Craft Timber. This includes hunting, fishing, camping and walking. Huon Pine, Lagarastrobus franklinii, Australia’s oldest living tree which produces Tasmania’s iconic specialty timber. Special species timbers are used to make a range of high-value products, including wooden boats, furniture as well as a range of craft products. Special species timber production is aligned with the Tasmanian Special Species Management Plan 2017. Its regional offices at Smithton, Camdale, Perth, Scottsdale, Derwent Park and Geeveston are closed to all visitors. Copyright © 2014 Ryan Media Pty Ltd (Division of Provincial Press Group). Huon pine timber is soft and light – 520kg/m – and exceptionally stable, making it wonderful furniture material. It is acknowledged to be the world’s second oldest tree (after the bristle-cone pine in USA) and individuals have been aged to well over 3,000 years. Blackwood forests in north west Tasmania provide the primary source of blackwood sawlogs. These days it is highly sought after by musical instrument makers as sound boards, as its straight grain and stability provide excellent, true resonance. Island Specialty Timbers Derwent Park and Geeveston are taking sales by arrangement, while Island Specialty Timbers Strahan is closed. Source: Timberbiz . Minor species Tasmanian specialty timber. Source: Timberbiz. Its regional offices at Smithton, Camdale, Perth, Scottsdale, Derwent Park and Geeveston are closed to all visitors. From the moment you walk into the showroom, door you are greeted by the smell of polished timbers. Huon Pine is one of the world’s most durable timbers: specimens have been dug up from under the soil and dated to 38,000 years old, still in excellent condition  It contains an oil – methyl eugenol – which makes it resistant to most boring insects, including termites and marine borers, and therefore very attractive to wooden boat builders. King Billy Pine timber is soft and very light – 400kg/m3 – but also remarkably strong. It is a medium sized tree about 25-30 metres high and 60-90cm in diameter. The closures are intended to contribute to the Government’s efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 through our community. The collection of firewood from designated areas of Permanent Timber Production Zone land in accordance with a valid firewood permit may still occur provided that any other applicable COVID-19 requirements such as social distancing and hygiene measures, are complied with. It is machinable, stable and easy to sand and finish. Subscribe to the FREE enewsletter, Daily Timber News, for current national and international timber industry news. Additionally, this natural oil makes the wood resistant to water penetration and rot, making Huon pine an ideal timber for boat building, making Tasmania famous for boat building since the days of the early convicts. King William Pine is a conifer endemic to Tasmania, and found only in highland rainforest areas above 600m. It is a medium sized tree about 25-30 metres high and 60-90cm in diameter. In the interest of public safety, Sustainable Timber Tasmania will continue to offer permits and licences only over the phone. Sustainable Timber Tasmania and Island Specialty Timbers update. We sell rare and unique Tasmanian furniture and instrument grade timbers, produce custom timber bench tops and breathtaking staircases from Tasmanian timbers and sell DIY box making packs which are perfect gifts for craft enthusiasts, wood hobbyists and older school-aged children. Special species timber is supplied both directly to sawmill customers and sold through its commercial business, Island Specialty Timbers, where special species timber can be purchased either in person or online from stockpiles located at Geeveston, Strahan and Smithton. It is a feature tree of the climax wet temperate rainforest and grows on the edge of rivers. King Billy Pine  timber is soft and very light – 400kg/m3 – but also remarkably strong. King William Pine is a  conifer endemic to Tasmania, and found only in highland rainforest areas above 600m. Various sizes from 1mm up to 44mm thick. Grown crooks and knees for boat building; This is a resource to supply a business with a long and strong future. In the interest of public safety, Sustainable Timber Tasmania will continue to offer permits and licences only over the phone. Historic uses included window frames and doors, light vessels including rowing boats and dinghies, interior fittings for boats,  shingles and water pipelines. Recreational areas managed by Sustainable Timber Tasmania in support of the latest instructions from the Tasmanian Government and directions issued by the Director of Public Health, have closed all Permanent Timber Production Zone Land and forestry roads to public access for all recreational activities. It is machinable, stable and easy to sand and finish. Tassie Timbers Natural Timber Furniture. The main species that provide special species timber are: Sustainable Timber Tasmania manages approximately 52,700 hectares of PTPZ land as a special species timbers zone and this is the primary source of special species timber. Australasian Timber Construction Forum 2020, Sustainable Timber Tasmania and Island Specialty Timbers update. All kiln dried and dressed, ready to be turned into something amazing. Australasia's home for timber news and information. Specialty timber groups believe they were left with an extremely restricted resource after the Tasmanian Forest Agreement was finalised in 2013 and … FTT 08004 AS4707 CoC Certificate No 101091. The zone is comprised of blackwood forests, rainforests and eucalypt forests that are rich in special species timbers. Island Speciality Timbers is still operating however, in the interest of public safety its locations at Geeveston, Derwent Park and Smithton are closed until further notice. Huon Pine is a conifer endemic to Tasmania, and found only in the west and south west of the island. Each year, Sustainable Timber Tasmania reviews the annual supply of special species timbers and publishes it in its Three Year Wood Production Plan. All Rights Reserved. Rainforests contribute the largest area of the special species timbers zone and managed specifically for the long-term production of special timbers such as myrtle, sassafras and celery-top pine. 15 April 2020. Boards & slabs, off cuts, turning blanks, burls, bookmatched boards, sawdust, craft bags, plus lots more. Tasmanian Special Timbers. Firewood permits are for personal domestic use only and not for commercial ventures. Contact Tasmanian Special Timbers . Hastings Specialty Furniture is a Tassie Timbers Showroom stocking selections from fine ranges of Tasmanian made Timber Furniture. Sustainable Timber Tasmania manages approximately 52,700 hectares of PTPZ land as a special species timbers zone and this is the primary source of special species timber. Craftsmen also value it for picture frames, feature boxes and drawer fronts. Eucalypt forests rich in special species timbers also contribute a source of special species timbers. All hunting, including the Big Den Deer Ballot, is covered by this closure. The zone is comprised of blackwood forests, rainforests and eucalypt forests that are rich in special species timbers. Level 1, 99 Bathurst Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000, Tasmanian Special Species Management Plan 2017. Huon pine is recovered from the Teepookana plateau, which was historically cut-over during the early 20th century, and salvaged from riverbanks and beaches around Macquarie Harbour. Logs for producing sawn timber; Logs for producing craft and turned items; Logs for sculptural application; Ancient stumps and root systems, suitable for landscaping, table bases, abstract art.