When you get to the site, click on our name next to the purple circle and a list of videos will be displayed. St Thomas the Apostle CATHOLIC CHURCH St Thomas the Apostle CATHOLIC CHURCH St Thomas the Apostle CATHOLIC CHURCH St Thomas the Apostle CATHOLIC CHURCH. This form is for use by our parishioner and is submitted to the Church of Baptism or Confirmation. 18300 Upper Bay Rd Nassau Bay (Houston), TX 77058 Phone: 281-333-2384 FAX: 281-333-2385 E-Mail Us: info@sttaec.org. Church. Friday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Confession – Saturday 3PM or by Appointment. St. Thomas the Apostle Church ~ 331 8th Street South Brigantine, NJ 08203 609.266.2123 Fax 609.266.6416 e-mail: office@stthomasbrigantine.org Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00AM – 4:00PM, Friday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM A Roman Catholic Church in the Victorian Village of Waterdown, ON. Orders are now being taken until December 7th Orders will be delivered by a Scout. St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Vienna, OH 44473. Staff; Contact Us; Other Information; ... Calendar List View. Protecting God's Children (Virtus Information), For Mass Times, Rosary, Adoration &  Reconciliation Information Click Here. 8:30 am. St. Thomas the Apostle Church You are now on our new website. View a list of meetings and activities at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Naperville, IL. Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat; 1. St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church - Home page. News & Announcements Ministries Donate Bulletin Locations Contact Ministerio Hispano Calendar Page Selection November 2020. The live Mass will be broadcast on Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/deaconlen and see us on our YouTube Channel at: St. Thomas the Apostle Church of Brigantine, NJ, Rosary for Peace: Tuesday: 7PM in the church, Adoration: Friday after morning Mass till Noon, Office Hours Resumed with Social Distancing measures in place, St. Thomas the Apostle Church ~ 331 8th Street South  Brigantine, NJ  08203 Please change your bookmark to stthomasnorwalk.ORG. For more information about Boy Scout Troop 222, please go to their web page at troop222norwalk.scoutlander.com. Sheridan – Third Sunday of Lent (March 15, 2020) March 16, 2020 - 10:52 am STOP BY. ... CLICK ON THIS LINK TO SEE OUR CALENDAR -----> https://74054825.view-events.com. Search. I encourage you to go through it as you will find an abundance of information about St. Thomas the Apostle. Church. Live Stream Sunday Mass with St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Weekly at 9:30AM. If a no-contact delivery is preferred, just tape an envelope to the  door with a check made out to Troop 222. Church. Welcome to our parish website. We need the signed original submitted to us. Welcome; Calendar; Categories Learn Missional Community School Serve Welcome Worship Youth Group Agenda Agenda Day ... St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church. The old website will be removed by year end. Sign up to receive our parish emails if you haven't already been receiving them and stay up to date. Church. 8:30 am. Click on the one that has LIVE on it. Office Hours:  Monday thru Thursday 9:00AM – 4:00PM, Home; About. 2. Sync to my Calendar Print Calendar Print Event List. 609.266.2123     Fax 609.266.6416     e-mail:  office@stthomasbrigantine.org Please support our Boy Scout Troop with your purchase! If you have difficulty with the below connection buffering (it means that too many people are trying to get on at the same time - which is a good thing), we have a YouTube Channel for live stream masses. Mass Times; Home; Contact Us; Search. Latest Homilies Msgr. Our Boy Scout Troop will be selling beautiful double-sided balsam wreath, decorated with a red velvet bow and pinecones - door sized $20. Click here to connect. Home Need Help? Church. Month View November 1, 2020. Activity Center. © St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church 530 Elizabeth St Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Phone: (734) 761-8606 Calendar . DO NOT EMAIL TO US. Please call (203) 847-1794 or email to [email protected] with your information and Gwen will take care of your order. Sunday Worship. Events. Activity Center.