If you have questions about Eucharistic Adoration or what your responsibilities are please email Kim at kimberly.rivera@thomascenter.org. Click the button below to sign up! Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious and beautiful in Heaven and will help bring about everlasting peace on earth." We now will be streaming mass to the church hall so that more can attend in community and receive communion! FORMED; ArchdioceseOne; Archdiocese of Dubuque; USCCB; Dynamic Catholic; That Man Is You; Today's Readings . We strive to live and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, engage higher education and form students, faculty, staff, parishioners and those who choose to share in this mission in the intellectual, spiritual and apostolic tradition of the Catholic Faith. Visit us on Facebook! This is an act of charity for others, in particular for our most vulnerable community members. What do friendship and evangelization look like in 2020? 6306 Kenwood Ave., Dallas, Texas 75214. Adoration will be available Tuesday through Thursday from 9 AM to 5 PM in the church. We strive to live and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, engage higher education and form students, faculty, staff, parishioners and those who choose to share in this mission in the intellectual, spiritual and apostolic tradition of the Catholic Faith. We rely upon your generosity to continue the work of the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center. Bill . Mike SchmitzHow do we build and maintain Christian community in the midst of quarantines, social distancing, fear, and isolation? Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour." Bless you and thank you for your patience!!! Peter Mussett and Scott Powell) are two utterly brilliant and charmingly witty Catholic theologians who host the wildly popular podcast, The Word on the Hill, which attempts to tie together all of the readings from the Sunday Mass. Please consider making your offertory donation electronically. If you would like to donate today, please visit archden.org/futurepriests. When praying at the church please wear a mask, practice social distancing, and if you are sick please stay home. Tue 8:00 - 9:00pm Sat 3:30 - 4:45pm Sun 5:30 - 7:00pm. Most Recent Podcast Episode (September 17, 2020). Your donations are needed now more than ever.Please consider making your offertory donation electronically. Give to the Ministry. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. For more information and to sign up for a training session click here. @wwmeColorado. We are grateful for your continued support of St. Thomas Aquinas. Please feel free to sign up for 2 masses in a month. As the parish continues to grow, the need for more advertisements is critical. We ask that you prayerfully consider advertising in this weekly church bulletin. Your donations are needed now more than ever. Thank you in advance! Have you been wondering how you might be able to help others in need? Josh JohnsonWhat does the Catholic Church have to say about the racial division in our country that has become so evident in recent months? This year we will be having a virtual Giving Tree! Bulletin. Catholic Center & Drogo's Coffee Bar 1520 Euclid Ave.Boulder, CO — 80302303 443 8383, Pastoral Center (mailing Address)904 14th StreetBoulder, CO — 80302303 443 8383, St. Thomas Aquinas Church898 14th StreetBoulder, CO — 80302303 443 8383, Information Overload: Fake News & Spiritual Exhaustion; A Conversation with JD Flynn. The mission of the St Thomas Aquinas Pastorate is to use our love and faith to inspire and serve God's people by cultivating a welcoming Catholic Community-working as … Join renowned speaker, author, and campus minister, Fr. Dr. Scott Powell will sit down with JD Flynn, Editor-in-Chief of Catholic News Agency to talk about the trustworthiness of the press, Catholic journalism, and how believers can navigate through the information overload that bombards us daily.The talk will be available on our YouTube channel. Follow the World Wide Marriage Encounter on Instagram! We are in need of adorers to fill open spots for Adoration! "The Vatican has extended the availability of certain plenary indulgences for the souls in Purgatory, amid concerns about avoiding large gatherings of people in churches or cemeteries and including those confined to home due to the pandemic...".