) monitoring. The mask itself features a specific dual seal with triple sealing edges to offer optimal tightness and protection. to allow us to handle your request promptly. Especially designed for use in pump mode or diffusion mode, the X-am 8000 portable multi gas detector can simultaneously monitor up to 7 gases. Lastly, the X-am 8000 portable mutli gas detector is powered by a lithium-ion battery that can be charged through an induction charger. This positive pressure respirator has been especially engineered to fit perfectly the user without disturbance. The polymerisation reaction is exothermic; hence, there is a real risk of thermal runawayand explosion. Thanks to its universal size and its 5-point specific harness, this respirator is very easy to don and to remove. The X-plore 8000 is a powered air purifying respirator especially designed to provide a reliable and convenient respiratory protection solution. Thanks to its comfortable 5-point flanged harness, the X-plore 550 can be worn and removed easily and quickly.