Assassin’s Creed Odyssey continues to expand after the game’s release, offering new challenges and rewards for hearty mercenaries. I can't get Arges or Steropes to spawn. Can't get either one of these two bounties to show up in my game. Took about 10 hours to play through the main story all the way to the end of Sequence 4, hoping the 2 quests would finally appear, but nothing. Looks like it is a known issue, as per the Ubisoft thread, specifically post #14. Sign up for a new account in our community. I am going to redownload AC:Odyssey to see if this works! "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." Character is level 90+, long since completed main story, fully upgraded spear, all 4 mythical creatures, got Platinum, finished Legacy of the First Blade DLC, finished every other Lost Tales of Greece trophy, and started Atlantis DLC. I've been told I need to progress in story (I've done everything), it automatically goes to your quest book (never did) and it can go to a quest board (searched every town while playing). Could anyone explain how we get the quest to defeat Arges? Also, you will notice the new "Rent Your Own Server" button in-game. I am unable to use abilities/abilities greyed out since last update? Here’s a walkthrough on The Lightning Bringer in AC Odyssey. Addressed an issue where Cyclops quests weren’t available to some players after Title Update 1.5.3. Unfortunately I've finished all DLC, all orange quests available in Greece, but no quest appears. The only things I haven't done are the paid DLC. Experiencing the same issue with both cyclops. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. This is still a problem for me and others, and as of two days ago they are still aware of and looking into this bug. I also heard you can go to their locations and the enemy will be there, however the areas are empty. Checked notice board on my ship, nothing. No bosses are there, and no quest markers or log for the two quests have ever existed in my game. Normally, they're supposed to show automatically in your quest log along with the Lost Tales of Greece when you reach a certain point in the story (don't remember exactly what that point is, but it's relatively early in the game), and, when you get those quests, they will show up in their respective places. that quest is automatic once you get your ship if it's installed properly. That's it, I'm done with this trash game. I just completed all of the DLCs and after returning to the main game area, it magically popped up both of these bounties for me. This is probably a bug which appeared with the newest patches, as most of the complaints seem to be recent. I checked the Ubi-CASH site forum, and it is filled with numerous posts from people having this same issue. I have all the DLCs and almost do e with them without finding him. Today i got it. location on each island, but they simply turn to the blue marker enabling fast travel like the last playthrough. "Candy. Hey man, so just a heads up maybe this will help you. George Carlin, Yes I've tried seveal times, but for some reason doesn't want to spawn and the quest won't trigger for me. Bravo Ubi-$$$, bravo!! While an Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cyclops is apparently teased early on, it's not the real deal. Finally got the completion. Help! Immediately upon completely Sequence 4, every other "Lost Tales of Greece" marker instantly appears on the map and in my quest log. No,these dlcs are free the dlcs that cost are included in the season pass. Hellion - Server Client Improvements, A New Ship, with Over 60 Fixes and Changes. Why would I want the -50% All Resistances engraving. I have officially platinumed the game and received 11 of the 13 additional feat trophies. Tried traveling to the gold "?" Can now 100% and get my 100GB of disk space back! The developers over at Zero Gravity push an update this week that offers some distinct improvements and additions to the game. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Hellion - Steropes Update is here. I have officially platinumed the game and received 11 of the 13 additional feat trophies. Odyssey - Arges and Steropes not spawning by ToxicVigil in assassinscreed [–] ToxicVigil [ S ] 1 point 2 points 3 points 13 days ago (0 children) No luck unfortunately, but it’s also been a bit since I’ve played. Same problem, neither boss will appear in my game. Fixed for me! Thanks Ubi-CASH!! You need to complete DLC 7. I’ve never had this problem with any of my other playthroughs. I've come to the conclusion that they're either gone from the game or you have to purchase the DLC. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. For Assassin's Creed Odyssey on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Arges not spawining". Finished main story, level 74 now, in Legacy of the First Blade Part 1 and still nothing. I just finished the Episode 1 of the First Blade. Steropes’s eye will now detect players standing in all areas of the fight zone; Ikaros will no longer be able to harass knocked-out targets while players are carrying them into caves or otherwise restricted areas; Phobos will no longer try to run away after … Both quests popped as soon as I logged in, and both trophies popped once completed. Tried deleting and reinstalling entire game, took nearly two hours, still broken. I was almost at the entrance before he showed up. The Lightning Bringer is a new side quest in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey involving Steropes. They are now completed and I am finally 100% for this game. Clearly a bug that Ubi-$$$ can't be bothered to fix because it's part of the free DLC. I'm now on Fate of Atlantis Episode 3 and after finishing all of it, these two trophies would be the last ones I'm missing. Thank you! I hope so too man. Tastes like chicken, if chicken was a candy. ", Someone told me once they beat the first chapter of one of the dlc he spawned so I'm just periodically checking until maybe one day he'll be there, Its just something wrong with the game random things make him spawn apparently sometimes i actually just finished a story mission and i randomly got the quest today. Kind of annoying. Do I need to get the magic key from the emerald cavern before completing DLC 7, or is that part of DLC 6? Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. On 4/12/2020 at 5:19 AM, Ward_Iraqi said: On 6/10/2020 at 6:04 PM, o_BAD_RELIGION_o said. Hope this helps in any way. Confirmed fixed. Checked the board on my ship and the boards on land near the islands, nothing. Report this here and hopefully they will patch or hotfix:. On top of a hill near the docks in the southern side of the island, you will encounter a woman (Bryce) being harassed by an angry mob for a deed she claims to have never committed.