County Sheriff Search and Rescue official website. County Sheriff Search and Rescue organization. Our program is set up to allow you to change to another option along your career path, so do not be too concerned about making a "wrong" choice. Department. While on duty, members are covered under State Worker's Compensation insurance under the Disaster Service Worker Act. Baker County Sheriff Search and Rescue is made up of trained volunteers who donate their time and personal equipment, on missions and training. The applicant will be scheduled for an orientation interview, conducted by Search and Rescue Command Staff. These units are Technical Rescue, Tactical Search, Communications, Canine, Medical, Search Management, Mounted, Motorized (4 X 4’s and off-road vehicles), Training and Administration. | News | About Us | Recent ©Copyright 2015 San Diego County Sheriff's We currently have three (2) membership options: Interested persons shall submit application for the position of Citizen Volunteer - Search and Rescue. Even though limited in what they are allowed to do, we consider this category of member to be extremely valuable. Because of COVID-19, to comply  with social distancing guidelines, you must have an appointment booked through the website, you may not enter the facility prior to your appointment time, and you cannot be late and expect to keep your appointment. Over the years, Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Detail has grown tremendously. as a way to give back to their community. In March of 1963 the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, first formalized search and rescue team was formed as part of the Sheriff's Department, Emergency Services Division. To request an application or for more information about the San Diego County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, contact Search and Rescue via e-mail at or at (619) 956-4990. The forms provide for the initial application and preliminary background check for both positions. We also serve as a mutual aid resource for other counties in the area. Search and Rescue. Total instruction will cover approximately 200 to 300 hours and cover orientation, first aid, search skills, repel rescue support, general field support, man tracking, survival, incident management, equipment and some related law enforcement subjects. or friend, please call 9-1-1 to activate the Crook They are not permitted to engage in law enforcement activities except under a few (very limited) conditions in support roles. Volunteer members are local citizens that have the desire to help their neighbors and friends in a time of need, Each member must meet the standards established by the Sheriff in order to qualify.