What are Your Thoughts on the Magic of Pomegranate? Interestingly enough, the pomegranate has a long history of influence throughout several cultures and is regarded as an important component in several different rites and ceremonies. When Hades offered her a handful of pomegranate seeds, she could no longer resist, and she finally gave in and ate four seeds. He is easily overcome by her fixed gaze and again, “like a piece of pomegranate is the temples behind your veil.”, She starts to move in spiritual authority (emotional mature). Eating pomegranate seeds or carrying the skin is believed to increase fertility. Pomegranates are a natural aphrodisiac. They can help raise testosterone levels in the body for both women and men, which can lead to increased libido. Some pomegranate trees in France has survived over 200 years. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; However, Persephone's will to avoid eating was starting to break down as her hunger rose. Hades could not contain his desire for Persephone, and eventually decided to kidnap her and steal her away to his dark domain. Rev 19:10 says, “The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.”  As we walk closer to Him, in a deeper intimacy, a true relationship with Him, He bestows upon us the gifts of the Spirit (e.g. Pomegranate juice can be substituted for blood in blood magic. Pomegranates have natural antiviral and anti-bacterial properties. Pomegranate anointing oil (100% pure oil in Pomegranate seed / carrier oil). A Revelation on the Incarnation of the Word, the L... What is the Spiritual Meaning of the Rapture? As the fruit is cut open – it forms a heart shape even, with 4 divisions. A pomegranate branch can be used to discover and attract wealth. She becomes an orchard (her life and her ministry). Affiliate Disclosure: Our content may include affiliate links from our sponsors. Meaning of Color and Sections of the Pomegranate 613 red pips/seeds: 613 seeds = 613 commandments in Jewish tradition (613 = positive commandments -to perform certain actions). The Veil represents her intimacy, hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3). There I will give you my love.”. Pomegrante (cut open): Tender emotions of the Bride (become healed) signified by the pomegranate – cut open:Chapter 4 describes our bridegroom taking note of us, describing our beauty. She calls Him! Pomegranate juice contains flavanols which can help combat the inflammation that leads to osteoarthritis. shining like diamonds, little seeds of hope in the. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Pomegranate's name comes from the medieval Latin words. I’m sure many of you have experienced the amazing taste of the pomegranate whether it is within a salad, fruit juice or maybe even in fancy flavored martini.