They vote, serve on juries when called, follow the news and current events, and participate in voluntary groups and efforts. // There are so many ways to incorporate primary sources and questioning strategies in the social studies classroom! My Journey: Social studies lessons that incorporate literacy strategies and the C3 Framework. Some topics covered in this section will include Beringia and how early natives adapted to the various environments found in North America. The platform develops interactive inquiries for online use by students. We’ve belly-ached and moaned about the out-dated and vague nature of the Kentucky Core Content for Assessment in Social Studies for much longer than that. Through a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, National Council for the Social Studies, in partnership with the National Center for Literacy Education (NCLE), developed these free professional learning tools, and resources to help school teachers from across the nation use this (C3) Framework. NCSS published the National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies in 2010. I recently received a copy for free at a Social …, Dimension 1 of the C3 Framework for Social Studies is “Developing Questions and Planning Inquiries” or to put it simply, inquiry based learning. The C3 is driven by the following shared principles about high quality social studies education: The C3 Framework, like the Common Core State Standards, emphasizes the acquisition and application of knowledge to prepare students for college, career, and civic life. The first day of school is right around the corner and I haven’t done all of the things I wanted to do this summer! C3 explains, ", The Inquiry Design Model (IDM) is a distinctive approach to creating curriculum and instructional materials that honors teachers’ knowledge and expertise, avoids overprescription, and focuses on the main elements of the instructional design process as envisioned in the Inquiry Arc of the. The National Council for Social Studies has just released the C3 Framework to guide the development of new Social Studies standards! Social studies emphasizes skills and practices as preparation for democratic decision-making. Lessons will focus on the Constitution, first presidents and foreign affairs in the early years of our nations existence. The Four Dimensions highlighted below center on the use of questions to spark curiosity, guide instruction, deepen investigations, acquire rigorous content, and apply knowledge and ideas in real world settings to become active and engaged citizens in the 21st century. I’ve done a lot …, If you’re looking for a resource with fresh ideas on how to implement common core standards in Social Studies, look no further than the book, Reading Like a Historian by Teachers College Press. For one, …, The American Dream. The book includes the entire C3 Framework, plus exclusive introductory chapters that interpret the Framework, and discuss its context, the central concept of the Inquiry Arc, the connections between C3 and the Common Core standards, the links between C3 and the national social studies standards, and appropriate assessments for C3. C3 explains, "The easy to use, web-based interface enables students to inquire about compelling questions, access disciplinary sources, and complete formative and summative tasks and exercises in taking informed action. The Agency of Education has provided social studies proficiency-based graduation requirements, which were based off of the C3 standards and developed by Vermont educators, to serve as a sample. We'll also take a look at the impact European Exploration had on both natives and Europeans including the Columbian Exchange and the Great Convergence. Social studies is composed of deep and enduring understandings, concepts, and skills from the disciplines. I usually start by asking them what the first thing that …, As is the case with all of our hat tricks, Social Studies bellringers tend to get a little tired and predictable after a while. My heart soars at the thought of young minds searching out information, gleaning scraps of knowledge from the pages of history and finding joy in the sheer act of learning. Lesson plans that allow students to interact with real people will be much more interesting and engaging. (2013). But then I grade the research projects and, for the most part, my …, Differentiation has been an educational buzz word for several years now, but I recently learned a new way to streamline differentiation in the classroom. These graduation proficiencies are examples of a rigorous proficiency-based graduation framework that meets Education Quality Standards. It is included in the downloadable pdf file of the Framework. Part of our back-t0-school professional development was a presentation based on The Differentiation Workbook by Continue reading, To be honest, I’m a little overwhelmed. The College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards: Guidance for Enhancing the Rigor of K-12 Civics, Economics, Geography, and History . The Future of Our Democracy – Abundant research bears out the sad reality that fewer and fewer young people, particularly students of color and students in poverty, are receiving a high quality social studies education, despite the central role of social studies in preparing students for the responsibilities of citizenship. Social studies education should have direct and explicit connections to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. Each of the Four Dimensions are strategically aligned to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies. As I adapt and revise lesson plans that I use in my 8th grade Social Studies class, I'm adding them to my website to share with my Social Studies … Winning independence was easy compared to the difficult task of building a new nation. (including introductory chapters), 2013. Its objectives are to: a) enhance the rigor of the social studies disciplines; b) build critical thinking, problem solving, and participatory skills to become engaged citizens; and c) align academic programs to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies. Social studies prepares the nation’s young people for college, careers, and civic life. Lessons will focus on the events that lead American Colonists to become rebels against the British crown. The C3 Framework changes the conversation about literacy instruction in social studies by creating a context that is meaningful and purposeful. Please feel free to critique, comment and share your own lesson plan ideas! 