If you already have a child support order or a written agreement, it may indicate when child support will end. The form may also be called an “Uncontested Motion”. You may also wish to refer to the Department of Justice guide called The Federal Child Support Guidelines: Step-by-Step. Generally speaking, parents receiving government aid do not have the option to voluntarily stop child support payments. When it comes to disability benefits and child support payments, there is a lot of confusion. In fact, the number 1 reason Houston parents look into how to stop child support payments is because 1 of these 2 deadlines has been met: their child has turned 18 or their child has graduated from high school, whichever comes later. At Thiessen Law Firm, we understand that every family’s and individual’s situation is unique and we will fight for your right to reduce or terminate child support in Texas. The parent wants to provide college support: In some states, parents can opt to continue paying child support to help pay for a child’s education. The parent of an emancipated child can be relieved of their obligation to make child support payments. Exactly how do I stop child support payments? Doctor of Law, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Nolo’s Essential Guide to Child Custody & Support, Emily Doskow (chapter 3). Quit wondering how to stop child support payments in Texas and do something about it. Read our. You will have to provide the other parent with notice. Office of Child Support Enforcement. Take a deeper dive: Learn about the best way to form a, child support when grandparents have custody. Disclaimer: This is not a legal text and does not provide legal advice. A judge or another court-appointed representative may attempt to convince you not to stop child support payments. ", https://www.ohiobar.org/ForPublic/Resources/LawFactsPamphlets/Pages/lawfactspamphlet-33.aspx, http://responsibledivorce.com/legal/child-support.htm, http://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/ocse/realistic_child_support_orders_for_incarcerated_parents.pdf, https://www.courts.state.md.us/sites/default/files/court-forms/family/forms/ccdr006.pdf/ccdr006.pdf, http://courts.mi.gov/administration/scao/forms/courtforms/domesticrelations/support/foc50.pdf, http://family-law.lawyers.com/child-custody/the-childs-best-interests-in-custody-arrangements.html, http://courts.mi.gov/administration/scao/resources/documents/publications/manuals/focb/custodyguideline.pdf, http://www.lrc.ky.gov/Statutes/statute.aspx?id=1464, http://www.womenslaw.org/laws_state_type.php?id=11149&state_code=GE, http://info.legalzoom.com/petition-court-custody-21363.html, http://ptla.org/motion-modify-family-law-judgment, http://www.masslegalhelp.org/children-and-families/child-support-change-how, http://www.courts.alaska.gov/shc/family/docs/shc-1505n.pdf, http://www.selfrepresent.mo.gov/page.jsp?id=38396, http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/stepparent-adoptions-29643.html, http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/fathers-rights---contesting-paternity.html, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Depending on the child support order in your case and state requirements, you may be required to petition the court to terminate the court order once the child reaches the age of majority or becomes emancipated.