0 0. mangolicious365. Shredding solos aside, your average guitarist spends most of the time playing all (or most) of the strings at once, with fingers carefully arranged to produce harmonious chords. Its closer to playing lead lines and singing at the same time. I really like both instrument, I can't decide which one to learn first. The skills transfer between them quite a bit, so learning one will help you play the other. Just some advise, but if you don't already play acoustic guitar, this guitar will be better to start of with as a beginner. for a guy, what is the difference between a fantastic chick and just average? They sing and play bass, and both are super unique in their style! The strings on a guitar are smaller than on a bass, so there is less finger strength required to learn the guitar. Is it weird that I’m calmer at public speaking than one on one? ! 0 0. A bass has a larger sound as well. 1 decade ago. you should learn bass guitar first i tried the trumpet and didn't like it and i have a bass guitar and its really fun and easy. Know the difference . Whats the difference between my acoustic foams for my home studio. In the guitar vs. bass match, who would really win? You can sign in to vote the answer. The band MCR sparked my music. They're both really fun and have totally unique sounds. The only challenge is the scale length, so you'll benefit if you have big hands! I like psychedelic kind of music now especially Tame Impala. When you feel stuck on one, you can pick up the other and usually find something new. Guitar vs. Bass: Which is Better to Learn? Pros of Guitar: While bass does have more freedom within a song, if there is a solo it usually goes to the lead guitar player. Bass guitars are larger than six-string guitars. If you are likely to learn the guitar for initially (Or perhaps you attempted before and only could not obtain the "hang" of it), then Jamorama is the right program for you since every session includes a video to accompany the concepts, and after you have removed via a week of classes, you can download and print a workout page connected with these lessons. In your own opinion, does eating of right food affects the performance of the dancers? If you're into bass, you'll be motivated to master bass. There are numerous styles of guitar. If, however, you take more musical joy from the rhythm or the force of the sound, you'll like being a bass player. It doesn't really work the other way around. Bass guitar strings themselves are also thicker and spaced apart more. There is never a disadvantage to learn two instruments, but to learn one instrument just to learn … (I'm really short, so I had to stretch to reach 7th position) And, low brass to bass. Anonymous. Most bass players pluck out bass lines with their fingers, while guitarists are more likely to strum chords with a pick. Can you use a Metronome to tune a guitar? The other reason is that when it comes to putting a band together, guitarists are a dime a dozen but a real dedicated bassist is hard to find. I learned guitar first, and I think it gave me really good finger dexterity, helped me run scales fast/play chord changes cleanly. It's all described in more detail in the videos. Would you start practicing drums at age 30+? When I moved over to bass, I loved how easy it was to play. But after I learn bass, I'm gonna learn guitar 'cause of Frank Iero, but I'm not going to play on the floor. Take a moment to consider whether bass or guitar is the right instrument for you. LiveAbout uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. HOWEVER, if you are more into music, and enjoy the beat, I would recommend bass. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I kinda wanna learn bass first 'cause um, I originally played trombone, so yeah...kind of know how to hold a long instrument. A music enthusiast would eventually enter the dilemma in choosing between a bass and guitar. Bass guitar strings themselves are also thicker and spaced apart more. Just be REALLY SURE to learn good left hand technique! Learned the bass first, and guitar second. By Monica | Guitar Techniques. Explain.? Learn both. I would go with the guitar (acoustic or electric) first, in your case electric, so that you can learn a bit of everything, melody, chords, bass, theory, and lots of songs. Still have questions? And of course I'll check those artists out, they sound very cool. If you're dedicated to bass and become a real BASSIST, you'll be in much more demand when you want to join a band. As I write my own songs, perhaps learning to play the guitar might be useful as well, but honestly I find the bass way more enjoyable. Who do you think you are? The bass is easier to learn and it costs less to buy. defidently not bass , i play trumpet , its not that easy , but its a really ffun instrument 2 learn im only 11 and i love it . #1. Many of the skills you learn and all of the knowledge and understanding you gain from playing guitar will help you greatly with bass. So lately I've been wondering this because I'd like to try singing while playing an instrument. When someone is completely new to learning guitar, they aren’t likely to even know the basic differences that exist between acoustic and bass guitars. I would recommend bass, because you start with monophonic lines---meaning you just play one note at a time! Generally speaking, it's the bass (and yes, the drums too) that get a crowd up and moving. By using LiveAbout, you accept our, Classification System of Musical Instruments, Introduction to Learning Guitar for Beginners, Learning Major Scale Patterns and Sus4 Chords on Guitar, Strum a Guitar, Develop Finger Technique, and Play Minor Chords, Profile of the Six String Acoustic Guitar. Learning an instrument well takes time and dedication. Any advice on what should I learn first? Selecting the right instrument is important when starting to learn the guitar. I vote bass, but not just because I'm a bassist. 'Math doesn't care about' Trump fraud claims: Official, Toobin fired by magazine following Zoom incident, How Va. gym managed to avoid coronavirus outbreak, Blank ballots: 'I could not give my vote to either person', Heart condition forces Penn State star to retire, What 'Fixer Upper' star would tell her younger self, Few legal wins so far as Trump team hunts for proof of fraud, Host of provocative series recalls Oprah question. 1 decade ago. There's a lot of tiny strings and your fingers have to move a LOT! Which one should I learn first: bass or guitar? The video classes demonstrate how exactly to perform chords – the fundamentals of enjoying guitar. ? Guitars can get very messy and confusing with lots of notes and chords and for a beginner, it can be overwhelming. It may take longer to learn but it's totally worth it. Ultimately I'd just say play whichever one you like the most. I mean you could easily play punk bass or some hard rock or metal and sing... but playin funk? Singing is WAY harder while playing the bass. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. As I write my own songs, perhaps learning to play the guitar might be useful as well, but honestly I find the bass way more enjoyable. Really, don’t do it. It's easy to hurt your wrist, especially with the fretting shapes you make with your hands on bass. Both the instruments are similar in a lot of ways. Thanks! If you love music for its melody lines or interesting structures of chords and harmonies, you may have more fun playing the guitar. There are lots of bands where the singer (and/or songwriter) is the bassist. If you simply start to play the guitar then you need the very best classes on the market to learn how to enjoy this difficult tool and the most effective is Jamorama website, here https://tr.im/mb2qs. Unfortunately, there are several factors that you have to consider first before you should pick which one to master. http://www.prolearnguitar.com/learn-how-to-play-el... i don't know what you'll choose but in case, you're opting for electric guitar, i really hope you have played an acoustic guitar first. A lot of people playing bass are second rate guitarists who get stuck with it because they or their bandmates think "bass is easy" (which is not true). Jermaine Jackson? There’s simply no leeway when you’re the rhythm section, and bass lines are often in off beats, etc. The reason is motivation. #Question name: I want to learn bass Do I need to learn acoustic guitar first? toatally trumpet !! So lately I've been wondering this because I'd like to try singing while playing an instrument. I think your mums right, but yet again it's all up to you and what you want. A bass will let you wield deep, rumbling notes that can shake up a stage, while a guitar is used for higher melodies and harmonies that don't need as much volume.