3 575 px25. 20 213 px132. 5 700 px37. 20 250 px90. Cookies help us deliver our Services. 4 500 px12. 5 100 px119. 27 675 px11. 23 375 px10. When it comes to land size, it's False (3.11/12.18 sq miles; 8.06/31.55 sq km) - near 4 times smaller. 1 000 px34. This one is quite tricky too! That said, with the computing power of today’s current-gen consoles, including the new Nintendo Switch, there’s a definitely shift toward open-world gaming. Congratulations, many websites should've done this when comparing the GTA V map back in 2013 lol. <3. North Yankton. 20 875 px23. 210 600 px18. 5 950 px5. and that's why we see bigger numbers by "City of Saints". 17 250 px29. 510 125 px51. 143 350 px47. 4 000 px2. 1 138 px34. 3 125 px3. 825 px28. 4 100 px5. 14 575 px34. 79 800 px4. 36 720 px10. 5 000 px85. In fact, besides Breath of the Wild, Ocarina of Time is easily considered one of the best RPG games in gaming history. 3 900 px18. 34 650 px15. 96 000 px106. 32 800 px18. 3 163 px27. 12 900 px127. I have updated top post with an assumption: "Vice City is the biggest city in 3D Universe.". Alderney in fact is an another city and even in another state, but in this case Alderney will be included as a Liberty City's borough, so luckily you won't be confused ). 23 400 px6. 3. 28 000 px79. With such a large map to explore, one gamer put together a GIF that shows how the map from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild compares to other Zelda titles, as well as The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim’s map. 2 475 px37. 2 275 pxTotal Area = 143 000 px = 0.05 sq miles = 0.13 sq kmWater Area = 16 350 px = 0.01 sq miles = 0.03 sq kmLand Area = 0.04 sq miles = 0.1 sq kmDukes (with Charge Island) = 0.61 sq miles = 1.57 sq kmAlgonquin:1. Besides the whole map, you have to tell us how big each city is(fairly simple, almost the exact same, tiny difference in land size due to streets, and small change in water area) although some(like 2d LC) could even be further sub devided. 29 025 px10. You can post now and register later. 9 200 px3. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Although RDR2’s map is indeed larger than GTA 5’s map, proving it can be a bit tricky. 274 313 px4. 3 850 px139. 7 650 px107. Just take a good look at this picture altho it's just 3d era maps but you can compare them better there (or maybe not since it's tiny), have ....... A few more GTA map size questions for you. True, if we include total size 14.75 sq miles (38.2 sq km). As you might notice, we just need to double each pixel length given above and square. The GTAV world, no doubt. 2 475 px3. 27 000 px20. 3 500 px114. 16 400 px15. 24 000 pxTotal Area = 1 902 750 px = 0.67 sq miles = 1.74 sq kmWater Area = 785 688 px = 0.28 sq miles = 0.73 sq kmLand Area = 0.39 sq miles = 1.01 sq kmBohan:1. 9 600 px9. 1 480 500 px126. So here are the other maps and calculations to measure: - GTA III's Portland Island, Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale; - GTA:VC's Vice City Beach and Vice City Mainland; - GTA:SA's Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas, Red County, Flint County, Whetstone, Tierra Robada and Bone County; - GTA IV's Broker, Dukes (also with Charge Island), Bohan, Algonquin (also with Colony Island and Happiness Island) and Alderney; - GTA V's Los Santos, Los Santos County (also without LS) and Blaine County (also without Alamo Sea). 7 700 px57. Really, it is impossible to tell, especially considering that the people who gave that magical figure of 27.6 square miles HAS NOT PLAYED THE GAME. 2. "Los Santos is the biggest city in the 3D Universe. 5 063 px48. It was a nice experience for me to make such a very detailed comparison like this and maybe I'll use it as a base for my concept map, who knows! Clear editor. 140 250 px131. 27 000 px26. Comparing pixels isn't an accurate form of measurement as each game has their own scale. 2 000 px9. 