(b) resilience Answer : Stress: The force of resistance per unit area, offered by a body against deformation is known as stress. (c) tensile strain increases in proportion to the stress A rod is 0.5 m long and 5 mm diameter. (b) volumetric stress and volumetric strain True stress-strain curve for materials is plotted between (a) resilience The ratio of shear stress to the corresponding shear strain when the stress is within the elastic limit is known as modulus of rigidity or shear modulus and is denoted by C or Gor N. Question 9. (b) be safest 2 Review Questions on Materials. (d) any one of the above (b) tensile stress For which material the Poisson’s ratio is more than unity The value of modulus of elasticity for mild steel is of the order of (b) Wtan(a-<)>) (b) halved (b) original cross-sectional area (e) Poisson’s ratio. The maximum frictional force which comes into play when a body just begins to slide over another surface is called Do not neglect to include proper units in your answer. (e) none of the above. Ans: b, 3. (b) 50 MN/m2 Percentage reduction of area in performing tensile test on cast iron may be of the order of (e) remain unaffected. (b) hoop stress The stress developed in a material at breaking point in extension is called When we lower a body with the help of a crane, the body first touches the platform on which it is to be placed. (c) change in cross-sectional area to original cross-sectional area (b) ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction The change in the unit volume of a material under tension with increase in its Poisson’s ratio will , (c) brass (a) steel Strain is defined as the ratio of (e) impact energy. Ans: a, 106. (d) 200 MN/m2 (a) 25 The extensions noted with increasing loads will behave as under Ans: e, 46. These short solved questions or quizzes are provided by Gkseries. (b) zig zag riveting (a) more inclined when moving (e) none of the above. Resilience of a material is considered when it is subjected to (d) unpredictable (d) all the above are correct (d) torque required to produce a twist of one radian per unit length of shaft If the load at the end is increased, the failure will occur (b) It is more sensitive to changes in both metallurgical and mechanical conditions (a) support is frictionless GCSE Physics P1, P2, P3. Define Compressive Stress And Compressive Strain? Rivets are made of following type of material (b) resilience (e) none of the above. (d) zig-zag riveted joint (d) mechanical advantage is unity (e) creep by head treatment. (d) all be equal (d) load/instantaneous area and instantaneous area/original area Ans: d, 28. Ans: c, 84. (c) linear strain Ans: b, 13. (b) bulk modulus A2 Phys 4. Where f= stress. (a) mechanical advantage is greater than velocity ratio (d) ultimate tensile stress Ans: a, 83. (b) butt joint (e) drawabihty. (c) modulus of rigidity (e) none of the above. (b) slant up towards direction of pull Ans: b, 26. (a) unit stress (a) balance each other (b) constant When we lower a body with the help of a crane, the body is first of all, just above the platform on which it is to be placed. and extends by 0.2 mm. (c) average of size of rivet and hole Mathematically stress is written as. (b) homogeneous section 59. (a) maximum calculated value (d) isentropic (e) none of the above. Free download in PDF Stress and Strain Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for competitive exams. In a belt drive, the pulley diameter is doubled, the belt tension and pulley width remaining same. Ans: d, 45. (e) ultimate point of the material. For this i request you to kindly send me the pdf file of the same. (c) h/6 The study of strength of materials often refers to various methods of calculating the stresses and strains in structural members, such as beams, columns band shafts. The angle which an inclined plane makes with the horizontal when a body placed on it is about to move down is known as angle of (b) 8 tonnes/cm2 (d) malleability (a) longitudinal stress and longitudinal strain (b) volumetric stress and volumetric strain (c) lateral stress and lateral strain (d) shear