8555 16th St, Suite 500 • Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-588-1800 • 800-296-7840 • fax 301-588-2049. web design & development by new target, inc. College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards, All Upcoming NCSS & Affiliate Council Events, "The Links between the C3 Framework and the NCSS National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies", Introduction to the C3LC Investigation Series-Putting the C3 Framework into Practice, Connecting Social Studies and ELA Shifts in the Elementary Classroom, Coaching of Coaches: Collaborative Learning, Coaching the Coaches Part 2: C3 Framework Rubric, Dimension 1: Developing Questions and Planning Inquiries, Dimension 2: Applying Disciplinary Concepts and Tools, Dimension 3: Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence, Dimension 4: Communicating Conclusions and Taking Informed Action, Meeting the Common Core State Standards for ELA Part 1 - How Does the C3 Framework Align to the Common Core, Meeting the Common Core State Standards for ELA Part 2: Reading Informational Text, Meeting the Common Core Standards for ELA Part 3: Argument Writing, Meeting the Common Core Standards for ELA Part 4:Communicating Conclusions and Taking Informed Action, Lead the Way! is the product of a collaboration among the following fifteen professional organizations committed to the advancement of social studies education: American Bar Association The result of a three year state-led collaborative effort, the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards was developed to serve two audiences: for states to upgrade their state social studies standards and for practitioners — local school districts, schools, teachers and curriculum writers — to strengthen their social studies programs. As non-ideal as the old Core Content was, …, I love assigning research projects. Lessons and Activities to incorporate literacy and questioning skills. The C3 Framework addresses this issue in fundamental ways. I love to start each school year off by asking my students to explore the concept of “The American Dream” and define it for themselves. I'm hard at work changing bellringers, lessons, and assessments to be more literacy based. The C3 Framework is a framework for Social Studies education that is inquiry based. Reading, writing, speaking and listening and language skills are critically important for building disciplinary literacy and the skills needed for college, career, and civic life. Congratulations! In June 2017, a Religious Studies Companion Document was added as a Supplement to the C3 Framework. The College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards: Guidance for Enhancing the Rigor of K-12 Civics, Economics, Geography, and History is the product of a collaboration among the following fifteen professional organizations You survived the American Revolution and it’s time to move on to writing the United States Constitution. Active and responsible citizens are able to identify and analyze public problems, deliberate with other people about how to define and address issues, take constructive action together, reflect on their actions, create and sustain groups, and influence institutions both large and small. I thought I would share some resources that I have used over the years. The C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards is a powerful guide to help each state strengthen instruction in the social studies by establishing fewer, clearer and higher standards for instruction in civics, economics, geography and history, K-12. The groundbreaking book featuring an inquiry-based framework for enhancing social studies state standards and linking social studies education to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies. The introduction of the Common Core provided an opportunity for social studies educators to re-frame instruction to promote disciplinary literacy in social studies in such a way as to allow social studies to regain a more balanced and elevated role in the K-12 curriculum. The C3 Framework is a framework for Social Studies education that is inquiry based. Social studies involves interdisciplinary applications and welcomes integration of the arts and humanities. Unique to the IDM is the blueprint, a one-page representation of the questions, tasks, and sources that define a curricular inquiry." The use of music in the classroom is something that I’ve struggled with for years. The goal of every Social Studies teacher used …. There are a number of motivating factors that inspired this work: NCSS Bulletin 113, 144 pp. Tips and Tools to Introduce, Plan, and Implement the C3 Framework at your School Site/District, What Every School Administrator Should Know About the C3 Framework, Using the C3 Framework to Inform State Policies and Practices, What Every Methods Teacher Should Know About the C3 Framework, Developing Questions and Planning Inquiries.