The heart pressure was clearly reduced and my uncle’s breathing promptly improved. Although several studies reported exceptionally positive results for treatment of cardiovascular diseases on orally administered Ouabain, it slowly dissapeared and was displaced by highly expensive pharmaceuticals with quite a lot of side effects but a much higher commercial benefit. I spoke about Strophanthin but he winked and told me that was in one of the tablets my uncle was taking. He is in the meantime absolutely convinced about Strophanthin and says he should have begun taking it much earlier. and let us know what you like to buyBefore buying this item, please make sure that IT IS LEGAL in YOUR country and/or state! After taking Strodival: no complaints whatsoever (other than one time in bed a light heart pain that, after 2 Strodival capsules on the tongue, was gone in 10 minutes). Coincidence? A placebo controlled, double blind study observed a highly significant effectiveness of orally taken Strophanthin. The natives of Africa tell the story that the ghost of the lion told them that Strophanthus gratus is very poisonous and can be used for hunting. In the meantime I had organized for him another packet of Strophanthin through his doctor and a chemist so that my uncle could enjoy the rest of his holiday. The substrate must be light, permeable, but fertile. This year he wanted to cancel his holiday because he had for weeks pressure in his heart area and could hardly walk 10 steps (his own diagnosis predicted water in the lungs). I must say, after all my research it happened just as I expected. The seeds should be though handled with care because they have the highest concentration of h- Strophanthin compared to the other plant parts. If one cultivates Strophanthus hispidus alone it grows mainly as a shrub. Pueraria lobata (montana), viable root cutting NOT seeds!! A large number of cardiac glycosides have been isolated from the plant. As the active principle of Strophanthus is most abundant in the seeds, but is also found in the husks and hairs, pharmaceutical preparations of the drug should be made from the separated seeds, while other parts may be employed for the manufacture of Strophanthin. It is best to use ceramic cookware. Strophanthus may also grow as a shrub in culture. The train journey alone made for hard work. Strophanthus gratus has been used in local traditional medicine: ouabain derived from the plant's seeds is used as a treatment for heart failure. I have managed to turn more people to try Strodival (one of them a long term patient who was motivated by your lecture in the “Munich hofbrauhaus” in Coburg). 30 minutes later test the guests urine with indicator strips, and then it would show it was in Acid level. The minimum temperature that the plant tolerates is from 32 to + 41 ° F, but such a decrease should be only a short-term, since the plant is sufficiently thermophilic. Prof. Dormann used Strophanthin capsules for 12 years in a large Berlin hospital: 99 % of patients with Angina pectoris took a stomach acid resistant capsule and were complaint free after 2 weeks (82 % after 1 week), all previous remedies were omitted. Strophanthin has a track record of zero fatal cardiac events with no reported side effects. Suggestion: Invite all your opponents to dinner – there is fish in wine sauce, white bread and plenty of white wine and cheese – a pure acid meal. Thanks to you, dear Dr. Debusmann, and by using Strodival, I have got my quality of life back. It has been used as an arrow poison in Africa. Required fields are marked *. It should be neutral or slightly acidic, for example, leaf earth, compost and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Cuttings must be treated with rootstock, rooting under polyethylene at lower heating. Ease of cultivation: Average: The size: Up to 2-3 m at home, in nature up to 25 m: Growth rate: Very high, branches stretch out rapidly, up to 1 m per season. Is there proof that the effects last 6 hours? The two most mixed with the official drug before exportation are those of S. gratus from the Senegal and Congo, where S. hispidus is found, and which are recommended by some authorities because easily recognized and yielding strophanthin readily in crystalline form, and S. Thallone. He feels well. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Strophanthus gratus originates from West Africa. The changing weather had no longer any negative effects on my heart when used as you told me with a dry mouth (in the morning in bed whilst lying in order to minimise saliva). The seeds of this species are the source of Ouabain. Flowering plant growing in Rama IX Royal Park, Bangkok Photograph by: Tony Rodd. I am getting bored, please fchat with me ;) ;) ;)
