Speaking of sporting events, she once sang with her choir in the 1985 Superbowl where the SF 49er's were victorious. Mr. Cakebread holds a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance, a Master of Music in Vocal Pedagogy, and a Master of Music in Musicology. Miss Elings is an Iowa native that has been in the Bay Area for two years. S. Theresa’s became a full fledged High School in 1961 when the first batch of students were sent up for SSC examinations. She is a Grammy award winning artist who gained fame with the Pacific Mambo Orchestra. Our mission statement has been recited and memorized by all our students and staff at STS. In his spare time he enjoys collecting and repairing mechanical clocks, especially cuckoo clocks! Here we worship the Lord as we form our young students in the Name of Jesus. Ms. Ochoa-Cortez is a graduate of Oakland Technical High School and has been helping out in kindergarten for three years. Mrs. Halligan holds both her B.S. She completed her Administrative Credential from San Jose State University. Before becoming a counselor, she was an Oncology R.N. Katie moved back to Oakland and became principal of Corpus Christi School for thirty years until her retirement. She then moved to Holy Cross in Santa Cruz, where she taught the upper grades for eight years followed by eight years as the principal. Mrs. Lindorfer’s three children are graduates of St. Theresa School. ), Higher Critical Thinking/Application Skills, Writing Process Across the Grade Levels and Curriculum, Instructional Process through Differentiated Learning, Special Area includes: Art, Music, PE, Spanish, Strategies Program for students with learning needs, Algebra offered for students in 8th grade who qualify, Spanish is offered at two levels: Intermediate and Advanced, STEM, Fine Arts, Coding, Theater, Dance, Spanish, Clubs (Altar Servers, Green Team, Student Council, National Junior Honor Society, Newspaper, Tech Team, etc.). She plays all around the Bay Area! In her spare time, Mrs. Lindorfer enjoys reading, gardening, and spending time with her two grandchildren. We believe in the unlimited possibilities each school year holds for each learner, and we look forward to … Mrs. Bonavolonta has been teaching for over 20 years and earned her Master’s Degree in English from Holy Names University and her Master's Degree in Teaching from USF. We will take each phrase of the mission each month and reflect on how it’s lived out. Providing an atmosphere of deep respect and courtesy and by presenting curriculum and activities in a manner that appreciates the contributions of all. Leon Jungblut SVD took charge as Principal of St. Theresa’s High School in 1962 and retired in 1971. She is extremely dedicated to the children and the parents who use the STEP program for quality after school care.