Narrator: Hoff's concept was radical; he envisioned a single chip that could be programmed for a specific application -- in this instance, to function as a calculator. Starting up had been a breeze. Andy Grove, Intel: Bob didn't know me well enough to have a real opinion. For recently-incorporated Fairchild Semiconductor, the nation's new obsession with technology would prove the business opportunity of a lifetime. Michael S. Malone, Writer: That stunned Fairchild. Tom Waldrop He had the power to direct the semiconductor division -- and the responsibility for its performance -- but no ability to reward his staff. And if it hadn't been for him I don't know if we would've found a sponsor. | Top Critics (20) |. |, September 23, 2019 I remember the group of us cleaned up the floor and said, "Alright, now we, we're in business.". By that time, TI itself was building microchips based on Fairchild's planar process technology. Marilyn & Charles Farr Explores the unique mix of ingredients that fuelled Silicon Valley's rise to becoming the world's technological and economic powerhouse. For the previous 14 months, they had been working together at Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory outside of Palo Alto, developing a technology that promised to be revolutionary. When you're building semiconductors, sometimes a chip comes out, that works. T3Media Jerry Sanders, Fairchild Semiconductor: Conversations were just rampant about the latest sputtering device, or the latest piece of epitaxial equipment. He looked like a beaten puppy as he walked out the door that day. Lisa Kleiner Chanoff & Robert Kleiner Just over a month later, Noyce was headed out to California, an interview at Shockley Laboratories scheduled for the following morning. David Laws Michael S. Malone, Writer: I honestly think that Silicon Valley begins on a very specific morning. There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. The Inventor is one of those documentaries that -- unlike The Edison -- really gets under your skin. Gordon Moore, Shockley Semiconductor: We were all going through a learning experience with silicon and this new technology. I mean it was a, a hub of networking. Narrator: Shockley touted his new team as the "most outstanding in the semiconductor field": a dozen and a half young scientists of various stripes -- physicists, electrical and mechanical engineers, metallurgists, tool builders -- all of them rising stars in the field, all but a handful under the age of 30. Unable to add item to List. Silicon Valley (2005) 1h 23min | Drama A group of young men break into a Silicon Valley business and have to face the ramifications of their choices. It was basically a bunch of men in their 20s starting to make real money competing with each other on who had the bigger swagger. So how closely did the Silicon Valley series finale hew to that original idea? He had some pretty egalitarian ideas; he wanted to breakdown the distinctions between management and workforce. CriticalPast It also shows that the IT industry has always been a giant soap opera of key individuals, not (just) their companies, where lots of cliches apply, like "nice guys finish last", but also "what goes around comes around. When I failed in that, I felt that I should join them. Michael S. Malone, Writer: That's the defining product of the modern world. The rest of it is gut-busting, hard working engineering. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. That whole cultural attitude of pushing the edges, of pushing the technology to where it's innovative and thinking about things that people hadn't thought before. Isabel Carey Dr. Shockley shows us using a huge scale model. In a dorm room. Use the HTML below. And we knew that this was a force that was just changing everything. Michael Dolan There are no featured audience reviews for The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley at this time. Marketers had dubbed it "The Valley of Heart's Delight.". Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Michael Chin It was a whole, brand new world that nobody had been there before. Bill O'Hanlon Regis McKenna, Marketing Consultant: The business culture that existed in this country was that you go to work for a company, and you stay with that company, and you retire with that company. With their legendary status in the industry, they'd easily secured financing -- raising two and a half million dollars in less than two days. This is Douglas Edwards, good evening. Narrator: At a time when the average computer was a room-sized machine containing mile upon tangled mile of wires, Fairchild's integrated circuit -- or microchip -- made it possible to put a computer right on board a spacecraft and send it all the way to the moon. Gordon Moore, Shockley Semiconductor: We adjourned to salute the honor with champagne starting at nine o'clock in the morning at a local restaurant. It was just too volatile. Jay Last, Shockley Semiconductor: This four-layer diode wasn't coming along very fast. It's now being sold in the millions. The accomplishments of visionaries Steve Jobs (Noah Wyle) and Bill Gates (Anthony Michael Hall) revolutionize the 20th century. Jay Fialkov It was the size of a warehouse, and these tubes consumed a lot of electricity, and they used to joke that when you turned it on it dimmed the lights of the city around it. Charlie Sporck, Fairchild Semiconductor: Bob's thinking about it and he says, "Yeah, we could do that." Gordon Moore, Jay Last, and myself, we used to get there at six and try to teach ourselves semiconductor physics for the first hour in the morning. Copyright © Fandango. He had a way of of integrating facts and coming up something you'd never expect. Then, just two years later, her multibillion-dollar company was dissolved. It was strictly a matter of finding the money and taking the risk. Harry Sello In the Santa Clara Valley, they were known as "Fairchildren.". P. Andrew Willis, Associate Producers The revolution came when we