████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████. Those arrows were very deadly after that treatment. Uses. Due to that one should handle the seeds with care. seeds of Podocarpus macrophyllus, Yew Plum Pine . Endosperm is narrow, oily and white in colour. The Story of Strophanthin Ouabain or G-Strophanthin is found in the ripe seeds of the African plant Strophanthus Gratus. Bright diffused light. For cultivation of Strophanthus gratus the seeds should be put into constantly moist substrate and the surrounding temperature should be around 25°C. Add to Cart. The capsules are on my bedside table and when I, for example wake up at 5 am, I bite two. Strophanthus gratus bears latex like all members of the Apocynaceae, the dogbane family, do. Strophanthus may also grow as a shrub in culture. Luckily Ouabain nowadays slowly comes back and has developed to a niche product for heart disease prevention and treatment with less negative side effects compared to the commonly available pharmaceuticals.Ouabain which some years ago still was a wasted opportunity to save heart patients, is not widespread yet but has a steady upwards tendency especially due to it's compatibility. The leaves are elliptic and get 18 cm long and 9 cm wide. However, aware of my responsibilities, I called a doctor, but not an emergency call. All Angina pectoris patients experienced an improved EKG and a wellness-feeling, for most, a marked improvement in condition. Self diagnosed therapy: Theophyllin, Magnesium, Natron (if anything, hardly successful, since it brought relief only after 3 or 4 hours). The leaves of Strophanthus hispidus alternate at the shoot. seeds of Pachypodium rosulatum, Elephant’s Foot Plant, seeds of Kentucky Beefsteak Heirloom Tomato seeds, seeds of Laurus nobilis, Bay Laurel, Sweet bay. Several species grow wild in India (1), China, Southeast Asia (6). Sleeping was unthinkable. I decided however, which with luck was the right decision, to handle the emergency situation myself using Strophanthin. My uncle is incidentally, well over 80 years old. The corolla leaves are slightly bent to the ground. Like many cardiac glycosides h- Strophanthin is poisonous. It has been used as an arrow poison in Africa. Strophanthus perrotii A.Chev. Medical and scientific research has confirmed the health benefits of Strophanthin in the prevention and treatment of most heart diseases, including; Myocardial infarction and angina pecoris. The seeds are about 12 to 17 mm in length, 3 to 5 mm broad, plano-convex and lanceolate in shape with acuminate ends and silvery grey to yellowish green in colour. The flowers of Strophanthus gratus are actinomorphic and consist of five corolla leaves. Sat at home and waited for the condition to get better. Until today one does not know an antidote. H- Strophanthin is a cardiac glycoside. I have followed and studied your website with great interest and hope this somewhat long entry will help to win over the sceptics. The seeds are pubescent and light brown to dark brown in color. The plant can grow and bloom even in artificial light.However, inadequate illumination, flowering is significantly weakened. The embryo extends throughout the whole length … Specific Medicine Strophanthus is made from the seeds is of full strength, and should be given in smaller doses than the official tincture. Hey! It is best to grow on the east or west window, the most optimal will be a few hours of sun in the morning. After that his heart problem got better. Their prey got paralyzed and they were also able to hunt animals like elephants and other big animals. I wish you all the best with your astounding crusade. In Milan, Prof Agostini experienced similar sensational results. It is desirable to create a humidity level of about 50%, but the plant also adapts to the drier air. In the moist substrate the seeds start germinating after one to two month. Strophanthus ouaboio Holmes. Leaves are used in Africa in folk medicine in the treatment of snake bites and some skin diseases. The fruit is a capsule that bears up to 200 seeds. His doctor had even begun to reduce certain medications. They are ovate and taper. July 07. $59.00 Strofanthus pleasant starts to bloom in the spring and in the summer. Until about 1975 Strophanthin was used intravenously with success in nearly all hospitals and university clinics in Germany and is until today, known for its good effect by all older doctors. Normally he would be an emergency case for the doctor. Then germination starts after just one to two month. G-Strophanin what actually is the german name for Ouabain is mainly used for cardiac insufficiency and anticipatory anxiety. The seeds contain the so called h- Strophanthin. The dose is from one-half to five minims. Ouabain or G-Strophanthin is found in the ripe seeds of the African plant Strophanthus Gratus. We are Suppliers of Strophanthus gratus seeds.Our are in compliance with the following respective pharmacopoeal requirements By 1987 over 1000 patients had been treated. The seeds contain 4 - 8% of a glycoside mixture, which is the highest concentration of glycosides in the plant It has also been used as arrow poison. Both founded important clinics in Heidelberg and Badenweiler and well-known medical prizes are named after them. Most of the genus (32 species) come from Central and South Africa, Madagascar.