QuickSheets are a handy way to study critical exam material without having to page through an entire textbook. The Mometrix SIE Study Guide provides in-depth explanations of all of the critical concepts tested on the exam, including market structure, regulatory agencies, and securities products. There are a huge amount of topics and terms that aren’t touched in the Kaplan materials anywhere. Is there any company offering Series 22 study materials now? (We will be updating this list with prices and more details once the providers make their SIE study materials available. However, we can see from FINRA's SIE content outline that there appears to be significant overlap with the previous Series 7. The pre-SIE Series 7 was a 6 hour, 250 multiple-choice question exam that covered general financial knowledge as well as product-specific knowledge. However, for those considering the SIE as a way to gain financial skills valued by employers, we are skeptical about its usefulness. Josh Brown, author of "Backstage Wall Street: An Insider’s Guide to Knowing Who to Trust, Who to Run From, and How to Maximize Your Investments," captured this sentiment well: The Series 7 exam requires you to memorize enough useless information to get through a 6-hour, 250-question test. Rarely do people retain content after only reading material once. There are a lot of video courses out there. Test your knowledge on fundamental securities terms and prepare for the exam with hundreds of review terms. However, if such individuals fail to pass the current representative-level exam and the next eligibility date for retaking the exam is on or after October 1, 2018, they will be required to pass the SIE and the revised representative-level qualification exam in order to register as a representative. Practice your exam-taking technique while learning more about key topics. With the SIE, instead of just taking the Series 7, you will need to pass both the SIE and a new, shortened version of the Series 7. The Series 79 is the Series exam for investment banking professionals who exclusively engage in advisory services to corporations. The QBank also gives you the ability to: The Practice Exam is designed to closely replicate the true exam experience in terms of the degree of difficulty, timing, format, and topical coverage. Repetition is best spaced out. Many don't do more than regurgitate the textbook, and... Old Faithful (s): STC and Kaplan. If you don't receive the email, be sure to check your spam folder before requesting the files again. Thank you! The top-off tests expire two years after a professional leaves the industry. Not sure about the others but Kaplan study materials for the SIE have about zero to do with the actual test questions. The previous FINRA format was often criticized for too much overlap of content across the individual Series exams, and finance professionals looking to remain in good standing found the need to take multiple Series exams inefficient and costly. Our site will be unavailable for 5 hours starting on Monday, November 16th from 10:00pm and ending at 3:00am CT on Tuesday, November 17th for maintenance. Given that the exam is far shorter and focuses on basic industry knowledge, we suspect it will basically be a Series 7 “light.” If that turns out to be the case, SIE exam prep will likely be a mercifully shorter version of Series 7 exam prep. thanks, i heard that a lot of people recommends Serdemy, have anyone tried can share account with me? Build simulated exams to provide a comprehensive test review of all material. Through our professional readings of the License Exam Manual, you can acquire essential knowledge and maintain top-of-mind awareness while you prepare for all the major topics and concepts on your qualification exam. Kaplan’s team of experts builds the content with a focus on the most recent rules and regulations. Combine your study package with additional study tools or use them on their own to prepare for your qualification exam. This exam can be taken only once and provides unique practice questions that you haven’t seen at this point in your studies. If you take the SIE and don’t find a job at a FINRA-member firm within 4 years, you’ll have to retake the exam.