weren't looking. I never took a business course. Narrator: Soon it came time to seal the deal. Jay Last, Fairchild Semiconductor: We hadn't thought about how you shipped the device. No need to waste time endlessly browsing—here's the entire lineup of new movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix this month. And we were making some progress but there was still quite a long ways to go. Dorothy Noyce The yield would change with the water level in the ground. And at a time when NASA was buying 60 percent of the integrated circuits produced in the United States, Fairchild was a major supplier -- shipping some 100,000 devices for the Apollo space program in 1964 alone. Logan Schneider, Sound Recording How could this happen? Now, you understand, they hadn't made... they hadn't built this transistor yet. There's never been a proliferation of a new technology that fast in human history. I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.". Narrator: Fairchild readily agreed to put up $1.3 million. Our editorial content is not influenced by any commissions we receive. Sean Fredregill "The money doesn't seem real," Noyce told his father, "It's just a way of keeping score.". Hester Newton You go to California, you leave your life behind, you strike out to try something new and to start your life over. Jay Last David Brock, Archival Researchers It would've been the end of the company. Getty Images He decided to leave Bell Labs, founded his own firm in California, and began raiding PhD programs and electronics companies for gifted, young recruits. We should be out there panning for gold. Michael S. Malone, Writer: They knew how good they were, and Shockley was treating them as if they were children. Narrator: Fairchild Semiconductor -- soon-to-be manufacturer of silicon transistors -- set up shop just down the road from Shockley, renting out a concrete slab of a building that amounted to little more than walls and a roof. Narrator: On that morning in 1957, none of the eight defectors likely had any idea what would happen next. Regis McKenna, Marketing Consultant: Leaders break the rules. Jack Yelverton, Fairchild Semiconductor: There's a principle that is pretty consistent in the electronics business that the first product that you make is very, very expensive. |, December 7, 2019 We'd go in there and everybody was bragging about, "I took that job away from you down there at Hughes," you know. Narrator: In the spring of 1969, as Intel engineers continued to tinker with the design of their memory chip, the fledgling company scored a contract that would alter its course. And the integrated circuit -- the revolutionary technology that would usher in a new era in human history -- had yet to be invented. Please try again. It's the moon landing; it's Woodstock. The series finale aired on December 8, 2019. Kathleen Cohen, Palo Alto Resident: People came to California to get started again in their lives in new directions. Jobs had Steve Wozniack, essentially a techie tinkerer who could invent small gizmos which could defraud the phone company. Associated Press His mantra now was innovation, and everything about Intel had been designed to encourage it -- from the company-wide stock options to the open-plan office. Add the first question. Alex Gibey's The Inventor declines to outright condemn the actions by Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes, but instead provides a comprehensive overview of the scandal that allows viewers to mull over its implications towards the broader Silicon Valley. An industry which now permeates all aspects of modern life. It's a great way to picture (literally) what "the good old days of IT" were like, which in turn helps you appreciate how incredibly fast things have been moving ever since. Robert Ruliffson In March 1959, at an industry trade show in New York, Texas Instruments announced that it had patented an entire circuit on a single semiconductor chip -- effectively trouncing the competition. Larry Bozman Jay Last, Physicist: Sherman Fairchild had the vision and the interest in us. It happened in a garage. And so I felt that my first obligation was to try to talk those seven folks into not leaving. To see what they were doing at Fairchild when I went there, I was in awe. Michael S. Malone, Writer: Noyce comes from a generation that we won't see again in the electronics industry. ", Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 8, 2020. Narrator: Eventually, seven of the company's top scientists and engineers -- Jean Hoerni, Julius Blank, Victor Grinich, Eugene Kleiner, Gordon Moore, C. Sheldon Roberts, and Jay Last -- decided to take matters into their own hands. It was a very great, peer-patriotic feeling as well as a feeling that it's our technology that's doing that. The transistor radio quickly became the most popular electronic communication device the world had ever seen. It just seemed like the would be a stronger, more dramatic ending.”. America By Air LLC Michael S. Malone, Writer: We talk about the early era of Silicon Valley as being cowboys and Indians, and the Wild West show. R. Victor Jones The microprocessor of course is a collection of thousands, hundreds of thousands, now millions, of transistors. Fairchild was like a seedpod, and it just scattered new companies all over this valley. Roger Borovoy, Fairchild Semiconductor Attorney: Things were not good. In this 1999 television movie, the early rise of Microsoft and Apple Computer is dramatized. Leslie Berlin, Historian (audio): Those dollars bills they signed are Silicon Valley's declaration of independence. Narrator: As the internal strife mounted and earnings plunged, Fairchild began to splinter. With a new invention that promised to revolutionize blood testing, Elizabeth Holmes became the world's youngest self-made billionaire, heralded as … Clip Silicon Valley in the 1960s. This is a docudrama that follows the rise of the home computer (PC) through the rivalry between Apple Computer and Microsoft,