stress and shear strain (e) linear stress and lateral strain. Topic 7. (e) unit strain. (d) increase initially and then decrease Ans: e, 35. (b) metal is twice as dense as water P=external force or load. Ans: b, 23. (c) greater than that necessary to stop it (e) any one of the above. (e) visco-elastic. Ans: b, 109 Which of the following is the locus of a point that moves in such a manner that its distance from a fixed point is equal to its distance from a fixed line multiplied by a constant greater than one If the radius of wire stretched by a load is doubled, then its Young’s modulus will be (a) doubled (b) halved (c) become four times (e) increase rapidly first and then uniformly. (a) in the middle Ans: d, 9. (d) hardness Ans: b, 32. Answers to Review Questions on Materials. (d) ductile (d) diametral pitch (e) none of the above. Ans: b, 15. (c) square Factor of safety = ultimate stress / permissible stress. (a) jointless section ), Answer outline and marking scheme for question: 1, a) i) stress = force / (cross sectional) area, ii) strain = extension / (original) length, b) i) elastic returns to its original length /shape when the force/load is removed, plastic does not regain its original length/size when the load is removed, (allow 1/2 if removal of load is not specified but remainder is clear), ii) force/stress/strain/extension beyond which the material does not return to its original length (when the load is removed). (d) It can be correlated with stress-strain values in other tests like torsion, impact, combined stress tests etc. A non-yielding support implies that the Ltd. Wisdomjobs.com is one of the best job search sites in India. Ans: d, 98. (a) zeioth order (b) double The elasticity of various materials is controlled by its (c) resilient A strain of 1x10-3 for a 1m long wire means an extension of 0.001m. (e) one fourth. (d) zig-zag riveted joint Ans: a, 99. Stress and Strain (Answers)..... 123 All copyright and publishing rights are owned by S-cool. (d) the friction force acting when the body is in motion (b) tensile strength (c) double (a) plasticity (c) breaking point (c) perfect section (e) kg cm2. (b) plastic point of the material It is ability to with stand an applied load strength of materials relies on the experience as well as theory and is a scientific in development. Are you a person with bachelor degree in material science? The materials having same elastic properties in all directions are called These pressures are called (c) two lubricated surfaces Ans: a, 113. (c) aluminium Then which is correct statement about density of metal Ans: d, 25. (d) elliptical Ans: c, 112. (a) meet in a point (d) one-fourth of hoop stress In actual machines (d) are equivalent (a) from maximum at the center to zero at the circumference (b) size of the drilled or reamed hole (b) breaking point (d) load at breaking point/neck area (d) h/4 (b) bulk modulus (b) compression Question 15. For steel, the ultimate strength in shear as compared to in tension is nearly How to Convert Your Internship into a Full Time Job? Two conditions employed in solving a composite bar are. Which is the false statement about true stress-strain method (a) It does not exist (b) It is more sensitive to changes in both metallurgical and mechanical conditions (c) It gives, a more accurate picture of the ductility (d) It can be correlated with stress-strain values in other tests like torsion, impact, combined stress tests etc. The torsional rigidity of a shaft is expressed by the (c) mechanical advantage is less than velocity ratio The value of shear stress which is induced in the shaft due to the applied couple varies Ans: d, 17. (c) slant down towards direction of pull (e) proof stress. Ans: d, 44. (d) four times (c) hyperbola (Answers 152.8 MPa and 120 ) 3. Ans: e, 39. (a) impact energy Topic 5. (d) from minimum at the centro to maxi-mum at the circumference (c) slenderness ratio and modulus of elasticity Ans: c, 51. (b) twice (e) 1 : 2.25. (d) modulus of resilience (b) mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio (a) same (e) plasticity. (c) 100 MN/m2 Topic 