1 250 px45. If not, you'd better not scroll down, I'm warning you, OK, next map pack and water areas in pixels for you to realise the essence of my map measuring O_O, GTA III - water areas:1. 192 000 px2. 4 500 px37. "The cities in GTA:SA are compared by size like this: Los Santos > Las Venturas > San Fierro.". So Liberty city proper) there is the original, 2, and Advance. 2 100 px21. Despite of 3 islands, Liberyy City in GTA III is smaller than the Vice City in sequel. YEEEHAW!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 750 px9. If you want to find out how big is the particular area of each GTA map, please let me know in this thread and I'll consider doing it Hope you all enjoy my thread without any "headache", This must be time-consuming... thank you for sharing. Once again a little trickier to define, but possible. 1 650 px45. 50 600 pxTotal Area = 435 000 px = 2.72 sq miles = 7.05 sq kmWater Area = 124 938 px = 0.78 sq miles = 2.02 sq kmLand Area = 1.94 sq miles = 5.03 sq kmSan Fierro:1. After establishing units, I've had to find 4 extreme points of each map (4 because of 4 world directions, obvious ) and draw an outer rectangle, in which these extreme points must be situated on its sides. 86 250 px2. 26 650 px99. In Liberty City, there are many skyscrapers that makes the city bigger than really is. ", I'm also dissapointed with this statement that Vice City is above 0.5 sq km bigger than GTA:SA's Los Santos, which seems more diverse and compact. The game is so large, the entire map from Skyrim could fit inside of it. 4 500 px24. 3 400px43. 18 750 px108. 29 138 px14. I always thought that V's LS is pretty much the same size as IV's map but I didn't know that it's actually noticeably bigger than that. I don't know if I made mistake right here, but playing GTA:SA I've always felt like LS is more developed and diversed than LV! 10 200 px16. Does it make it bigger then VC? We will find out what it really is soon enough anyway considering there is only 20 days left until GTA V … 48 000 px121. In GTA:SA Las Venturas is bigger than Los Santos. 4 000 px18. 3. 46 550 px80. 12 825 px40. 16 200 px12. GTA III's Portland Island, Staunton Island, GTA 3Portland:1. Los Santos in GTA V is much bigger than Liberty City in GTA IV. I mean LS is definitely bigger than LC, but it looks too big compared to IV's whole map. 12 950 px13. Does it make it bigger then VC? 3. 4 060 px44. 1 225 px19. I have to fly once with Dodo to check how big is the upstate area! Wow, great job! 2 925 pxTotal Area = 447 225 px = 2.8 sq miles = 7.25 sq kmWater Area = 175 976 px = 1.1 sq miles = 2.85 sq kmLand Area = 1.7 sq miles = 4.4 sq kmWhetstone:1. O_O Kinda weird... And Los Santos has way less high buildings, so that R* expanded the rest of the city to increase a "huge-metropoly" feeling. How does upstate Liberty alone compare to places like shoreside vale or bohan. 14 400 px6. 9 800 px14. 34 375 px15. 18 500 px38. 11 100 px130. 2 750 px73. 7 525 px12. 6 250 px15. 29 375 px10. 13 125 px3. Hope they don't repeat the mistake when they make HD Vice City. 12 900 px25. 42 000 px100. 12 338 px17. The following post is some kind of report, where I'm gonna explain you step by step all my calculations in the whole time-consuming process (It took me circa 1 month to complete this task! 3 600 px8. 111 375 px4. 12 000 px110. 12 513 px7. 8 800 px7. 387 600 px11. The 2d games. 276 000 px7. Like I said in another post asking about the size of Skyrim compaired with GTA V. The Skyrim map is 26 sqaure miles and some group/person calculated that GTA V was 27.6 square miles. Let's see this: For the area measuring it is vital to establish the area unit, which in this case is 1 square mile. 36 000 px39. 2 538 px39. 18 450 px96. Damn. 19 000 px56. Something's missing, isn't it? 3 825 px8. 4 700 pxTotal Area = 351 000 px = 2.19 sq miles = 5.67 sq kmWater Area = 95 475 px = 0.6 sq miles = 1.55 sq kmLand Area = 1.59 sq miles = 4.12 sq km, GTA IV:Broker:1. 3 150 px6. And that's why LS is bigger than LC.