In order to cook food, the player will first need to craft a Campfire with five Wood Sticks. Cooking is a gameplay mechanic that allows the player to cook most raw food items, rendering them edible and not poisonous. for sure, you have 8 clay spots per island, normally you can find 5/6, potatoes only 2 spots This has got to be BS, I've checked over 5 islands with the sole purpose of finding a potato plant and haven't found one. I just tried again it did work. Once the food is cooked, a sound will play to alert the player. It takes 4 stages of growth for a potato plant to grow into it's fully mature stage. To operate, hold an empty Drinkable Coconut, Water Skin or Clay Water Bottl… All rights reserved. Using a fire spit will allow the player to put a second meat piece over the campfire without having to monitor the process. I wish I had a potato emoji, but I'll just have to leave you with a tropical drink instead. All animals that can be eaten and then cooked must first be Skinned using a Refined Knife. and when I weak up the potato will ding in about an hour game time. One may have to hold the food item in place or find the right spot to leave it to keep it from falling out of the fire and interrupting the cooking process. So, I read that you hold it with R-mouse over a campfire with no spit or lay a raft on the fire and cook a bunch of things at one time. With great care you can make 3 of them rest on top of the camp fire and fire pit at the same time. They can be obtained from Potato Plants. Players are free to do whatever they wish while they wait for the food to cook. Water Stillsdo also gather water from rainfall. lol, yeah after sitting there for ever waiting and it had not cooked I gave up, now I have the still so they go in there. Ok, so now they have to be cooked. as shown by the green outline of the screen. Stranded Deep. Stranded Deep > General Discussions > Topic Details. Zombits. Potatoes are a food item that can be obtained from potato plants. ^ Yes, Potatoes should last for months with out going off. When eaten cooked, they restore half a hunger point, if eaten raw, they restore half a hunger point, and can make you sick. Seems all the old guides are out of date, the Potato looks completely different, I for the life of me can not figure out how to cook them to eat. Seems all the old guides are out of date, the Potato looks completely different, I for the life of me can not figure out how to cook them to eat. In order to cook food, the player will first need to craft a Campfire with five Wood Sticks. Hellrazer001. Stranded Deep Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. < > Showing 1-10 of 10 comments . You can't put them on the spit. You can also let it rest on top of a camp fire or fire pit. Additionally, one can craft a more durable Fire Pit with a few Rocks and the original Campfire. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Yes, drop then hold with RMB works and it take about a minute. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. #5. Holding one and holding L-mouse doesn't work and you can't just drop them in the firepit. Similar result can also be achieved by combining aBarrel Scrap with a fire pit. Each plot can only hold one potato plant, and will yield 1 potato once ripe. I usually put a potato on a spit when I go to bed. Seems like taro would make more sense. I've combed the islands in the middle of …