8. Please send me the PDFs of all these subjects please I request these are beneficial. (c) modulus of rigidity (a) size of rivet (e) 3r/8. (d) one-fourth of weight of bar applied at lower end (c) plasticity (d) may be less of more depending on nature of surfaces and velocity That would be the energy stored if the volume of wire in the test was 1m3. f1 and f2 = stress set up in the respective materials. (a) nature of surfaces Ans: c, 128. (a) pitch Ans: c, 75. (c) pair of clinical tongs (e) at distance — from the plane base. The coefficient of friction between semi-cricular disc and horizontal surface is i. Top 4 tips to help you get hired as a receptionist, 5 Tips to Overcome Fumble During an Interview. (a) principal stress (a) tensile strain increases more quickly (b) mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio (e) none of the above. (d) modulus of elasticity Poisson’s ratio is defined as the ratio of %��������� c) i) State the SI unit of the Young's modulus. A nylon string has a diameter of 2 mm, pulled by a force of 100 N. Determine the stress! (d) criss-cross riveting (c) average of (a) and (b) The ratio of increase in length to th original length is known as compressive strain. (a) h/2 (b) number of cycles it undergoes before failure (a) tangent of angle between normal-reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and limiting friction (d) slenderness ratio, area of cross-section and modulus of elasticity This is very good matter kindly send pdf file in mechanical muti choice question, Really helpful..Kindly send the pdf files of all topics in Mechanical engineering multiple choice qstns. of a plane lamina will not be at its geometrical centre in the case of a Topic 4. (e) static friction. (b) 2.1 X 106 kg/cm2 Ans: d, 61. Ans: b, 63. (d) compressive stress A bar made up of two or more bars of equal length but of different materials rigidly fixed with each other behaving as one unit for extension or for compression when subjected to an axial tensile or compressive load is called as a composite bar. (c) one-third When two plates are butt together and riveted with cover plates with two rows of rivets, the joi;it is known as (d) two-third (d) fatigue resistance by over-stressing the metal by successively increasing loadings (d) minimum area after fracture (d) lesser than that necessary to stop it Ans: c, 31. (a) creeping (e) electrically charged particles. Ans: e, 38. (a) strain energy (a) mechanical advantage is greater than velocity ratio (b) less inclined when moving (d) more or less depending on other factors (e) negligible. (d) resultant stresses (e) (a) and (b) above. (e) none of the above. The radius of the material is 4 cm. (c) bending (c) resilience E1 and E2 = modulus of elasticity of the respective materials. The vinyl plastic floor covering has a compressive yield stress of 3.5 MPa. The internal resistance force per unit area acting on a material or intensity of the forces distributed over a given section is called the stress at a point. (e) none of the above. (c) both of above are correct (a) same Question 11. Ans: d, 93. (e) tensile strain remains constant. First created in 2000 and updated in 2013, 2015 & 2020 (c) half (d) average of the sum of moduli of elas-ticity (c) kg (c) different in both cases Ans: b, 111. (c) 0.25 to 0.33 (c) bulk modulus (e) none of the above. (c) diamond riveting (b) proof stress In the tensile test, the phenomenon of slow extension of the material, i. e. stress increasing with the time at a constant load is called (a) friction (d) 60° (e) longitudinal stress and lateral strain. ����c��Q�� M��,��H��w��T˸�-�:'mƎ�!fǨ�����9?�Aՠ?���)C8wJ�z~H�������q�p�N���=�k�2�϶E��L{�Z^"� +��67[����D�T,�J��LJ����������$����"�Mn���V����v|��}ܼ��U��e��Jh������?��Iݕ��;�ZG��zf���TR�JPޘ�I0ۻ~�k��P�J�����f�B����P�̼@��B��R��)���?r�6�؜��Rs��]������ثu+ ��zs��깯�돷����o�%s�V9���;ʠ����܏�9�X�SZ�3(X, �B�w��a�j@�1��W9�����^���u��A�k�����Ak�~W����0�p�����tk�`"���3� ��y�}�4U���v�G��p�׏��xl EXAB�$�Sh����T��D��"G����.%�� �o����V�8�Q��_����g=.SS��k~��^�������[��֟.�����"�5���T�ir�aTb�r�ds��g�{�lf/��i��!��|6=(�T� nL�m��,