what about the word ‘even’ is the second e silent. English!”? The word resumé is often spelled in English with the French accent aigu to indicate the untypical pronunciation. aim, eel, lie, oat, juice. -ing, -ed, -er, -able, -ous, ). Keep All Right Reserved. Impromptu is one of the few exceptions to this rule. These exceptions must be learned in order to master learning phonics in English. Rhythm and chasm are ONE SYLLABLE words. The word, “rhythm,” has 2 syllables, but only one vowel. Wait, your rule about every syllable must have a vowel has the requisite exception. Silent final e makes the vowel say its name. Long vowels – rule and exceptions. Tree lance and charge. The e at the end of have and blue do not affect pronunciation. Dismissing an entire language for a few flaws seems a bit extreme. It’s fine to have exceptions – and English is inherently a language of exceptions – but I get irritated when some people insist that there’s only one syllable in words like chasm or rhythm, just to make these words fit the rule. another use of the silent